Here is your chance to be featured as a vampire on this season’s final episode! The CW TV show “The Originals” is a spinoff show of the fan favorite The Vampire Diaries. This is a multiple day booking so you will be shooting for two or three days. There is a lot of info for this booking, so be sure to read all of the information carefully before you submit! Tammy Smith Casting is looking for very cool, interesting vampire looks. If you have a cool, interesting, hip, unique and or attractive type look, they want you! These vampires will be from various time periods (ie. 1920’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, etc.. and some with looks like goth, rock-and-roll, etc..) The casting team is looking for people ages 18-55 of all ethnicities and nationalities. This is a very diver look.
Please see the PHOTO notes below**, and AND you do NOT have to rush to submit. Submissions by the end of the night tonight are ok! They will be more selective for this one and won’t be sending booking until later tonight (Sunday night) or tomorrow morning! Sending photos of you in the wardrobe looks, as much as you have and can provide, will be ideal!
New faces, or repeats ok- ONLY if you have not been killed on the show, or featured, especially as another supernatural! The shoot will be working this Tues 4/5, Thurs 4/7 and Fri 4/8. These groups will be selected to work either all 3 days, OR just 2 DAYS: Thurs 4/7 and Fri 4/8 (there are no other combinations of dates). The show will be filming in Conyers, Georgia. The pay will be $64.00 for 8 hrs with O.T. after 8 hrs.
Please submit to ORIGINALSEXTRAS@TSCASTING.COM and put in the subject: “NEW COOL VAMPS”. When you apply you should include- CURRENT PHOTOS- CLEAR photos, in GOOD LIGHT that includes a good face photo from the shoulders up, and another from the waist or knees up…and make sure we can see your current hair length and color, facial hair, etc… in at least one of the photos. LOOK THE PART- intriguing, interesting, hip, cool, etc… Please, NO teethy SMILES..! -AND- **IF you have photos of you in any of the following looks, please include them: 1920’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, rock-and-roll, goth, Lady Gaga looks) Then please LIST the following in the body of your email: name, phone number in (xxx-xxx-xxxx-) format, your email address, city and state where you live (where you will be coming from, your age, height, weight and sizes (make sure all of your sizes are accurate). Men should send Jacket, collar, sleeve, waist, inseam and shoe size and women should send their dress size, bust, waist, and shoe size AND Please list (under your stats) “AVAIL 3 DAYS” or“AVAIL 2 DAYS” (if you are only avail for the Thurs/Fri dates). You must be willing to work as a local in Conyers, Georgia.
I have always had a desire to be in the film industry and have watched all of the originals. I love everything about it from the cast and crew to the story layout. Idea love to give it a taste even as an extra in such a spectacular series
18 in June
Brown hair
Brown eyes
Lots of experience in theater, looking to start film acting.
I was born to act on film. As a child i would gather my family to act in front of them. I would create my own stories and loved it. A passion of mines I still have. I'd love to help the film be the best it can be. Doesn't matter if I'm a extra or have a small speaking role. I want this more then anyone else who wants to be apart of this film.
i'm not 18 but im 16 and could easily get permission from a parent. this role is deeply important to me. i've re watched the vampire diaries at least 6 times which then led me to the originals and i grew a passion for it and if you would give me a chance that would be fantastic and you can contact me by my email. i've never wanted a part so bad before. i can send you pictures in goth clothing if you'd like. i'll do whatever it takes