From the USA Network comes the most exciting reality television program of the year, The Moment. This amazing show will give several everyday people the opportunity to have a second chance at previously abandoned careers. Submissions for upcoming open casting calls are being accepted now. This is the chance for you or someone you know to get one more precious moment to live out a life’s dream!
The Moment will be hosted by NFL legend Kurt Warner who himself had to abandon his dream of being a pro football quarterback and found himself working in a grocery store stocking shelves. 18 months later he was a league and Super Bowl MVP and on his way to a Hall of Fame career. Who better than Kurt to lead those lucky people chosen to take one more shot at their dream life.
Did you or someone you love always want to be a race car driver, fashion designer, chef, deep sea diver or anything else but for some reason or another have to give up their dream? Did family responsibilities, health problems or financial concerns get in the way of you or a family member of becoming something they always wanted to be ? This is that rare chance to take one more chance on your biggest dream and fulfill your special moment. Applications for this awesome show are being accepted now and auditions will be held soon. Leave a comment below to tell us why you want to have a Moment and go here mysticartpictures.com/ncshow.php?nc_id=50 to nominate yourself or someone you love.
Many of us have to make selfless choices at one point or another that may cost us something we want – most people never get that “one more chance” to get their dream back, until now! Apply today and let Kurt Warner and the USA Network give you your ‘Moment’.
My name is Angel. When I was younger, I had dreams of being an actress. I acted a little in college and also wrote, directed, and produced a play. After graduation, I moved to Atlanta and signed up with an agency. I got a few small local roles and worked as an extra in a movie.
I began to plan a move to New York when I got pregnant. After my son was born, I tried to continue to pursue my dreams. However, raising a child on my own, it became too difficult to go to auditions and the money was too inconsistent. I moved to Florida to stay with my father and put together a life that would provide for me and my boy.
I am now a 34 year old middle school science teacher. I am married and happy, but I still find myself wondering "What if" every once in a while. I have done very little acting recently and I miss it. I really would love a chance to take a real shot at my dream and see if I could make a living as an actress. I am not expecting to become famous, I just want a shot to do what I have always loved doing.
Hi my name is Tabbatha. I have always wanted to be a actress or entertainer. I remember this dream from childhood. I love being the center of attention and making people laugh. I love having my picture taken and I feel as if life is a stage and I want to be on the stage. I love people and I being the life of the party. I had children at a young age and went to Nursing school for a more reliable income. I have been a Nurse since 1996 but not a day goes by that I don't wish I was on a stage somewhere. I would love the opportunity to see if I have what it takes to become a successful actress or entertainer. Thank you Sincerely, Tabbatha
Hi, my name is Belinda but I am writing for my fiancé. His dream has been to be a model/actor. He was well on his way when one night he was modeling in a fashion show that got out of control and he was shot 3 times (twice in the chest and once in the neck). Thank God he survived. But his career came to a hault that night. He hasn't been able to get back on his feet in the industry since. He hasn't considered modeling since then due to his scares but his dream now is to be able to audition for Tyler Perry and be in one of his movies. Please help him accomplish his dreams.
My dream is to write for a television sitcom. I studied screenwriting in graduate school at Chapman University, but I wasn't diligent enough in pursuing that dream after I was out of school, and that's when Life happened and drew me further away from that dream. Now, 14 years and 3000 miles later I'm working as a freelance writer doing mostly corporate work. While I enjoy the fact that I'm still in the writing field, I long to prove my worth on a studio lot.
Hello my name is Kyl Johnson I'm 22 years old and i have always wanted to Join the US Marine Corp just one problem i don't have a GED or High School diploma see the GED programs around here in Fulton won't take me in for prep classes i just want to serve our country thats asking to much i guess i would love to join the Marines so please give me a Second chance
I'm writing for my daughter. she is a clothing designer. she interned with betsy johnson right after college. day of graduation she got a job with calvin klein (men's division) in n. y. after about 6 months her best friend died in a car accident and she fell to pieces. she ended up coming home to florida. she has been designing on her own ever since. she did a phenomenal bathing suit line and when 9/11 hit all the stores that gave her orders cancelled. she quit for a while and went back, but this time designing women's clothing. she just hasn't gotten the right break yet. just look at her clothing line and you will see that she
deserves a break. being on this show may give her the opportunity she needs to make it. just go to camelle miami website and you will see some of her clothing.
I want to be a producer/director in moves. I was on my way there. I started a website with a producer friend that took off. But on May 9 my sister got sick and she was pregnant they saved the baby but not my sister. I had to take care of the children and give my dream of making movies. I would love to do it again please help me out!!
I have 3 Children all in a country band. They are trying to make it, but just can't get in front of a record producer. They all three have been going to school, working, and playing any gig they get a chance too. They are very talented and have wonderful three part harmonies.
It is their dream and they are very diligent hard working young people.
Thank you,
Leah (mom)
Ever since I was a little girl, I had dreamed of being a professional dancer. I would jump in front of any crowd and perform to whoever would watch. Years later, and now I am 16, I find myself still wanting to be a professional dancer, but I feel as if my time is up.
College auditions are next year and I've never been so scared for anything in my life. The previous times I have auditioned for anything I was always rejected. Summer Intensives, Jobs, and especially the High School Program.
Being a dancer, I have often received many negative comments regarding my weight. When I was thirteen years old and I auditioning, a scarring memory was formed. I was standing in the room in my leotard and tights, ready to partake in my group class. All of the dancers were surrounding me, observing, whispering comments about the fat girl auditioning. A stick thin ballet trained girl came over to me and asked, to my face, “aren’t you too overweight to be a dancer?” I was broken.
You don't forget standing onstage at a dance competition, dancing on stage while girls in the wings are snickering "look at the fat girl in the back, why is she even bothering taking dance."
I started to believe I was incapable of achieving my dance dreams due to my astounding weight of 175 lbs; however, I was not going to give up. I had always been overweight and had always been an average dancer. Through clean eating and exercise I was able to go from a size 12/14 to a size 4/6 and through extensive practice I was able to advance my dance skill. But not enough.
My dance studio is small. In fact I don't even have enough room to dance full out. My teachers don't acknowledge me.
I feel like I've been cheated of a dance education. My teachers never taught me, never corrected me, and never gave me a chance. I wasn't naturally talented, and I wasn't a favorite. The teachers don't acknowledge my existence. They stick me in the back corner and still don't take me seriously as a dancer.
I would go to another school, but they are too far and too expensive. Unfortunately, the price to practice extra is astoundingly high and my family was unable to afford private lessons.
I can't afford to go to a new school, I can't afford private lessons, and I can't get the type of education required. Essentially, its too late. But it doesn't have to be.
If I could take my senior year in another studio, dancing as much as possible, with private instructors or just in a class big enough for me to dance in, then I can improve. I need to be ready for college. I don't want to give up. I still wish to, want to, and need to be a professional dancer. Dance is the only thing that matters to me in life. I was able to lose all the weight, and I will be able to bring myself to the appropriate level.
The time is now and please consider me, I need a second chance.
Thank You
hi my name is james i am 23 years old and i would like to have another shot at my dream of playing football. In high school i was 6'5" and 255 pounds and played football and basketball but i never gave it my all. I was too busy running around with friends and not thinking about my future. now im 23 and have 2 kids and work full time to support them and i dont have the money or time to go to college. i often wonder what i could have been if i would have just tried and gave it my all. since getting out of high school ive slimmed down to 205 pounds but im still 6'5". i feel like i've let my parents and family down because i feel that they expected so much more from me. I would just like to have 1 more shot at it so i can give it my all.
my son Charlie put his dream on hold when his father passed away in 2007 to help me raise his little brother that was 13 at the time.his passion has always been special effects.for as long as I can remember he always wanted to go to the school in PA that was run by the best tom spafinie.he works on people during holloween I love Charlie to get that chance
I remember I was 7 when I attended my first air show. Watching the Blue Angels' two solo pilots do their act really captured my soul. Aircraft screaming thru the air, seemingly made to do impossible things that made crowds gasp. Right then and there, I knew I wanted to be an aerobatic pilot, and one day do what those men did. Loop, roll, and make a plane really dance in the skies, wowing the crowds and maybe inspiring some of them to follow their path and become aviators.
Fast forward 34 years later. Life went by as fast as those jets I watched as a child. I eventually managed to get my pilot's license, but the need to support my wife and I kept it at more a hobby-level. It was last year when I finally had enough – I saved up enough to take up a true aerobatic airplane and, with an instructor keeping me safe, put it they it's proper paces. Feeling the G's crush at me was exhilarating to say the least, as was the sense of accomplishment at pushing an airplane to it's maneuvering limits.
The only thing missing was a crowd.
I may one day be rated to loop and roll and make a plane dance thru the skies all by myself, but like my flying now, it would be just recreational. To be able to do so at an air show is that dream of mine that remains just out of reach. I'd love to pass onto the current generation of youngsters that bit of magic I felt when I was their age.
hello my name is brandon Bond i'm a single father of one son who is about to turn 11 in june.his mother passed away back in 2010.i never got a chance to do what i really wanted to do and thats flying heilcopters.i'm haveing a hard time with the cost of jus obtaining a piolets License.i'm in search of help to fufill this dream that i'v had for so long now. thank you for your time.. and for helping others live there dreams.
Dear Mr. Warner,
I found out that my mom contacted this site about her dream. I wanted to tell you about it as well. She gave up her dream twice. Once to be a mom to me and a second time, fourteen years later when she was diagnosed with cancer. My mom teamropes and when she thought I was old enough for her to start roping again, the worst things happended. My dad moved out and she found out she had cancer that same week. It was a really bad time for her but she is very strong and gave her trust to God and she handled all that happened with courage and grace. When my parents divorced that year, she worked two jobs to raise me. Her dream of roping again never happened. She sold her horse to move us back to her home town where she could be near her family. She is an amazingly unselfish person and an inspiration to everyone that knows her. She never had a real shot at roping and competing for a living but I have no doubt that even today, she could do it. She hasn't roped in many years but I know if you gave her an opportuniy, she would be an inspiration to so many people. She is kind and has a heart of gold and she truly deserves a chance to make her dream come true.
Thank you,
My name is Susie and my heart has always belonged to horses. I was married in 1988 and started team roping…loved it. I became a mom in 1993 and stopped ropig because being a mom took up all my time and I never regret making that decision. When my daughter became a teenager, I began to team rope again. I trained a horse that was given to me and I after he was seasoned I started winning small ropings and jackpots. That same year my husband left me and our daughter on a Monday afternoon and I found out I had cancer that next Tuesday morning. That year was the toughest of my life but I recovered emotionally and physically. My daughter and I were living in Abilene Texas at the time and decided to move back to my home town of Corpus Christi, Texas. I sold everything I had to make a fresh start…including my horse that I trained and loved. I work hard everyday but still dream of roping and competiting again.
good morning, mr. kurt warner. My name is glenn dhont.Ihave watched your show, and you seem like you are a good man, and care about people's feelings.I am writing to you today in hopes that i can accomplish my dream; to become a movie actor. I am doing this for my mom too. You see mr. warner, She has alzheimer's disease as well as benign leukemia.I HAVE DONE ACTING IN THE PAST, I CO-STARRED IN A MOTION PICTURE CALLED THE'4TH BEAST' . I EVEN HAVE IT ON DVD, WHERE MY NAME IS ON THE BACK AS ONE OF THE CO-STARS.bUT, I AM STRUGGLING, WITH NO MONEY, AND NO AGENT. I lost my full-time job last year so, i could'nt help my mom pay some of her bills. I always wanted to buy her things she never had, and i cry sometimes about it.I am doing the acting for myself and her. I don;t know how long she will live.I also did commercials, and was a model for sports illustrated working for renee kilmer johnson at randhurst mall in mt.prospect,illinois.I also worked for antwione and kelly labrock forsalon egocentric. I was the only white male model to work at his ebony agency.I also worked for dominick morella at nexus, chris montoya at lightworks, and xenon.Acting is the only thing i want to accomplish in my life,but i had difficulty finding jobs and without a agent.I cant afford it ,because i am trying to help my mother instead.IF YOU EVER READ THIS AND YOU DON'T CONSIDER ME, IWANT TO THANK YOU FOR READING THIS,AND ALSO TRYING TO HELP ME. yOU ARE A GOOD MAN .THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU. I HOPE WHATEVER YOU WISH FOR. IT COMES YOUR WAY.MR.WARNER ONE MORE THING YOU ARE ALSO HELPING MY MOM TOO.iSAVED HER LIFE TWICE AND SHE IS THE ONLY THING I HAVE THAT IS WORTH SOMETHING TO A BUM LIKE ME.tHIS IS WHY WHEN I HAVE TO WORK HARD AND WHEN I THINK OF GIVING UP, I THINK OF MY MOM. tAKE CARE, AND THANK YOU.
I Wrestled in the 80′s for Saturday morning TV for the WWF. Then got hurt in an auto accident to end my wrestling career. I was the Manager for the Tag team champs “The Kings of Pain” in 1998-2000. I then went back to work as an Electrician because I needed to put my children through college. I wish that I could have had a Second Chance at working for the now, WWE in the office, or as a Manager. I know that with my experience on the Executive Board of my union, and Paul-Central Corp. that I could be an asset to them if I only had a shot. PEZ.
Thank you for reading my post. I am asking for an opportunity for my husband to coach college football or basketball or announce for one of the ESPN channels. We became parents while he was in college. Since then his focus has been being there for other children who don't have fathers and being great for our own 2 children as well. Our son was born 2 months premature and he was with him everyday in the hospital ensuring that he was going to be fine. He's a great dad, father, son, brother, husband and friend who never does anything for himself including taking days off. For over the 10 years he has worked 7 days a week 14-15 hour days holding 5 yes I said 5 jobs at once (still to this day) and volunteers. He won't take the time to focus on himself or even just hang out with the guys. He knows that athletes need a mentor. He works even when he is sick and does not even take a personal days. I know everyone has a story and mine is not to make you feel sorry, but to ask you to consider this wonderful man that I love and has been blessed to be married to for this opportunity of a lifetime. Our son is doing fine now and our daughter who is a 9th grader volunteers in the community w successfully collected and distributing backpacks and school supplies for to kids in need in our community (over 700 to-date)which was inspired by her father's involvement in her life.
Hey My Mothers dream has always been to have a career in music, she is super talented and never really got a shot at it, she has three c.d.'s out and 3 daughters one of which passed away when my mom was just 27, i feellike she is so selfless everyday is about us and our family, she was a single mom who put food on our table, she looks and plays the part of a great and talented musician, she has bright Red and and an awesome band, we live in maine on the coast its beautiful here but no oppurtunity for her to exspress what i know deeply she wants to please help us make her dreamcome true i know she wont dissapoint, p.s we have videoes ext…
Hello Mr. Warmer my name is Michael calkins I'm 21 and want to join the U.S Army I don't have any problems with the law I'm just to big I'm over 100+ lbs over weight this has been my dream since i was little and need help i can't stand it its so hard to do it alone please help me realize my dream.
hi my name is darla I'm 22 yrs old with a 3 yr old daughter I have a fiance his name is zachary he's 23 yrs old he always wanting to be a football player he had a chance after graduating in high school top of the class he got a scholarship to play football at college he didn't have the money now he's working two jobs everyday and bills are still piling up he feels like he has no chance in playing football that It's over I want him to get another chance I would love to see my fiance fulfill he's dream
Hi I'm a 50 year old divorced mother of 2 young men.I've been a singer over25 years,I've done radio jingles,sang in church,done the national anthem at rodeos and motor cross competitions,weddings,funerals,my health went downhill with pain and depression that nearly paralyzed me.I'm scraping my way out this but keep getting knocked down.I'm a born again christian but my dream slipped thru my fingers.I feel defeated and gave up till I saw Kurt warner on christian 700 club and I knew I had to at least try and tell my story.may the lord willing.thank you for your time.Cindy Gervais Ivey.
Hello Mr. Warner,
My name is Tammy Nelson. I have lived in Nashville, Tn. over 15 years. I am a Wife,Mother and new Grandma at 53. I love the lord and sing in choir.
My dream has always been to sing at Carnegie Hall and Grand Ole Opry. Please help me with the exposure. I have written a song "Beautiful Baby" on utube under my name.
I sing at weddings, kentucky Opry and retirement homes. Would also like to sing National Anthems at any Football or Baseball games. I sang when Micheal Jordan came here with minor leagues. My talent is Natural, GOD given.
Have a vocal instructor too.
Thank You
God Bless,
Tammy Nelson
My name is G. Thomas, I am now 45 yrs. old. At age 15 I start my dream using a keyboard and drums. I upgraded to a professional studio in NY in 1990. I was able to get into the Warehouse studio here in Philly in 1995. Because the almost impossible difficulty with Philly artist breaking into the industry, I started a record company in 1996. My then wife made my life a living hell with constant accusations of cheating which caused me to come down with heart failure in 2002. In 2004 I had a heart transplant, a year later she divorced me to be with another man. After a downward spiral, my disability was stopped and I was homeless in 2010. I am now slowly able to get on my feet, I still work on music on the chance that I will one day get to live the dream I waited my entire life for.
My name is loretta and my dream is to be a sitcom writer and to eventually write and produce movies. I enjoy writing and meeting new people and I have not made the connections in Hollywood that I need to make to get my career off the ground. I have great ideas but need a platform and an audience to see and hear them. If given the opportunity, I know I would be a great success.
Hi I am writing for my husband Jay his dream has been to race for NASCAR he has raced for the last 14 years its his passion his life last yr he finally took track champion at are local track and decided to give it up bc he has no where else to go. We watch the show all the time and he seen the guy get his chance to race and I could just see him think how awesome that would be. I don't want to see him give up on his dream,his life he is an amazing person and we have been through a lot this last yr and I would just absolutely love for him to have the chance of a lifetime
hi my name is anthony fight name is praysalot i am a mma fighter. When i started 5 years ago i was homeless and told all the promoters give me a free meal and a room for the night and i will fight any one at any weight. lost 10 fights in a row. but have never been knock out only submitted.Now i have won 7 mma ammy titles and plan on turning pro when i turn 40 this year. i am super tough have had 47 mma fights in less than 5 years. i am a honest god fearing man that can do something great with your help. Many kids i beat last year have gone on to have great pro careers. thank you and god bless
My name is Sylvia and I am writing in regards to my Husband. We have been together for the past 12 years, when I saw this show for the first time I was filled with joy. I became so emotional in observing that there are still individuals out in this world that still care about other people's dreams. I have been so blessed to have such a great partner. My husbands dream is to become a commercial pilot, but as a couple as the years go by it becomes harder and nearly impossible just because of all the obstacle that as adults we have to face. He has taken the responsibility like any other man to take care of his family, but then our world came crashing down when we had to put our life on hold for five years because he was diagnosed with epilepsy, As he got worse we fought and doctors were just giving up, In explaining to him that this was his life, and that he had no choice but to accept. But as a strong, full of faith family that we are we fought even harder and he was operated. He became seizure free. Still putting his dreams on hold, he decided to take private flying lessons, but ended up paying a fortune to people who really did not care about his dream , but about there pockets. To the point were both our parents passed away and his job in LGA closed its station. But yet he still manages to keep his head up and have faith in god in believing that one day it will be his day. He even took a commuting job just because it gave him the opportunity to commute in plane every day, and interact with other pilots even though he was the agent sitting in the back to go to His destination to make other people's dreams come true. Now we are having another bundle of joy joining our family soon to complete our family in which I know will now put his dream completely on hold. If anyone deserve this it would be my husband. The passion and the willingness that he has to make this work is outstanding, through everything we have been through he has managed to get his private pilot , but struggles to have that moment. And that moment I believe is this show. This will not only make his dream come true but mines as well. Having the opportunity of becoming a commercial pilot even for a moment will complete us, it will be our miracle.
I would like to nominate my husband he would be perfect for the moment . He is Turning 24 this year he has been trying to make his dream come true going on 10 years he want to be a pro motocross racer he has raced quads for 9 years then switched to dirtbikes he resently switched back to quads but has not been able to race due to some issues with his quad everytime he had tried to become pro something happens weather it's money issue or something keeping him from racking he has all the passion for it and I support him with his dream it just seems that he can't presue his dream on his on I would love to suprise him with being on the show and making his dream come true I really hope you take the time to look at this and consider my husband for the show thanks so much
A wife jut trying to make her husband dream come true
I am writing on behalf of my husband, Aaron Rush. He would love to become a Motorcycle Drag Racer. He has such a strong passion for motorcycles. He's been riding for years now. Back in 2010 he broke his neck but didn't let that keep him from riding. We have two beautiful daughters who love climb up on the motorcycle with their daddy. Unforutantly, money got tight and we had to sell his motorcycle. It kills him to not be ridding. It would mean so much to all of us if Aaron could have a second chance at this! Thank you!
Hell my name is dustin duvall I am 23 years of age I have a beautiful fiance meagan I am writin you because when I was 18 I screwed my whole life up for a women that was older an she took it all I currently work an a tire/ reair shop as a mechanic. Making 10 bucks an hour bearly surviving me an my fiance share one car an on top of trying to provide for us an help my grandparents that may not have much time left an all I ever wanted to do is work in the auto racing industrie as a mechanic my life is gooing ok beeter than it was five years ago but I can't seem to get out of this hole I've been in so I am asking for. A second chance not only for me but for my family so I c can help provide better for my hole fammily so I am asking please. For your help kurt warner it would be a. Miracle if could be a mechanic in racing
Thanks dustin
I am righting for my husband he has been trying for 9 years to become a pro motocross racer he loves racing dirt bikes and quads he is 23 years old this is a sport he lives and breathes but he works on a boat so his job keeps him away a month at a time which gets in the way plus it's always money issues or something breaks something seems to always keep him from his dream he has tried so hard I would love to surprise him with the show please consider my husband he would be perfect for "the moment"
My name is Seth. A few years ago I moved in with my Dad and he had to quit his job as a DJ. He was doing really well playing shows with some big names and he loved doing it more than anything he's ever done. He stopped Djing so he could have a day job and be home with me.
Last year we had an apartment fire and lost everything we owned. My Dad has spent all his money trying to get my things back and really hasn't done very much for himself. He's a great Dad anda great DJ. I think My dad Aaron (DJ Five4) should have the chance to be on this show and get to dj again
Hi, My nanes Bobby Muriel I think I deservea second chance,I gave up the chance to be a pro singer to start a prison minstry for about ten years max prisons boys homes it was great in ran its course I went on in2010 my wife of 31 years lose her battle with cancer,months later my mom lost to cancer year before lost my dad to heart attack I almost took my life my brother reached out to me asked me to work with him hes in the most worked cover band in the world Dr.Zchivegas look it up on utube I lose my job my house my self worth im a tech not singing in the bsnd lifes still very hard without my love I still want to be s pro singer just need a shot thax Bobby
I would like my husband Paul Heisler to have a chance at his dream. He is an extremely talented guitarist and vocalist. He is respected by his fellow musicians and friends. Paul had a family at a very young age and was even a single father for many years. He is well deserving and would be grateful for the chance to live his dream.
My name is Emily, and it is my overwhelming dream to become a professional golfer. I didn't start golf until about my 2nd year of high school, and didn't start taking it seriously until my junior and senior year. I was fortunate enough to receive a college scholarship, but after college I will be forced to give golf a back seat in my life. I've never wanted anything more in my life. My family tells me I'll never be able to do it, because most pro golfers start so young and are usually in the LPGA by my age. I would love to show them wrong and show other athletes that even though you don't train your entire life for something… You can still reach your dreams. Please, please consider. I would be so grateful to be even given a chance. Please don't pass me up because I'm young… I want this more than anything.
the show is great the joy in the contestants faces is a life time unforgetable when i was a young man i always dreamed of becoming an ction actor after getting married and children going on auditions seem to fade away it was more going to work than auditions i have been driving a truck for 30 years now watching this show gives me a chance and one shot at this life long dream
Hey. My name is Rickey Tedder I am 26 years old. I always wanted to dirt tracker I love racing.i am just asking for someone to hel my dream to come true. And then maybe become a NASCAR driver also. So. Can do both. Thanks
Im 23 years old and my professional dream would be a race car driver. Ive loved the sport since i was 5 years old. Ive had had the previlige to drive a nascar truck for a small nascar team with very good praises, but like many others the funding just isnt there for myself and im just looking for that chance to show what i know im capable of. Thanks and very cool show, its good to see people have a chance at there dream.
Hello, my name is Jonathan Weaver and I'm 21 years young and I have been trying to get into NASCAR since I have been around it. My dad has done this his whole life and I want to make him proud and show him that all my hard work will pay off. I would love to have my chance. Thanks for show and opportunity. Sincerely Jonathan Weaver
Hi my name is Eddie brown and my dream has always been to be a NASCAR driver.It seems to me this is prolly one of the hardest sports to get into because if you don't have the money or the backing there is no hope! I have been driving trucks for the last 16 years and would love an oppritunity to give this a try!
My name is Larry Stewart retried from GM I come from a family of four 2boys&2girls we lived from pay check to pay check we did alright in high school I was into art parents couldn't send me to college had to go to work at 18 years old to help the family. that was the end of that.I later in life started singing I couldn't get a break I couldn't even cut a gospel record.I got married that was the end of that a family time consuming all in love.Later in life I got into video filming&video editing I took a course got certified. I have watch a lot of movies& films over the years my dream now is to be a movie&film director I Know talent when I see it I directed some video projects all I need is a chance Thank you for your time.
Hi, my name is Judy since I became a mother 27 years ago I have always wanted to help people.I wanted to be a lawyer to help women who were victims of domestic violence…I know that time had passed however my heart is still to help these women, I want to open a big home for women and children. A safe haven that can be called home to those who can have the opportunity.
/chance…. My d dream is to help without limitations…
My name is Joan and my fiancés name is Joe. He would probably kill me if he found out I was writing this for him. Before i was with him, Joe had a huge set back with perscription pills. Today he is is a changed person. Thank god, i couldn't picture my life with out him. We are newly engaged and getting married in a year. We both cannot stress how we just want to live comfortably and love our life no matter what we do, or where we go. I am a medical assistant working full time and still going to night school. Saving for a wedding and a home for us to live is hard, when your paying for all other bills. Joe works for a glass company and is great at what he does but is a motorcycle stunt rider by heart. Ever since I met him he has been so passionate about riding, and he truly has a gift. Everyone that lives by us and knows Joe and what he can do is truly blown away by his talent. He always keeps me reassured that our life is going to be wonderful no matter what, and always goes above and beyond for people even when he shouldn't. If anyone deserves a shot at showing anyone the amount of talent they have it is my fiancé Joe. Please consider meeting him I promise you his passion and gift is absolutely not an exaggeration. Help Make my future husband into a professional motorcycle stunt rider.
This is not for me, but for my fiance. He has always wanted to be a professional musician for the gaming industry or soundtracks; a modern day Danny Elfman if you will. He can play any instrument you hand him and his music is his passion but it always takes the backseat to his family. He enrolled in the military rather than pursuing his dream after his first record deal and then has always been stuck working and taking care of family when he should be in the studio. He has an amazing gift that I really would love for him to share with the world but now he feels he is 'too old' and just doesn't see how it could be possible. I wish he could have the chance to inspire his son by following his dreams!
We would like for you to consider our father/ husband for this show. He was well on his way as a D1 College fastpitch softball coach. We believe that Bill is on of the best coaches around. He gave up his dreams of coaching because he became a father. Please consider him. He makes a difference on the field in all the girls lives every time they play! Hes a winner. Thanks you for looking at my Daddy. -Emma
I'm 67 I look 57 I've had lots of vocal training.
I sing very well and have just recently been brave enough to say that.
For the last five years I have tried to very hard to get gigs in my town, but a small city only hires people who have been on the scene for more than five years. I have come close to doing big things, like actually working for Diana Ross and sang" reach out and touch" from the audience cause she new I could sing. My life fell apart and away from any chance of my dream of being a concert entertainer. I would love to have at least nights engagement at the Orpheum theater in Minneapolis. There is more to my story, but mega bytes cost money. Please check me out and make my dream come true please?
Thomas Bruce
I would like to nominate my husband of 11 years, Dave,36 years old. We met 14 years ago. At that time I was a single mom raising a 2 year old. He has always talked about being a Prol Golfer. He has looked into going to Q school but it was never the right time with taking on a family. His passion is golf! He is a scratch golfer at local course, had a hole in one & holds course records. He has given up so much for me & my daughter, this would be such a great opportunity for me to give back to him what he loves to do.
Thank you!!
My dream was to relocate to Las Vegas to be a valet parker at one of the prime casinos. I had plans to do this the fall of 2001, but 9/11 changed my plans. I got married, had 3 kids, and have been a stay at home dad since then. If I could be land a job like this I would relocate my family in a heartbeat!!!
I'm writing to nominate my husband, Vance Lorenz, as an individual to appear on a season of the moment. Since Vance was a boy he has been on or in something with an engine and wheels. He has also worked on all of these vehicles and toys since a young age. Vance and I married and started our family and a young age and with a 10 year commitment to the US Navy his dreams of racing were put on the back burner. By the time he complete his service we had two small children and were ready to get back to family and our roots which was in the beautiful State of MT however not a lotofopportunity in the racing industry here. About 7 years ago we were finally able to scrape up enough mioney for Vance to purchas ethics first car. Vance earned most of the money by working side jobs at night and the weekends. I knew he was going to be good however I'm afraid I was slightly off in my prediction, he's a natural. He won the main event on only the second time he ever raced. Since he has captured two rookie of the years as he has moved up in classes, two track champions and many wins. Vance is the most dedicated and involved racer I've come across. Literally owning his own program by building his cars and doing all the mechanical work and set up on his own. I would love to see his dream come true to race with in big league of NASCAR among so many drivers that he has deep respect for. Please consider making his dream come true. Sincerely Tina Lorenz
I am 45 years old, marrierd with three kids and live at the Jersey Shore. I have been photographing for about 20 years but my main interest has always been Surf photography. All my friends are surfers and i love trying to find different ways to photograph the aspects of surfing just not the surfer. Any way my dream job would be to work for Surfer Magazine. I would love a shot to try this.
My dream is not to “be” but to do.
In 1988 I became aware that many veterans with organic brain damage were being miss diagnosed as “adjustment disorders”. If you have brain damage you certainly have a mental adjustment problem.
A 1995 hunger strike on the Mall in DC led to additional NIH research on traumatic brain injuries (TBI) but it took another 10 years and an Op Ed before congress granted compensation from 2009 for TBI that covered the more subtle injuries that had previously been miss diagnosed as “adjustment disorders” that were not compensated by either the VA or the military.
Left behind is the past compensation for prior injuries and brain damage from cerebral malaria. A bogus study (the Kastl report done in 1966) is used to deny the cerebral malaria victims compensation and was quoted in a congressional hearing on the subject.
A study using FIOA information comparing subject individual incomes from post service with individuals who were in the service at the same time with the same induction scores but were not exposed to any brain damage potential would prove the problem the individuals face.
can i just tell you this show is an amazing idea, giving people a second chance is what life is all about. I'm actually writing for my boyfriend. His dream is to be a stand up comedian and he used to perform when he was younger and won some competitions. unfortunately for his dreams he is an amazing father and the best partner a girl could hope for. he has sacrificed so much for our family and he constantly talks about how cool it would be to just to get back up there. It makes me sad that he has to work so hard for us and he doesnt have anything that is his own. He is the funniest person i know, besides myself, and i know he would rock the socks off of anyone watching! I love the crap out of this guy and everyone else will too!
Hello I would like to submit a request to have my son’s dream job come to to life. His name is Kyle Burton, and I am blessed to have him in my life. I have been a single parent since Kyle, was just a year old. Kyle, has worked hard to keep us above water by working and going to school. He as just recently graduated from college and is now trying to get into the work force. His dream is to work for a MLB team as an analyst, however he is trying to work in a very demanding industry. He is older as it took him longer to get through college as he provided assistance to the household and its very competitive. He will take any opportunity, just needs that one door to open.
My dream is not to be but rather to do something. Since 1988 I've been aware combat veterans who were subjected to incidences of brain damage both from trauma, concussion exposures and disease (cerebral malaria)were and many still are being diagnosed in VA mental health clinics as having an "adjustment disorder". If you have organic brain damage it goes without saying that you have a mental adjustment problem.
It took a 1995 hunger strike on the Mall in DC to get NIH to look at the Traumatic Brain Injury side and another 10 years plus the prompting of an Op Ed to get Congress to move on compensation for those subtle traumatic brain injuries that don't present obvious motor dysfunctions or mental incapacities.
Recently there has been some movement to recognize the injuries due to concussive explosions from near by (less than 50 ft) and out going artillery. But:
The cerebral malaria victims and past compensation for traumatic brain injury victims with injuries before the 2008 law change have been left behind. I dream of correcting this problem.
Hi, I'm writing in on behalf of my best friend JT, he has been in the beer & wine industry for over 19 years with a dream of opening his own bar & boutique beer shop. His passion for the industry is well received by his peers he was let go a few years ago from a 13 yr career with a brewery where he truly shined and felt he would retire from, he has continued to work hard, but I know his dream of owning his own place is still out there, financially it's tough and I know he is scared to risk it all. He lost his father & step mother within a 6 month period and his dad would be so proud, as I write this about him he is not only my best friend but my ex husband, our paths took us in two different directions a couple years ago but I love him with all my heart and we have so much love between us and I believe in second chances and new beginnings, I hope we find our way back and would love for you to meet this man and see the passion, knowledge & enthusiasm he has. We live in a great Lil town outside Seattle and I know his own place would be a hit in our community'
Please & Thank you
great industry
My husband started racing at 5 years old. He made it into Nascar at a young age and had great success. Due to finances, starting a family here in NJ and his fathers sickness his career was derailed. Now 42 he still has the same fire hes had his whole life. He has the ability to make it! He raced with Dale SR, Mark Martin, Dale Jr, Ricky Craven and more! In 208 and 2009 he came back locally and won 2 late model championships at New Egypt Speedway in NJ…Business, House and family have been the focus..Someone look into this story!
What happened to Todd Cray?
I have been working my way to abe a Composer of Music For Film & T.V. Back in the ealry 80's I had the opprotunity to join the Stage Crew for Majors Entertianers which would have led for my music to be heard. IN the mid 90's I cam back to music & was picked-up by a Publisher who got my music on DATELINE/NBC & more. IN 2005 I was in a TRagic Auto Accident & am Disabled which has actually given me the time to put into my music again. My Publisher put me on the back burner just when I was climbing the ladder. People of all Genres do like my music you can hear some on my web site www.laserdog.com/mymusic.html. I do hope you can help me get back in the groove & score a Documentary, T.V. Commercial or something like that.
THank You; Jay Bush
My name is Tammy Poblano and I'm 30 years old. My dream job is to be a successful commercial landscape photographer. I'm currently going to school for my certificate but time has been challenging due to my full time job, 4 children. I met my husband when I was 17 years old and became an instant mom to his two sons at the time 2 and 4 years, I help my husband raised them into the good young men they are today which was an adventure I dont regret, but would never wish on someone that age. (we did survive). We now have two beautiful daughters together which raising 4 children in two different age groups have been challenging enough to juggle life's learning lessons with them and having a full time job I have not even been able to stop and really focus on my dream. I'm really hoping that I can get the opportunity to pursue my dream!
What a wonderful, exciting concept you have come up with to offer this opportunity to those of us who have not yet made our dreams a reality! I am a 44 year old woman who has enjoyed singing since I was about 4 years old. I remember it as if it were yesterday, sitting alone in my bedroom with my old vinyl record player, carefully placing the needle on the album being careful not to scratch the surface. I would sing every song on the whole album over and over and get so excited when my mother let me buy even more music. Then, as I grew older and entered junior high school I volunteered to do a solo performance as soon as my choir teacher offered the opportunity. I was so excited to experience the stage and I worked hard practicing my song so that I could give it my all and people would like it. Fortunately, they did and I would receive my first standing ovation. I continued to do these performances and I can tell you that those times in my life were the best memories ever. I always had people coming up to me afterwards telling me how much they loved my voice. Being a little girl whose daddy didn't always say the most encouraging words to, I felt such a rush of confidence from those strangers who I never met until they were compelled to come up to me and say such nice things. As I went through my teenage years I would go to bars and sing with any band who would have me, and many times I have been asked to sing at weddings and funerals. I never had a real band of my own to feel complete in. I decided to start attending church regularly and the opportunity came to audition for the music ministry as one of the singers. I immediately did so and was so excited because I knew if I made it in I would be a part of something great and would be able to travel the state and share my gift. Just after I was informed that I had been chosen to join them, I found out I was pregnant with my then boyfriend, now husband of 23 years',child. I knew that I was not going to be able to be accepted as I was unmarried. I chose immediately to call and arrange a meeting so I could explain my situation. Just as I expected, I had to give up my position. I was disappointed but chose to be truthful rather than trying to hide it or rush into marriage to justify my pregnancy. Unfortunately, I ended up having complications and my first son Michael was born at 26 weeks gestation weighing 2 lbs 9&1/2 oz and was kept in a neonatal unit for 2 months. I was so excited when I got to bring him home and start a life with my baby outside of the hospital. I kept doctor visits and had nurses coming to my apartment. Everyone called my Michael a Miracle baby because he was in such good health considering how soon he came into the world. I could not believe that one month later he died in his sleep. I could not understand how God would allow him to live only three months. I knew he only had a 50/50 chance of survival on the day of his delivery and I thought the worst was over. Because of my faith in God, I made it through, although it changed my life forever. I have to share this with you. I had a dream one night. I saw a crisp clear blue sky and all of a sudden Jesus appeared holding my baby in his arms. It was as if he was confirming to me that my son was with him. I awakened with a peaceful feeling. I then went to a garage sale that very next day and found a plaque with a picture of Jesus holding a baby in a blue blanket,(signifying a baby boy). The words on the plaque stated, "God gave you the best He had." I was astounded and the plaque stays on my wall always. Anyway, I have gone on to have 2 more boys and I have to admit I am a very "worry wart" mom. Now my 2nd is 22 and my youngest is 16. I feel like I need to take the chance here and at least try to get on your show. I feel like my voice is my one true God-given gift and I should be using it as my career. I have not truly focused on my dream in so long that I feel like I have lost a lot of song lyrics that used to be etched in my brain since those early days of my life. But I'm willing to work very hard and do whatever "The Moment" brings to me to learn and experience. PLEASE give the little girl with the big dream who has persevered through tragedy a second chance to do what she thinks she was put on this earth to do. I would be forever grateful.
This is amazing because I was looking for way to pitch this idea. I have written, directed and produced several plays circa Tyler Perry, but at 62 it feels like time is running out. I sent my son to LA to pursue his dreams but it feels like it's too late for me. I would shout for joy at an opportunity to be mentored by Tyler Perry or David Talbert or any playwright, director or producer of live stage performance. People are always asking me "When's the next play?" but they have no concept of what it takes. I've raised six children, got my masters at 53, am retired and free to pursue my absolute passion. To borrow a quote I recently heard, directing and producing are my oxygen…please help me to breathe.
We are the Gridiron Alliance.
We offer 2nd chances to transform tragedy to triumph when a broken neck happens in high school sports.
Since 1999 we have been enhancing the comback journey of catastrophically injured high school football players and families. We are expanding in 2013 to all sport and all states offering support to injured ahtletes.
Our "paralyzed" guys guys would be perfect as they have told their impressive and inspireing second chance "no-limits" stories in the book: Unbreakable Resilience.
HELLO, my name is Audrey Clark,33, and I want to share my store. I like most of the people above me put of my purpose in life, my dream. I have always wanted to be a recording artist, I have been singing and vocally trained to sing all throughout my school years. My dream wasn't supported by my mom (who was a single parent), I think in part because she didn't want to be alone. I went to college and majored in something that I liked but didn't love. I married my college sweetheart and had a beautiful little girl, who is equally talented. I moved home to take care of my mother in 2005,I was unable to find work and found myself sinking far away from who I was..a star, well a star to be. My mother's health started to decline and after battling a series of crippling diseases and set backs, She passed away in October 2012. I have found myself struggling on how to proceed with my life, how to make my dream a reality. I would love to finally get an opportunity to be a part of this show, and have the peace of saying, "I Tried It" I am not happy unless I sing and I would love a second chance at it! Both making my family and the memory of my mother proud!
I'm sending a request for my boyfriend Tion Watkins. His life long dream and god's gift is basketball. As a young man he was the star player of his team from AAU, middle school, high school, even up until his scholarship to college. While in college his mother was Incarcerated leaving his two siblings out to have to take care of themselves. Tion is a caretaker, the man of his family. He comes from a small town in North Carolina where the youth barely makes it out and if they do it's through sports. So when that happened Tion left school and went back home with the feeling of having to take care of his family. With the ending result was him giving up on his dream. His ability to play NBA basketball was so promising. Some of the players he played with and against are in the league today. Tion is 25yrs old and a very attractive young man. So attractive he's been led down the path of modeling. He feels he'll be great in that industry but he can't get his mind off the game of basketball and what could have been. So I want to surprise him on this show and give him another shot at his passion so he won't continue to live with regrets.
Hey ya'll!! My name is Kimberly, I am a 32 year old registered nurse from Georgia. I have a 10 year old daughter and a loving husband. I have always wanted my own clothing brand, I have the idea and even went as far as having my logo professionally worked on but I chose a nursing career instead of pursuing my dream after finding out that I was pregnant because (1) I enjoyed helping others (2) I needed to hurry up with college since I was expecting and(3) I needed a stable job environment….what I would give to get a "do-over". I know I am on the path that God needs me to be on but how can I wholeheartedly help others when I feel that I am meant to be even more????
My son is a placekicker for semi-pro football team and has tried out for NFL twice. He has so much potential and I feel if he gets another chance he would make the most of it. Money and confidence is not where it should be.He needs someone to believe in him. He works with a special needs young man and he's the young man respects and admires him so much. He has been such a strong positive influence. Please help him realize his dream. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. God Bless you!
Hello, my name is Tanneka, and I would like to be considered as a candidate for The Moment TV Show. It has been my dream to work as a RadioTalk Show Host. I love radio, always have. I had plans to attend Grad School and continue pursuing my life in radio, but it was cut short when my then boyfriend's now husband's mother passed away suddenly. I put my furture on hold to be there and support him, his brother and his dad. Never to fill her shoes and replace her, but to help them try to move on with their lives without her. Difficult as it was, they have manged to move on with new lives, but I feel as if I'm stuck in a time warp. I would be honored if chosen to participate in this show. Tried as I have, I've never been able to land a position in radio. I'm asking for just one chance to prove myself, to prove to others that ia have what it takes to succeed.
i didn't always grow up with a silver spoon I'm my mouth. I had allot of option, i was the fastest person on my track team. I went to barbizon for modeling, i was on the cheerleading team and step team at a point in my life. I studied criminal justice and none of my dreams came true. I know allot of people and they all love me. I just want to be seen for the pretty intelligent female that i am. I want to be the best actor ever but i can't be. I think about things that i been threw family problems and life and i seen and been threw allot. I just want to live for once with out worrying or stressing and you are the one who can change that for me please hear me out.
By the grace of God, this is the most awesome idea since reality shows first aired! The thought of getting a second chance to live your dream and do what your
Hi. My name is Susan Richards. I am 38 years old, married to a wonderful man with two beautiful children. My son, Sam, struggles with ADHD and it breaks my heart as I watch him struggle to keep up with other children who seem to complete task with ease. I spend a lot of my time advocating for his success in life, for he is brilliant and know someday he will do great things! I am a singer and performer and try to find the time to still do it, but mom duties come first. I attended Berklee Collge of Music in Boston when I graduated from High School in 1992. I left shortly into my first year when my grandmother, who was more of a mother figure to me died! So many of my fellow classmates tried to talk me out of it, but I was too depressed to listen. I was a young girl, who grew up in the middle of nowhere, with a real chance of accomplishing my dreams as a recording artist and I threw it all away! But, I can't do anything about it now. I didn't come from a wealthy family, I live in the Adirondacks and I don't know anyone with connections to the music industry. So, without this chance to be on your show, I have none! Thank you!
My name is Buddy I am going on 40 and have wasted most my life with wrong decisions. 7 years ago I met my wife and her 3 wonderful children. Now we have 3 of our own and have adopted 1. My Life long dream has always been to be a Pro Fisherman.. The time and money is so tight with my children I cant risk my dream for their needs.
The thought of fishing beside Skeete Reese and Kevin Short as well as many others and promoting small companies like Pig Sticker Baits and Bass Craft Crankbaits. Helping others while doing what I love would be an amazing adventure..please consider my request and most of all thank you for reading this…
Thank you,
Buddy Sims
P.S. 20% of my earnings will be donated 5% to my church. 5% to childrens mercy for helping my son. 5% to Autisum awareness. Last 5% to my wife for putting up with me…
My name is robert my dream is to become a proffesional boxer. Ive been boxing since I was 8 years old all I ever wanted to be was fighter. I have over 30 amateur fights I am a former jr Olympic champion. At the age of 17 I won the open division mens golden gloves champion which made rank number #1 in southern california and rank 2 in the whole state. While I was fighting in a tournament Idislocated my shoulder tore my labrum ive since had surgery but hung up the gloves. I know if u guys give the chance I can make to the pros ans be successful .
My name is Robert and my dream was to be a WWE superstar. Unfortunately my family has all ways been on the poor side, even now we are scraping by to meet payments. When i was growing up I was never really introduced to extra curricular activities in school, because i had to be home to help out or go do some jobs to get some money to help so I have no experience which is definately needed in the WWE. Now me and my fiance have a baby on the way and I feel ashamed because there is nothing for my little girl to see that would make her proud of her father. Please Help Me Live My Dream.
Hello my name is David i go by Joe I am nominating myself i used to play baseball in high school i had shoulder surgery and couldnt play I know there is alot of people on here asking for a second chance. I would do anything to get a second chance to play ball again thank you very much for having this show and God Bless