Fashionistas and models get ready. It’s time again for another fabulous season of America’s favorite reality series Project Runway and this is your chance to compete for the title. If you’ve got an eye for talent and the skills to match the producers of PR want you to battle it out for amazing prizes including a show during New York Fashion Week, your own clothing line and $100,000 dollars!
Project Runway is absolutely the most fierce and entertaining reality competition show on the air today. Hosted by Supermodel extraordinaire Heidi Klum and fashion expert and mentor Tim Gunn and featuring a string of celebrity guest judges such as Natalie Portman, Christina Aguilera and Victoria Beckham Project Runway chooses 16 promising fashion designers to compete in a series of design challenges. Each week a contestant is eliminated until only the final three remain. The talents remaining are given 12 weeks and $8,000 dollars to go home and come up with a fashion collection consisting of 12 looks to be presented at New York Fashion Week. The final Project Runway winner is selected by the judging panel and given featured spread in Marie Claire magazine, a $50,000 dollar design suite and $100,000 dollars to begin their own clothing line! There is also a Twitter fan favorite contest that nets the winner an additional $10,000! Past winners Gretchen Jones, Seth Aaron Henderson and Anya Ayoung-Chee have gone on to take the fashion world by storm and you could be next. All you need is the eye, the talent and the desire and the keys to the fashion world could be yours.
Models are also being sought for the 10th Season of PR. If you are an up and coming young model and are looking to take the fashion industry by storm Project Runway is your golden opportunity. Models chosen will strut their stuff on the catwalk in the contestants designs each week and judged on their look and performance. Just like the designers, each week another model will be eliminated until there is just one Project Runway Model standing – standing with $25,000 dollars in their hands!
This is the chance of a lifetime for anyone in any capacity of the fashion industry. Whether you’re a design student, an as yet undiscovered model or just have always wanted to try your hand at fashion, this is the contest for you! Leave a comment below if you are interested and you can also head here mylifetime.com/shows/project-runway/blogs/project-runway-blog/now-casting-for-project-runway-season-10 for more information.
You could be standing in the middle of the next New York Fashion Week as the Project Runway champion!
My name is Alioune Mbaye, im From Senegal west Africa, born and raise, I'm bilingual, I speak French and also my native language (Wolof) , I'm 24yrs old, 5'ft11, Darkskin, 175lbs, and I also play soccer, I'm interested in modeling because, my personality and my willingness to try anything new made me believe on myself. I am really looking forward to hearing from you guys .
Thank you!!
Plzzz consider meee
I am from india and i am really passionate to be a model plz consider meeee
I am from india and i am passionate to be a model
Hi I'm Camellia Butler from Selma, AL. I've been a fan of Project Runway from it's begining but always seem to miss the auditions. Because of family health issues I have not be able to keep up but I'm back and I have what the future is looking for. I sew a lit for everyone and I always add something to make it unique. Being able to show my talent would be awesome but to have you all critique my work would be even more. Thanking you in advance for reading my comment. Camellia Butler
My name is Alyssa Dallape and I have been interested in modeling for a while now. I'd love to take part in this.
Weight: 150
Height: 6'0"
Race: Caucasian
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Type: Straight, medium length
I'm a 18 year old country girl from Memphis TN. I've always had thoughts of being a model but I didn't want to do it unless I was benefiting from it. Let's be honest Memphis is not the #1 city for modeling so I would just like a shot at it to show what I've got. So please give me a chance and I'll promise to give you my all!
Height: 5'1
Waist: 26
Bust: 28
Weight: 110
I am a retired Grandmother,and proud of it! It has been a life-long Dream to become a designer. I have taught myself to sew and I enjoy designing on paper. I am an Artist and work in oils mostly. I'm from a small town in North central Arkansas. I've lived here most of my life, except when I lived in Phoenix, Arizona for awhile growing up. I have always dreamed of being a Designer of some kind. I don't have professional training in fashion, but I still keep up with it even at my Age. My Granddaughters keep me informed about that !
im 5'7! and have lots of experience in modeling please consider me
Hello. my name is Crystal Wilson from Westminster, Ca and a Model from VeilofDreams. I would love to audition for this and get my modeling career really going. Thank you for your time.
Age: 27
Height: 6'2"
Bust: 34
Waist: 29
Hips: 32
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Hazel
Shoe size: 9
Location: Westminster, Ca
high 5.10
size 4
waight 130
Height- 5'8'1/2
Hair- light brown
Eyes- light blue
Would like to be a model
Name: Kenzie
Age: 15
Description: 5'7", brown/blonde hair (depending on time of year), blue eyes, 120 lbs., freckles
I'm very outgoing, and am not picky at all. I will deal with anything handed to me to the best of my abilities. Beginner model. aka never modeled before. Have been told by many people that I should become a model, and it is actually what I want to pursue. Nice, funny, happy. Modeling is my dream, wanna help me make it come true?
I would love to be a model I have blond hair blue eyes I can walk In heels. All my life I was told I should model and I want to futher my career in modeling. I would be an awesome candidate for your show. Thanks. Courtney starnes
Hi my name is Ashanti. I am 20 years old and creativity has always been a passion of mine, that and acting, I love to design… To create anything from what I see visually. I would really like to be given the opportunity to design and be in the chance to win not only money, but the chance to get the benefits to create my own clothIng line!!! Please contact me to be apart of this great opportunity. Thank you
I attended fashion school over 20yrs ago and I am very much still into fashion and would love the chance to be a part of Project runway.
20 and young. I have what it takes guys. I'm looking forward to seeing yall people. life is crazy but I try to enjoy what's giving on this earth. thank you people. choose me if yall interested.
Valentino said you have to be born with fashion. he always knew he wanted to do this. Always. and I realized that I was born with it when I remembered, I was 5, and i would get distracted by the mannequins and alter the clothes on the mannequins to make them look better
I would tie or tuck or change something
it was the only thing that calmed me
that and looking at the stars
I also spent a lot of time drawing people but my favorite part about drawing them was their clothes. Back then I didn't think much of it until I got older and realized I had a calling. I auditioned for the fashion design academy at my high school which is a college level fashion design class and was one of the 50 that made it in out of a couple hundred. After that I took fashion marketing. I excelled in both because my designs and ideas were innovative and inventive. Or so I was told. I could never make a piece of clothing that has already been out there. It has to be something that no one has seen yet. I love design, placement, colors, and am amazing with picking fabric combinations. I drew up floor plans for my dream store from every last detail to what the mannequins look like in the front window to marketing ideas to events. And when people saw them they thought those would be amazing plans and told me I had a gift. I want to see my designs on the red carpet and see people stunning. It takes me seconds to come up with a design because all good art comes from the heart. I have visions and I get them down like magic. I see designers everyday designing things I've already seen and it kills me and I feel like I am wasting my gift by not putting myself out there. I am trying to start a fashion company with a partner so that's a first step. I just need the right person or people to notice me. I also want to be successful at what I love so that in the near future with my successes I can help people in need. I want to see hope in peoples eyes and start an organization to do that where I would make sure what it was doing for people. I make great designs and have great ideas because I am a great listener. I know what people want as well as what my heart tells me to do. Seeing people walk around wearing art and what it says about who they are or what they're feeling, where they're going. Artist and art tells stories. I want to tell new ones. You will always be surprised. Thanks for listening.
Name: Dasha Veprjitska
Age: 14, turning 15 May 21st.
Background : Canadian, Russian, Latvian and many more.
Talents: Ballerina (plus other dancing), singing, acting, modeling, playing on the piano.
Languages : English, russian and french.
Eye Color: Blue, with green, and gray. (changes colors sometimes)
Hair Color: Brown
Location: Ontario, Canada
I am Dasha Veprjitsk. Im a very talkative person once you meet me. I love to have a laugh, but once theres a job for me to do, i will make sure to have it done. Ive been dancing since i was 4 years old, and now im in a professional Ballet school. I do Ballet concerts alot, and have done a few school plays, so i am quite used to the stage, and people watching me. Acting, modeling and singing has always been something ive been looking into. So, if i get an opportunity to cast in a show or be involved with anything fashion , i will take it with every chance i have.
Thank you for your time.
Dasha xx.
Interest – Model
Name – Victoria
Age – 19, 20 in November
Height – 5'7
Weight – 130
Location – NJ, but willing to travel.
Aspiring model 6' tall, 18 years old, 130 pounds, 26 inch waist, 36 inch hips and a 34b cup. Auburn hair color, big dark brown eyes, great complexion, and a killer smile!! I can't tell you how much I hated being tall at an early age but the more I thought about modeling the more I realized I was the perfect fit!!! My parents got divorced when I was age 12 but I am glad it happened because it forced me to become mature at a early age. I have had a lot of unexpected hardships over the past year but my passion and zeal for life has help me to overcome and turned me into a proud, independent woman. I have a part time job and am graduating high school this spring. I am totally willing to give up my entire life to modeling but I also worked hard to received my acceptance letter to Missouri University as a back up plan. I want to become a model not only because of my love for beauty but also because I want to have the financial ability to help my parents and friends out in every way I can to show them how much they mean to me. I have the confidence and passion to take on all of my goals but also the compassion and caring heart to share the fruits of my labor with those I love and make great friends along the way. But don't let the sweet demeanor trick you I am feisty and confident enough to take on any thing you throw my way!!! Please help me make my life's dream a reality!!!
Name:Angel Hill
Birthday:Sept 4,1990
From:Atl Ga.
Size:5 but since im so tall I get a 7 tall !
African American
Name:Angel Hill
Birthday:Sept 4,1990
From:Atl Ga.
Size:5 but since im so tall I get a 7 tall !
My name is Sydney Delancy.
I currently reside in New York, NY.
My age: 19
Date of Birth: 27th August, 1992
Height: 5'11
Dress size: 2-4
I would love to find out more on possibly participating for Project Runway Season 10! I'm currently an aspiring model and this would do wonders for me!!
Thank you,
Sydney Delancy
Hi Scouted,
Im Jazmine i'm 19yrs old and is a experienced model. I am very ambitious and passionate about modeling and that is what I desire to do and deserve this opportunity. You would'nt regret picking me.
Facial Features: High bone structure, Cat eyes
Height: 5'8
Weight: 126
Eye: Brown
Bust/Cup: 36C
I deserve to part take in Project Runway 10 because I have a dream in providing for my mom. All my life my mom did everything in her power to take care of me and putting me through college. I would like to repay her back by showing her and the world that a dream can be accomplished through motherly love. Also, America has not seen a Hmong Designer and I will be the first.
Name: Betty- Jean Hawkins
Age: 16
Birthdate: July 12,1995
Hight: 5'7.8"
weight: 140.5lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown and blond
Grade: 11th
I am a very kind and sweet young woman and am looking to become a model. I am devoted to anything I try and do. I am very nice and open minded. I never lose my temper with people and I love competeing but I am not a sore loser. I really hope you give me a chance at this.
Name: Aaliyah B.
Age: 6
Height: 4'1"
Weight: 51 lbs
Ethnicity: African American
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Brown
Location: San Diego, California
Hello, my name is Aaliyah B. I'm a ambitious, energetic, intelligent and beautiful girl looking to audition for Smurf's 2. I'm a GREAT reader and am attentive to details. I'm reliable and willing to travel. Please contact me if you're looking for success!!
Hi!!! My name is Monique and I'm a inspiring model/actress. I'm 24 years and since I was 13 years old I've been a trendsetter/fashionista/stylist….lol I know it sounds crazy but I'll take you back to when I was 13 yrs old living in North Carolina and me and my friends would go to the skating rings on the weekends…. We would get dressed and meet up and you know you have to be fly I would puts shoe strings in my hair as hand bands and tie the front with a bow …people laughed at first, but two weeks later EVERYONE was doing it!!! It was hilarious…then I started bleaching my clothes and putting my name on them. People would ask me to do theirs or design something for them and I would, then from their it was history!!!!. Unfortunately not globally!!!!! My adopted Aunt was not rich…but it didn't stop me from having dreams. I created my own clothing line "Mo' mochi" and my friends loved it!!! I wrote it on my belts and shoes even some hats, but nothing ever happen….everyone said they would support me but I had graduate school first!!lol. Now I have but I went to school for International business and I want to be a model. Everyday in school people would ask me "Are you school for fashion" ???, even when I'm in the streets!! People compliment my taste..and I'm very thankful. But I have an eye for fashion and my genes has prepared to have a body for modeling!! Haha ..I love putting things together wearing bright, bold, different colors and taking a chance!!!!!! The funny thing I never plan anything I just have a vision I love it….I hope you give me the opportunity to do just that on the show and learn and grow… So I do ask you for a chance…I'm determined, motivated, personable and unafraid…and I have tough skin. Trust me when you loose your mother & father and the only sibling that means more than life to you..you have nothing else to live for but yourself and I'm fine with that. Its a tough road out ther and I'm prepared because I'm still here;-) Thank You for the opportunity hope to hear from you!
24 yrs old 140 lbs.
5'7 thin figure
Hair- brown/ shoulder length
Dominican & African American Decent
Size 6
Shoe size 9
Hello Producers,
My name is Talisha a 31 year old mother of 2 who still have the eye for fashion/. I am a first year College student who have no experience in the wmodeling or fashion induatry. But on the other hand, I tune into project runway and fashion shows becuase i can picyure my ideas on the models and know if i were to be picked i would win the show. People tell me i have a creative look and different style that looks good!!! Wheather it be modeling or fashion design i have that special talent you the producers are looking for. I know you hear this alot but i have the potential, inthusiasm, and creativity you are looking for…you will never know unless you try, at least thats what i've learned. Give me a chance and i will show the world the new fashion trend that they will be eager to see. I look forward to showing off my great ideas and fashion tips!!! Talisha Jones:)
Hi! It has been my dream to be a model since i was 10 years old! im 5'8 and 120lbs please consider me! 🙂
My name is kaleeisha and i am an 18 year old senior. I have loveded fashion for a very long time and planned on becoming a model. I believe this would be the best way for me to get my name out there… hope to here from you soon
I'm Halston Chase Holzapfel
I live in Orlando,FL
19 years old.
im 5 foot 9
brown eyes. brown curly hair, Tan skin, black&white.
Very talented person.
I really study my work and always find ways to make it better and better every time.
I love making ART in any Form.
Im a funny kid I bring smiles to peoples faces and laughter.
My Dream is to be THE BEST NEW ACTOR FOR 2012!
I Love music all types of music.
I make music on my free time.
Ilove Art.
Im currently in Acting school.
I been in the LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION commercial at Disney in Orlando,FL.
I have been in a kids Disney tv show when I was little
And done pictures for Disney magazines.
Hope you pick me. I wont let you down!
My name is Destaney I am 5'10 and will love to be a model on project runway, modeling is my all time dream and I would love to purse it.
Hi!I'll start off with a warm thanks for the opportunity to be a apart of a great experience. I enjoy college basketball, rugby, talking on the phone,hip-hop dance.But out of all these things modeling has always been the light of my life, timing and preporration is everything in life, so at this time I am preparing myself for this journey!!!!
I've always dreamed of being a model, given that i'm naturally tall, i think this would be an amazing opportunity for me. I love fashion and buying new outfits to wear! This would be a really good start if i were to be a model.
I'm a up and coming young model who is seeking fame and I have always been going to casting calls for new opportunities. I'm a male and runway modeling is the best part of modeling to me , and i just hope you consider me > Thank You
Eyes:Dark Brown
165 pounds
I've been modeling since I was young and I really want to express my joy for modeling on Project Runway . It will be an honor to see what I can offer to the fashion world , which I greatly live in.
I'm Ebony Allen. I have always dreamed aboutto become a professional designer. I have a love for "FASHION"/ I am a make up artist as well as a designer. I love to help people feel good about them themselves when it come to fashion. No matter what size you are. You make the fashion work for you. I am a preacher's wife…but, I still love to look good and stay fashionable.
I will send my resume and any other information upon request. I 'll be looking forward to your response.
Thank you,
i am very interestecd in being a model for this show. I am 22 going on 23 in a couple of days. My personally is great and my looks are even better. I know i have what it takes.
i have dream to be on this show for a long time i love so much and i love the fashion and the different styels and creativity and i world love to be apart of this production im 15 5'10 black hair darke brown eyes and im ready to get stated
-Long brown wavy hair
-Black eyes
-Size: 1.55
-People person
-Modern dance
-Rhythmic Gymnastics.
-I speak English and Spanish.
It would be an honor to join this cast. I have the permition of my parents. Thank you.
I'm from Tunisia. I'm funny and intelligent. I wanna be an actor and I feel I’m the right person for this show.
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 67 kg
Hair: black
Eyes: dark brown
Skin: tan
Languages known: French, English.
Extremely Fast Learner and Great Listener
I believe I have what it takes to be number one. I also think this would be the perfect opportunity for me to show the world who I am. Im a young mother of two here in Philadelphia looking for a career change. Please select me as a contestant!!
This is a super project to work with… TO become a model has always been my DREAM now is the time
I can't wait to be part of Project RunwaySeason 10!!!Auditions
I really want to be a model. This has been my dream for a long time. Please consider me!