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Biggest Loser NEW Season – NBC

Biggest Loser - NBC

NBC’s ‘The Biggest Loser’ is getting ready for a nationwide casting call and audition, 15+-city search for brand new contestants.

New Season Auditions For Teams and individuals of Two to be Held in Salt Lake City, Tampa,, Boston, Detroit, Nashville, Los Angeles, Albuquerque, Oklahoma City, Chicago, New York City , Dallas, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., Phoenix and Portland.

NBC’s popular reality series “The Biggest Loser” is launching a 15-city cross-country search to find new contestants for the next edition of the hit show. Individuals and teams of two who have at least 100 lbs. to lose are encouraged to apply for the new season.

The Casting producers will be looking for charismatic and outgoing and individuals.

While they will try to see everyone, “The Biggest Loser” casting teams will do their best to see the first 500 people in line. People will not be allowed to line up prior to three hours before the start of the open call. Candidates should bring a non-returnable photo of themselves (and their partners if applying as a team)

378 thoughts on “Biggest Loser NEW Season – NBC

  1. Hi My name is Kim. I'm a wife and mother of two lovely children.I weigh 253lbs I would love to lose the weight to be healthly for my children. My mother died at the age of 52 of obesity. She never got the change to even me get married or have her grandchildren. I want to be here for my children an see them grow up and get married and have their own children.

  2. Hi my name is Tanisha Holmes. I am a student. My goal is to become a doctor. I too want to lose wait so I can fulfill all if my dreams. I do not like looking at my stomach and thighs in the mirror. I want to be on this show so I can gain the self confidence I had when I was a teenager. Please let me be on this season!

  3. HELP ME I'M TRAPPED! In my own body, my mame is Tabitha. I know there are thousands of people who want to be on this show, but I am in dire need. I am 28 and 350lbs and I truly feel trapped. I am an outgoing person and I love going and doing just about anything but I find my body not able to keep up. I have two beautiful sons and live in beautiful Montana. I can't do all the things they deserve from there mom or get out and teach them how wonderful nature is because I am too fat. But while I love my kids I truly want this for myself as with every pound I gain I feel myself dying inside a little bit more! I don't want the weight to win out and leave me miserable and lifeless. Please consider me for the new season and help me break free from this self induced prison!

  4. Hi, Im Arthur. Im a hefty hefty guy, I currently weigh 425 lbs. I have been morbidly obese for a number of years. Im a happy go lucky guy and I love to be around people. I have 2 special needs kids and a infant that I help raise. Though I want to get out and do things with my kids, I find that Im always too tired. Im a closet eater and often find that I eat when im depressed, stressed or bored. I believe that your show would "kick" me in the right direction. Ive seen what can be done, but need the drive and support to accomplish it. For my health and so that I can continue to take care of my kids for a long time to come.

  5. My name is Amber. I am in need of a life change…..without a life change there is no "life" for me beyond the weight I am carrying and the food that i love. I need help……

  6. First thing…can we do a season with individuals? I have no one that I would want to compete with or sadly that I think would make it more than one week. I however believe I would kick some ass on this show. Not only that but I think alot of people from where I live would tune in to watch.
    Secondly…I am 28…weigh 298…and hate looking in mirrors. I know exactly when & how I put it on, just need that swift kick in the ass to shed it off.
    I have nothing tying me down, no children, no boyfriend..a career waiting for me & a job that will always be there.
    I am very outgoing, pretty funny most of the time, & cannot wait to give my fellow contestants a reality check when they start whining they "can't do this." That alone would motivate me.
    Who has two thumbs and is ready to completely change her life & uncover her true self…this girl. Let's put the F U in fun!
    Thanks for reading, and look forward to hearing from you! 🙂

  7. Hello,my name is Angela I am 45 years old, but feel more like 60. I have been overweight my entire life, and now I am considered morbidly obese. I am 5'4 and weigh 279lbs, I have always said I am fat and healthy. Not anymore I am on medication for high blood pressure and I am pre-diabetic. Heart disease runs in my family and two years ago my sister dropped dead of a heart attack at the age of 52yr. I don't want the same to happen to me. I have three beautiful grandkids that I need to be here for. I was able to quit smoking but continue the battle with my weight. PLEASE HELP

  8. My name is Alyssa since I can remember I have been overweight. Always bigger than my sister always bigger than my brother and my family has been picking on me my whole life about my weight. I my current weight right now is 305. I am 5ft 7in tall and I should not weigh this much. I recently graduated from college in 09. I am a physical therapist assistant and I am the fattest therapist at my work, the patients know me as the "big girl" Im tired of being just "a pretty face", I am tired of being called the "big girl" by my patients or my patients saying things like "you should be doing these exercises, not me" I am tired of my brother and his P90X video tapes insulting me everyday. I want this just as bad as I wanted to graduate from college to take care of my two kids. I never fail, I never give up, I have been big my whole life and I dont want to die of heart disease, I want to be taken seriously by my family and patients and I want to be the best mom I can be, live longer, have energy to play with my kids and not have my feet hurt so bad at the end of the day that I cant walk in the morning. I have always been strong and I can do this because I want this for me. I am tired of being the fat kid. I have been this fat kid for 28 years and I dont want to do it anymore. I can do this because I want this because my heart is in this and my mind is made up.
    Thank you So Much! I will be at auditions in Tampa.

  9. hi my names brianna, im 21 5'5 and i weigh 283 pounds. I have been overweight most of my life but i started really gaining weigth after my parents divorce. Ever since then i have tried losing weight many differnt ways. i always lose some and gain MORE. I hate going to stores with friends because it hurts to look at things i cant fit in,i have even left stores with teary eyes cuz i feel so sad. My mom was overweight to and went through the gastric bypass surgery and it has caused her so much health problems. Her body cant hold in any iron and the doc says if her iron count does not go up she will get leukemia. My fear is going down that same road. I try so hard and do good but then i just can seem to keep off the weight. i am determined to get healthy this time but i cant do it alone. It would be a great blessing to be on this show with other people i can relate to. i want to transform my life forever so PLEASE consider me for the biggest loser.

  10. Being on this show would be a GREAT deal for me. I am 26 yrs old and I weigh 324 lbs. I am so digusted with myself and my body. I hate to even look myself in the mirror. I am mostly a home body because I feel like when I go outside , ppl are just starring. When ppl refer to my its always Big momma, big this and big that and because I smile and brush it off no one knows that deep down it truly hurts me and make me hate my body even more. I know being on this show would help me in many ways. Not just with weight lost be helping me love myself more. My insecurities is whats holding me back from being what I want to be and achieving all goals that God has in stored for me.

  11. Hi, My name is Christol I'm an insurance agent in Marianna FL. I weigh 299 lbs. I'm married with 2 children and frankly just tired of being over-weight I've struggled with weight my whole life and it is time to get some help!!

  12. Life, as much as it is a gift, it can be a curse. My name is Brandi and I am funeral director and embalmer. I've been in this professional for over a decade. I have been wife to my husband for coming on thirteen years. My life entails some stress. The rigorous complications of competing with a loved ones perfect memory. The battles of being married to a wonderful man who suffers from depression, and being out of work in this economy.
    I struggled with my weight before. Topping out at 380 lbs and though I had it beat. Getting down too 175 after my rou en y surgery. The first three years after my surgery were great. Then like others in my line of work say, life gets in the way. my husband was laid off from his job. Of which we never completely recovered. Our marriage became strained and is began repeating my habits of old. I have regained my weight and am currently up to 290lbs,, and my panic button has exploded. My job has become increasingly difficult. I'm not happy. I was a better person, a stronger person when I was living a healthier life. My goal is not to go backwards to a life I once had, but to grow and move forward to a happier life properly equipped this time. You see while the surgery initially helped my body, it did nothing for my mind, I had no building blocks to establish a healthier lifestyle. I know that with the biggest loser I will come out if this with a sound foundation for life.

  13. I am 27 and a wife and a mother of 2. I am 6ft 3 inches and 290 pounds. I want to be a better me and make life changing decisions and educate myself on how to do better. I have a sit down job and I work 10 hours a day. I believe my weight has had an effect of my life all over and I am ready to change that. I would be extremely appreciative of the opportunity to be able to do this. Thank you for your time.

  14. Hi my name is Steve, I will be 59 years old on the 22 of May. I have been heavy most of my adult life, weighing in around 360lbs. I have sleep apnea, high blood pressure,gout and I take 6 different pills every day. I am also unemployed the company I worked for shut our plant down last year. I believe that my weight problem has hurt me getting a new job. I am also the grandpa of 2 wonderful children that love to play on the floor, I have trouble getting up and down on the floor with them, I also don't seem to have any energy. So I am asking that you will consider me as a contestant.



  17. <b>Helllloooooo.</b> I'm Chantelle! I am 23 years old and reaching 300 lbs.<strike> Yikes! </strike> I don't know how I let myself get this way! I'm<I> disgusted </I> with myself and willing to do just about anything to get healthy. I just want to have fun again. I consider myself to be a fun, carefree and optimistic person but my recent weight gain has left me feeling unmotivated to do anything. I'm not able to do things that I used to do. I believe I need this opportunity so I can start living again. I need to get my health back on track. I'm scared that if I don't get help now, I won't ever be able to get my weight under control. I'm worried about having serious health problems and dying at a young age. <b> Please help me get my life back!</b> The attention from boys and cute clothes too. 😉

  18. I'm Alyssa and I am a 25 year old single mother of a beautiful 5 year old boy, who is my everything. Im 328 lbs. and 5'5. I've been overweight my whole life, but it just keeps getting worse. I've had alot of struggle throughout my life and food has always been my comfort. Seemed like the only time I was happy was when I was eating. I would love to move forward and put all the pain and depression behind me and begin a new healthier and thinner life. Alot of my family struggles with obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure and if I don't change soon I will be following in their footsteps and it totally breaks my heart because I want to be here to see my little boy become a man and have a family of his own. I've tried on my own and it just seems so hard. I would love to be on the biggest loser and have the opportunity of a lifetime to better myself for me and my son. I'll probably be a big ole' whine baby, but I will get over it and finally be able to look in the mirror and see myself as a beautiful person. And I promise you, if I was on the biggest loser, I will be the biggest loser! 🙂 <3 Alyssa

  19. Hello my name is Chris, I am 25 years old and weigh over 400 pounds. I always struggled with my weight growing up but kept it in balance while playing sports. I need help to get back on track, I am very outgoing and deserve better for myself. I am ready for a change.

  20. Hello I believe I would be a great person for the next season of the biggest loser. I have over 100 pounds to lose I am a single mom of one. AND I want to live and not pass this being over weight to my child. I clean at our chuch and being over weight is very hard to do my job. I want to live agan…. do all the fun things a mom should be able to do.PLEASE PICK ME I NEED HELP…………….BOB BOB BOB BOB HELP THIS MEMPHIS TN MOM………
    I was an athletic person before having my child and getting over weight. I loved to water ski and swim with lots of energy and fun personality. I could make people laugh with my funny commentsa happy person. I have tried every diet, pills and programs out there but ad soon as I see any success I go right back to believing I cannot do it. I would love to be on the show to show my kid what her mother can become that helte entergetic person I once was.

  21. Hi, I'm Savannah and I am 23 years old, and a recent graduate of Marshall University. I am currently weighing in at 241 lbs, and I stand at 5 foot and 3 inches. I was more fit when I was younger. I was an athlete all my life until college, and then when the sports ended, my athletic body ended! I focused so much on my studies in college that my health was on the back burner for too long. Now that I have graduated with a Bachelors degree in Elem. Education, and now want to focus on being healthy so I am able to use my teaching abilities for many of years. I also have been diagnosed with PCOS, and have had problems with it in the past. I know that if I don't get healthy and loose weight I might not be able to have kids, and that is devastating for me to think about. I was only 180 lbs last year, but a doctor prescribed a certain medication for PCOS that caused me to gain around 60lbs,and that I have had the hardest time trying to get the weight off. I have tried diets, walking, work out routines, but nothing seems to work the way I need it to. I will really be grateful to be chosen as a contestant for The Biggest Loser, and I know that considering the setbacks I have had in my life that I will try my hardest to achieve my goals, and live a healthier lifestyle.

  22. Hi, my name is Emily & I'm turning 30 this year. I have always told my self I would be back into shape by then. Well, I'm not & I find it harder & harder to try and make it happen. I'm 5'6" & 260 lbs., this is the heavest I have ever been. My health is getting to be an issue & the deppression makes it hard to stay on any diet. I started gaining weight after haveing my daughter & then I had a really bad car accident that took years to recover from. I want to be the next Biggest Loser!

  23. Only one word can describe me…… Fat Fat and did I mention Fat……… No really I'm 26 years old and a single mother of an 2 and 3 year old I've tried everything you can think of and I have had any luck…..I really need this…… My mother as well need this program she is 45 yrs old and never married …. We need this so we can look good and find us some husbands

  24. Hi, my name is Chinitra, im a 30yr old single mother of a 2yr old handsome boy. I am 5"5 1/2 and weigh over 280 lbs i have been watching the show for the past few years and seeing the amazing jobs that have been done with the weight loss. So i tried to follow the routine myself n didnt get any results. I have been struggeling with my weight all my life,i have tried diets,diet pills,working out,eating healthy,etc none of it worked. I have tried to lose this weight for years,after my mom was stabbed to death i gave up but i have a child to live for and im letting food take over my life its my comfort when im stressing,up set and bored. Its taking a huge toll on my life so im asking for your help……Thanks in advance……….C.Pennington

  25. And. Tired of my so called. friends that pick on me picking on. My weight. I. Need. To be on biggest losser season 14

  26. Hi,My name is Nicole Mack and I 5ft0inches and weight have been a problem and weight Wright now is 234.I want to live long life I am37 years old Me. Been. on biggest. loader for season 14 And get of wearing plus size. clothing and get my weight. At 140

  27. What can I say to make myself stand out from everyone else? Well I ask myself that same question everyday. I'm just that fat girl that everyone knows but no one really likes,sitting alone on the bus or at a resturant because no one can fit sitting next to me. All my life I've struggled with weight loss, for the past 5 years I've been on diets and exersize plans but nothing has seemed to work. People say "well jessica maybe you were just ment to be fat." NO i will not accept that! I'M TIRED OF BEING FAT, I'M TIRED OF BEING TIRED, I'M DONE NOT LOOKING GOOD IN SKINNY JEANS!!! I wish on every shooting star on every birthday candle and on every fallen eyelash that I were thin. I am going to make it happen but I need your help!
    recently I went into a coffee shop seeking employment, I had spoken to the owner earlier that day he said there were 3 openings and he'd like to interview me for one of them because of my bubbly personality. Well when I arrived I handed him my resume introduced myself he looked at me than he looked at the thin gorgeous high school girls waiting to hand him their resumes and told me he no longer had any openings. That was the end of my confidence. I also recently had a baby he's now a year old. I want to be healthy for not only myself but for my son he deserves a mommmy who he can be proud of.I wouldn't change having him if my life depended on it though The 40 pounds I gained from pregnancy that have stuck and don't seem to want to go anywhere I could do without. If William could talk I'm sure he'd ask for your help so mommy could have energy and be capable of playing with him. I fear if my weight gets any worse my son will no longer have his mommy at all. My names Jessica I'm 21 years old and I'm 335 Pounds…
    I am ready and willing to lose every inch and every pound I need to get to 175 pounds! I need your help Biggest loser, be my Muse, Be my inspiration, Be my lifesaver. I am at the end of my options gastric bypass being the last other than this show! I'm 21 and will need a knee replacement surgery by the time I'm 25 if I don't get this weight off.
    I swear I will give this my all I swear I will not give up I swear I will make my goal happen…With alot of help from The Biggest Loser!!!
    -Jessica Landon
    Little William!

  28. Hey! I'm Chynna Brooke Roberts and I'm from Virginia. I'm a country girl and I have an addiction to food! I have made it what I wake up for in the morning. I hate myself for this but what's done is done. I want to be able to shop with my friends. Go to amusement parks without being denied access for rides. I want to live longer. I want to love myself. I want get rid of my sleep apnea! Yes I'm 20 years old with sleep apnea. Sad I know. I have aided every issue I have and I need help. I have a stressful life right now and I need to get out of my situation in order to help myself. I have a friend who will be coming with me and she has has always struggled with weight herself. She has just had two children and is ready to shed the pounds as well! I will be at a casting call. I know there are tons of people above me that want it just as bad but I deserve this just as much as they do!! Please remember my name ! I'll see you in Nashville TN 🙂

  29. my name is shelby. i am 18 and a soon to be high school graduate in june. i currently weigh about 285 pounds and am frankly sick of it. my weight has been a problem for me all my life. i have had to deal with depression issues because of it which have let to more serious problems such as self harm and even attemptive suicide – i was just so sick of who i saw when i looked in the mirror. my goal is to lose between 130 and 150 pounds and this show would be the perfect opportunity for me to do it because honestly, i can't do it on my own… i fully admit i CAN NOT lose this weight on my own i have tried. i will do anything and everything to get on this show; it would honestly be a dream come true. please, please contact me about anything i have to do to even be considered. it would mean everything to me. i want to finally be able to smile when i see myself in the mirror and i want to finally be able to be confident when i walk down the street rather than hang my head in shame and worry what the world is thinking of me. my weight is bringing me down further into a pit of self hatred each and everyday and i want out. i beg of you, please consider me, shelby joslin, to be on the biggest loser season 14. i need this. i'm dedicated enough, i have the heart… i just need the help.
    thank you for your time.

  30. Ello! My name is Anna, I just turned 28 years old. I am 5'4" and weigh in at about 410lbs. I wish I had a great story to tell about how I use to be awesome and fit or that I want to do this for my kids….. (I dont have any.) But I want to do it because I feel like poop anymore and I am tired of it.
    I have been heavy my whole life. My grandma use to own a little weight loss center and I was put on many diets as a child. I always hated when one of those weight loss commercials would come on and I would sit as still as possible because I did not want my mom and dad to say anything to me about my weight.
    I'm all grown up since then and have turned into the person who takes a laugh at their weight with people because I dont want people to make fun of me. So if I say it first I cut off the opportunity.
    I work in a child care center that my family owns. I use to be able to at least get on the floor with the kids to play but those days are long over as I can barley get off the floor if I sit down on it. I want to be able to run around and play with the children that I teach.
    I am also married to an amazing man that I like to call my little Bee Wee Baby Bear! lol He is fit and strong and I feel bad because there are so many things that we would like to do and we cant. We don't travel because I don't fit. I want to be able to ride a roller coaster again!!!! I have not been able to fit on one since I was about 15 years old. 🙁 Or just be able to go to the lake with him and walk the shore line to look for arrow heads! I have issues with that because its so hard for me to get over a log or jump a little hole in the ground.
    If I was selected to be on the biggest loser I know It would bring a start to my life! And I want to be able to pay that forward in my community and to the children at our center. I may wear my heart on my sleeve and cry a lot but I will be a hard worker!

  31. I'm Brenda I'm 40 years old a mom of 5 and a cook. I'm 260 lbs and I have done the gym and diet thing and I cant seem to do it by myself. Please have a casting call in Dallas Texas so I can continue to make my life better healthier.

  32. I'm a 5'2, 58 year old woman who is giving such a bad example to my 23 year old daughter. After the loss of my husband in 2002 I decided to get healthy. I lost 90 pounds and stayed at 125 pounds for about 2 years. Then I slowly started gaining the weight back and I am now back up to 235 pounds. I am so devasted that all my hurt work was in vain. Now I can't seem to find the motivation to get going again. And my beautiful daughter, who had a baby 9 months ago, is well over 250 pounds. She's such a beautiful young woman, but I feel that her weight has given her such low esteem that she's making terrible life choices. And I believe my weight gain is such a bad example for her. I just want both of us to be healthy!

  33. My name is Kimberly, I am 46 yrs old. I live in the fattest city in America!! Huntington WV. I want my life back!!!!! And I also want to be able to go to cleveland browns stadium and be able to fit in the stadium seats!!!!! I had to stand at my very first nfl game!!!!!! I cried!!!!! Please help me!!!

  34. I would do anything to get an opportunity to change my life and become a fit person! I faithfully watch, every season and have made a million excuses as to why I cannot do it myself. I was a runner, softball player, cheerleader and gymnast, when I was in my teens and 20's. I always had a great figure. Now, I love to cook, and eat and find myself unemployed. Please, help!!!

  35. Hello

    I am a 52 year old women who had a heart attack last year and had 2 stints put into my arteries. I also have been diagnosed with diabetes. I weigh 225 ponds and the reason I gained all this weigh is when I was 28 years old I had my son Steven who then was almost 2 months old and his sister was 2 years old at the time was diagnosed with leukemia for almost 10 years from December 6, 1987- August 28, 1997. I was in and out of Cardinal Glennon Childrens Hospital in Saint Louis with my daughter Nicole helping her to battle this disease in and out of 6 remissions and a bone marrow transplant and just sat and ate never really worked out. Now I have 2 grandchildren that I want to get health for so I can be in their lives and watch them grow up. Graduate, get married and have children of their own. Please Can You help me to full fill my dream of getting health for myself and My family. I need and want to be on The Biggest Loser! Thank You

  36. Hello, My name is Amal I'm 20 years old, and I'm over weight. Doctors have told me I needed to loose weight ever since I was In middle school. I've tried many times to loose weight but it has not yet worked for me. I give up on my self to easily if I cant accomplish my goal In a certain amount of time. I have more then 100 pounds to loose and I'm welling to lose it with help from the Biggest Loser.

  37. Hi there. My name is Jill and I am 32 years old. I am an attorney that was laid off a year ago and has not yet found a job. I am married to a woman (legally) and after having gall bladder surgery, I moved across the country and am currently living with my wife and her family. The stress I feel every day is bad enough, but on top of all of it, I am 5 feet 2 inches tall and weigh 272 pounds. My in-laws constantly eat fast food and there is no support for me. I joined a gym and have lost 20 pounds on my own, but I still have about 140 pounds to lose. I want that bathing suit body! My wife is hot and I want her to look at me and feel the same way! I am driven and want this so bad I can taste it. You should pick me because I have personality and presence – people would either love me or love to hate me, but either way they would be tuning in each week to see what happens to me!

  38. Hi My name is Amy. I am 36years old and weigh 280.I have 2 children. I work in the hunting industry and I coach my daughters soccer team. It is hard to keep up with the kids when you are 150lbs over weight. Last year I was taken to the hosptial for chest pains which I was told it weas not a heart attack this time but if I don't get my weight under control next time it could be. I was also told I have High Blood Pressure and am borderline diabetic. I have tried many things in the past to lose the weight and nothing seems to work. I know the Biggest Loser would be a good thing for me.
    In great need of your help. It would be the best thing to be picked. Hope to hear from you. Thanks for your time, Amy

  39. Hello my name is Ladonna and I am a 33 year old single mom and I want to be around to see my son grow up. Currently I weight over 450 ponds and I am 5'7. Not sure of my exact weight cause I'm afraid of the scale and what it might say. I still have so much life to live so please give me the tools to live a healthier life by becoming the next biggest loser.

  40. HI! Im just curious what cities are doing the auditions…because I so want to be on the biggest loser. I posted a while back and since then ive lost 20 pounds and need more help. I still need 100 lbs off of me. Where I live at, dial-up still exists and I have to go to a local library 10 mins from home to get the high speed internet. What do I really need to do to get the ball rolling. I was the one that posted that my mom suffered from muscular dystrophy and has since passed on. (Feb 11,2012..yes the same day the legendary Whitney Houston passed away) I now feel like I need to get my health back on track and I cant do it alone, I need the right kind of encouragment, motivation..the list goes on. Most of all I need my self-esteem back. HELLLPPP MEEE!! ( btw I could use a trainer like Dolvett or better yet BOB! sorry guys!! 🙂 Please help.

  41. Im spunky, cute, and full of personality!!!!!Everyone is amazed when I tell them I am a grandmother of (5) adorable kids becuase I look 10 years younger than I actually am and so full of energy. I promote, recruit and provide education regarding the physiological benefits of sport and recreation for severely wounded soldiers but dont fit the part anymore because the past three years Ive gained a great deal of weight due to a variety of factors. Now my chubbiness has turned into a need to lose 100lbs. I am out of control. I have my soldiers backing me and ready to help me take on the BIGGEST LOSER CHALLENGE~ HOOAH!

  42. I am a mother of 6, 2 of which are adopted. I have struggled with my weight all of my life and my oldest daughter is following in my foot steps. I am 36 going to be 37 this July 7 th and weigh 268 lbs. I can't afford all these diets with 6 kids just for me to yo yo again and again. I didn't have anyone to teach me the right ways to eat and for some reason have been successful on my own. I need help so I can show my kids the right way so they do not end up like I have. Please help me. Thanks so much. Angelia Cole

  43. I am 22 years old and weigh 215.I want to loose weight like everyone else, but I need motivation.The weight has made me depressed where I lack confidence and am socially inactive mainly because of my weight. I know I might not be the biggest in the bunch,but I can't do this anymore I cry before I go to sleep because my back hurts so bad because of the weight weighing me down.

  44. Hi My name is Ruth. I am a 32 year old female. I have three kids and a wonderful husband. I have a condiyion they say is contributed by my weight. It is called Pseudotumor Cerebri. I have had to have a shunt now for 8 years. They say it is found in over weight child bearing women and not hereditary but my 9 year old daughter was diagnosed as well. I am 224 lbs and 5'4. I want to be healthy and have the motivation. I just have no earthly idea what I am doing. I want it to be a lifestyle change and not just a DIET. PLEASE HELP ME learn so I can not only help myself but my daughter as well.

  45. I am 20 years old and am nearly 300 pounds.Ive been disgusted with myself for years of my weight and i have tried eating right and working out and just cant seem to do it. My father is also overweight and we would like to do biggest loser together and get our lives on track to being healthy. I lost my grandpa to diabetes and i know being overweight can cause diabetes and i dont want to suffer like he did. Im willing to go through the pain to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle!!

  46. Hello. I am a mother to a one year old boy that I adopted.I currently weigh 296 pounds. I have tried several workout programs, diets, and nothing has helped me shed my weight. I have never had high self esteem or great confidence because I have battle weight issues my entire life. I am 26 years old and have been told by a doctor that if I ever want to be able to conceive children on my own I will need to shed 30% of my weight. I have tried. I need to be on this show. I need your help.

  47. Hi! I'm fat and am so ready to change that! 🙂 I have struggled my entire life with being overweight. I have tried all the diets out there..and obviously not one of them has work or stuck with me. I just need some help. I mean to go out shopping with your friends and head straight to the accessories because you know thats the only thing thats going to fit you in the store. You go out places with your friends and know that your not going to attract a guy because you know that your so heavy. I want to live! I want to meet a guy, I want to shop with my friends and actually buy clothes! So, this is where you come in (biggest loser.) You want a competetor? You will get one with me…You want a loser? Heck yes, if you let me on the show, I will be a big loser! 🙂

  48. Hi! My name is Stephanie, I am fat and I am so ready to change that. I am tired of going into clothing stores with my friends and heading straight to the accessories because I know thats going to be the only thing that fits. I am tired of feeling like everyone is staring at me because of my weight. Well, just like a lot of the world has, I have tried every diet in the book, obviously none of them have worked and I am ready for something that will. This is where you (the biggest loser comes in.) Help me change my life!!! I want to live, I want to be pretty for once, maybe even have a chance at meeting someone who could love me for me. It is incredibly hard to find someone to date when you are overweight like I am.

    I want to be on the biggest loser!!!

  49. Hello,
    My name is Tiffany, and I'm 26 years old and an office worker. I currently weigh 275 pounds. I have a spine disorder called Sherman's kyphosis. It's where your sine is shaped like a "c" ( or easier to understand as the hunch back of notre dome) and for most people it's reversible because their muscles adond their spine is mis-shaped and can threw massages and chiropractorss streach out their muscles and have a normal spine. My bones in my spine are shaped in triangles instead of blocks. I will eventually need spine fusing sugery. If I could lose 125 pounds it will help me be able to prolong the surgery and be in better shape. I'm hoping to be on the biggest loser because I need to make some life changing goals not only to help my spine but to feel in general better!!

  50. Hello I believe I would be a great person for the next season of the biggest loser. I have over 100 pounds to lose I am a teacher and an early interventionist. I have to work with children who ate enthusiastic and full of energy and being so over weight is very hard to do my job to its full capacity. I am a mother of three with a new grandson. It is so hard to even hey on the floor to play with my grandson or my students trying to do my job. I was an athletic person before having my children and getting over weight. I was a dancer in high school with lots of energy and fun personality. I could make people laugh with my funny comments until they became fat jokes about myself. I have tried every diet, pills and programs out there but ad soon as I see any success I go right back to believing I cannot do it. I would love to be on the show to show my kids what there mother can go and become that entergetic person I was before I had them, I love to work out but to get the energy and make the commitment is where I go wrong. It's always I will start tomorrow but I want to change that. Thanks for listening

  51. My name is Ellen. I am 56 grandmother
    and have been watching the Biggest Loser since it's inception. I am a Registered Nurse who physically, does not present as a good role model for my patients. My life is helping others but I can't seem to "help myself". I have been overweight all my life. I have even worked at a "fat camp" as a nurse, during my vacation, lost 15 pounds in three weeks working with these obese children but have gained it back x2 in the past two years. I "think" I know exactly what I need to do but I guess I don't like myself enough to do it for me. I can barely get out of bed in the morning…everything hurts. I come home from work physically exhausted. The weight gain has caused me to lose all interest in any activities. I know I am shortening my life….I need help. The chance to be healthy is the greatest gift that any person could receive in a lifetime.

  52. Hi, My name is Rhonda and I work @ Home Depot I weigh over 300lbs. I'm married with 3 step kids I can't have any kids right now, and I think it's because of my weight. Me and my cousin really need this that's all I can say.

  53. My name is Samantha, I'm a stay at home mom. I'm 25 years old, I'm 5'5 and 265lbs. I've been overweight my whole life, literally. I have a 4 year old son and 2 year old twin daughters who always want me to play with them and i just have no energy. I have my husband who is so supportive but my issues with myself are starting to get in the way of our relationship. In the past year I've quit smoking and gained 45lbs. I want to live my life to the fullest and be there for myself and my family. I should be on the biggest loser.

  54. Hi my name is Jeff I am 22years old and 360 pounds.I don't know why I eat all the time. I know im not hungry but it seems like I never get full. I have high blood pressure, Diabetes, and high cholesterol. My doctors told me if i don't do something I will be dead by the time I turn 30years old. I do live with my grandmother and she tries to make me eat right but I don't listen to her.But something got to me today.That not only i'm hurting myself i'm hurrting everone els around me also. So please pick me because i know if i don't get help i won't be around much longer! I am ready to do this

  55. Good day! Or, I should say it will be if I can figure out how to continue turning my life around. I'm a high school teacher on leave for an autoimmune condition-which has necessitated high dose steroids for 11 years….. yes, that decade saw a 134lb weight gain. But guess what? The 321lbs I'm carrying on my 5'8" frame is going to prevent me from getting up, back to work, participating on the wild international aide internships my college-age daughter is persuing. I want to be FULLY ALIVE again, and Weight Watchers isn't enough for the 160 lbs I really need to get off (I've already lost 68 lbs with them, determination is NOT lacking here). I need the structure of what you offer! Please!

  56. I am 5'1 and i weigh 377 pounds I am 35 year old married woman I have 3 girls and I will am ready to loose this weight!

  57. 24 years old, 5'8, 245 lbs and tired of yo yoing. I used to weigh 285 in 2010, lost 77 pounds by 2011 and I lost my job and am now up to 245. I'm ready to get healthy and stay healthy. I need the coaches help and training to teach me how to maintain a healthy life style. I was loved with food as child and have always been over weight. After going from a size 22 to a 14 in a year I got a taste of what its like to be thin…ish and I want to get my body in shape for good! I have drive, determination, and motivation. All I'm missing is a coach to guide me towards my goal. I love people and have a huge personality, just need to get this over weight chub out of the way. I want my outside to match my beautiful inside. Help me?

  58. What It Do!:

    My name is Raphael and I'm from a small country area named Boothville but live in WHO DAT NATION, the city of New Orleans also know as "Da NOLA" I am a 25 soon to be 26 year old young man who has a heart of gold and a personality out of this world. I am a college student with the study of Process Technology but my passion is music. I am a saxophonist and I enjoy playing music with all my heart! I could sit here and give you a pity party story of why you should pick me but I wont. I stop having those damn pity party moments a long time ago. I am so ready to drop this weight and I do mean drop all 450 lbs of it! I have always been told aww Raph you are such a handsome man only if you lose some of that weight. It's time for me to be on the other side. I want to not fear sitting in booths at restaurants of in chairs with arms. I want to shop and wear nice clothing that make me feel and looking good. I want to be healthy so when ever I find true love and have a family I will be there for my family as long as I keep my health up. I don't know how I let myself gain so much weight but the matter at hand is how will I get this weight off! So please take a chance and give me the opportunity of my lifetime to make a difference for me so I can bless others!

    Sincerely The Baddest Thang in Da NOLA!

    Raphael A. Jones

  59. I'm 18 years old and I weigh 325 pounds. I need help, I want help. I've tried and I cant do this on my own. I'm so young and I've never been able to live life like a normal person. All I want is to do normal things and to be healthy. I just want a second chance at life. I'm crying as I write this. It's just such an emotional topic. I've been getting made fun of for many years, since I was 4! This needs to stop! It's effecting everything in my life. Please choose me I want to live a long healthy life and I know I can achieve this with the help of THE BIGGEST LOSER.

  60. I'm located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma so please, please, PLEASE hold casting calls here.

    Thanks! 🙂

    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 260lbs
    Ethnicity: African-American, Caucasian, Hispanic
    Talents: Acting, Singing
    Experiences: High School Drama Productions, Summer Music Programs

  61. im alecia.. i live in lake city fl im 43 years of age i have always been fat and now iam 332pounds and 5'5 and i have 2 boys here at home and they want me to go play and ride bikes and go swimming with them but i hate to go.. becouse i so in barrist to do it:(i want so much to do a lot more with my kids and live a long life and be healthy sooo my kidS will too..and i have a best friend her name is lori and she is 300 pounds and 36 years of age and she also hads 2 kids at home that so much need her we have been going to the gym for 3 months now and i have lost 30pounds (alecia).. lori hads not lost any …it hads stop on mine (alecia) its like i work out and im not losing any more weight dont know why CAN YOU PLEASE HELP US……THANK YOU ALECIA AND LOIR :)WE ARE SO READY TO CHANGE OUR LIFES …

  62. Okay I'm Teri and I am 31 years old. Married and a mother of 2. I have been over weight most of my life, and I am worn out from this weight and life style. My children are 10 and 8 and I am leading them down the wrong road I am 5'9" and weigh 249 lbs. Please help me turn this cycle around not just for me but my children. I am a very outgoing person but the weight is slowing me down. Thank you.

  63. Hi. My name is Hope McCarter and I live in VA. I am 40 years old and obese. I am a single mother with 3 grown children and 3 grandchildren and another on the way. Everyone calls me Sunshine because I am always smiling, laughing, and cutting up but inside I am very unhappy with my weight and health. I am tired of being obese and want to live a healthier lifestyle. I want to see my grandchildren live their lives and be there for my family. I have type 2 Diabetes, high cholesterol, and borderline high blood pressure. I want to increase my quality of life and do things Ive never been able to do because of my weight. I want to go canoeing and rafting and sailing and ride an amusement park ride, just get out and really enjoy life. I need the discipline, commitment, and opportunity that The Biggest Loser would give me. Please, Im begging you, help me save my life. Its time and Im ready. Thank you.

  64. Hi my name is Brenda,I am a 22 yr old mother of a 3yr old son and I also work full time.I weigh 200 pounds but feel as i weigh double.I am ready for a change I am young and should have a high self esteem but my weight gets in the way of that,i need to be on the Biggest Loser.

  65. i'm a single father of a 4 year old little girl. i'm all she's got .my son and his wife just blessed me with my first grandchild.i love to watch them grow up.butt im 45years old and i weigh 400pounds.please help me

  66. My name is Jenn! I'm 21 years old from Texas.
    I am 5'6 330lbs. I'm no different from anyone else that wants to get on this show. Ive worked countless hours in the gym on my own, Ive counted calories until numbers were falling out from my ears and Ive cried to myself in every dressing room i ever pushed myself into going to. The only difference I can say I am making now is that Ive decided to be my own advocate. My whole life i always thought its my parents fault i am like this. That they should've taught me different. I obviously knew there was a different way of living if i was saying this. So from this day on i will fight for myself and it starts with this!

  67. hello,
    I just turned 49 and was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure. I promised my dr I would make lifestyle changes and so she put off the bbl mess until it became clear I wasn't making those changes; the day she wrote that script brought tears tears to my eyes. I thought, it's happening I'm becoming like my parents,npoor health, on all the meds and mad because of it. All the while knowing how to change things but still not able to do it. All I could think about is my father, cardiac issues, diabetes all things that could be wiped clean if henjust lost some wt – only to drift further away into dementia and the only thing that got him to lose the wt was walking laps first in the neighborhood and then in the nursing facility when he couldn't remember where he was or where he was going. Then he lost all the wt, stopped the meds and was in the best shape in years …physically. Too bad he couldn't enjoy it. I'm terrified that I'm quickly heading in that same direction and the fear is paralyzing me. I'm not comfortable asking for help but I'm asking now. I'm the competitive type but my competitor may be winning this fight. I'm very interested in auditioning and look forward to the opportunity. thanks

  68. my name is jamila i am a 33 yr old wife and mother .i have 3 kiddos that live with me ages 8 ,4 ,2 i also have a 14 and 12 yr old who live with their adopted parents ,i am 5'6 and 392 lbs ..all my friends say im am the most positive person they know ..i have always been fairly healty despite my weight..but recently i can barely move ,i hurt all the time i find it hard to care for my children ,and im not sure what other health problems io may have as i dont go to doctors very often. in the past 8 years i have lost some weight just to gain in back ,i dont what else to do please help me change my life ..i dont like the person i am i know there a confident and outgoing woman in here i just cant seem to find her ,

    thank u for reading this and i hope i am picked sincerely jamila dorris

  69. Hello Everyone,

    My name is Sandi I just turned 45 yrs old I am married with 2 children of my own and 2 bonus children, my life is good! I however am not I am overweight, take meds for depression and anxiety I feel like I'm 95 not 45 and I live this vicous circle everyday. Depressed because of the weight, Eat because I'm depressed, Stress out because I'm both and I can't get off this merry go round. My husband does try very hard to understand the depression but he doesn't he just knows I'm not the same person he married 5 yrs ago. My first divorce brought most of this own and 12 years of dealing with an emotionally abusive ex-husband. Trying to keep everyone happy and healthy has just killed my spirit and me. I'm 5'8" and 215 lbs. I work 7 days a week at 2 jobs to help with 3 of 4 in college I babysit a 3yr old and 6month old and this is when I truly realized what I was. FAT and MISERABLE those 2 babies r the best thing to hapen to me right now but I need a life changing moment and a partner. My family is actually all at the right weight for themselves it's just me. I've done it all counseling, pills, diets, fitness and I can't make it happen. I'm terrified of being picked I think it could kill me but sometimes I think that would be best. Love to all who get picked and good luck to you! Maybe this will be a lucky day for me!

  70. Hi it's me Pio, you probaly have a video of me and my brother richard. We were called back for an interview after i turned in my application at L.A about three years ago. Anyways I have gained a little bit more weight. In case you forgot I am 44 5'7 hipanic and 400 pounds. I have tried every diet out there and failed. Please help me!!! Pio Lopez

  71. i'm 38 will be 39 in april 2012 i'm a mother
    of 4 boys amd 1 girl and a grandma of a 4 and 5 year old i ran track and did gymnastics in high school but after 5 kids its hard to get the weight off im 5ft8 and weigh 276 and need to be healthy i'm very fun out going and determained so when i'm picked everyone else better bring it cause its on

  72. Hi my name is Felicia i am 29 year old mother of 2 girls a 12 year old and a 1 year old i weigh 285 lbs i am a type 2 diabetic insuline dependant i have high blood pressure and high cholestrole i want help losing weight so i can be around for my kids i no i can do it i just need that extra push to get me were i need to be so please help!!!!!

  73. To start off I am 24 years old I have aquired 2 children over the last 4 years, they are my entire life. I take care of my sick grandmother, go to school full time, and anything else that needs to be done. I weight around 300 lbs which is too much for my body to handle. I do not know where to begin and I really need help. My hands are always numb walking up my stairs to get to my apt is "crazy" exercise for me. Most of all I want to live a long healthy and happy life. I do not want my kids to have an overweight mother or themselves be over- weight. I am a very bubbly person I like to laugh and have fun. I would enjoy being on the Biggest Loser, for numerous or reasons but most important would be to take this time for myself to get me healthy, been overweight basically my whole life and as I have stated before I do not know where to begin and I need someone to show me how. I take this very seriously, and have been waiting very patenietly for the auditions to be announced I am from California and being a "Cali girl", I do not fit the part when my fat sags to the middle of my thighs and I look like a walking heart attack. If anyone has any advice how to catch the casting directors attention I am all eyes since well I cant hear you through a computer. Thans so much Andrea

  74. Hi my name is vontresia Miller. I am 18 years old and i have a 3 year old little girl named makayla that gets all of my time to the point where i am now 230 pounds and I'm only 5'7. Im still in high school as a senior and graduate on June 6th. I've had to spend all of high-school insecure and picked on about weight and now that i will be attending college in looking for a whole new start for me and my daughter. I also need money for college to provide me and my daughter a secure background until i get on my feet si winning this would also help tremendously. I am a very determined person when i want some thing so IM begging the casting crew to please choose me. i also have a very pop out attitude and can make the. show pop. hopefully someone will contact me because i don't have the money to travel or electronics to make a video. just a basic camera

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