The new original series “The Outsiders” on WGN is about a struggle for power and control. The show is set in the rugged and mysterious hills of modern-day Appalachia. Outsiders follows the Farrells. The series tells the story of their family clan who have been in rural Kentucky since before anyone can remember. Living off of the grid and above the law on their mountaintop homestead, they will protect their world and defend their way of life using any means necessary. The series stars Joe Anderson, David Morse, Ryan Hurst, Gillian Alexy, Kyle Gallner, Thomas M. Wright and Christina Jackson.
Casting directors are looking for non-union actors to be featured extras on the show. All candidates must be local to Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas. The casting team needs females who are between the ages of 20 and 59 with long dark hair (no highlights, if hair is colored dark, it must look natural). Females must also be in good physical shape and willing to expose skin in a bikini top, exposed stomach etc. These are recurring roles that will shoot between May and October and different times.
If you fit the requirements and are interested in being considered, please email with your Name, Height, Weight, Phone Number, Age, 2 photos, one close up, one full body, (please have someone take a recent good photo of you against a plain white wall). You should write Featured in the subject line of the email.
Was wondering if extras are still needed.I attended the April open auditions.