The NBC series “Shades of Blue” is now filming in New York City and casting directors are looking for Hispanic babies to appear on the show! NBC describes the show as, Harlee Santos, played by Jennifer Lopez, is a charismatic single mother and resourceful detective at the heart of a tight-knit crew of Brooklyn detectives, led by enigmatic Lieutenant Matt Wozniak, played by Emmy Award winner Ray Liotta, who often leads the team to step outside the limitations of the law in order to effectively protect their precinct and their own.
As a big illegal job looms on the horizon, the FBI catches Harlee in the act and pits her against her own unit. As a newly turned informant, she struggles to safeguard her on-the-job family and avoid arrest in order to stay with her daughter. Harlee engages in a perilous dance with her FBI handler, Special Agent Stahl played byWarren Ko le, who develops an unhealthy obsession with her. Meanwhile, Wozniak, acting as the unit’s patriarch, begins an all-consuming hunt for the informant. Pressure mounts as the crew struggles to perform their brand of street justice under FBI watch.
Central Casting is accepting submissions for Hispanic babies who are ages 15 weeks to 4 months old. Babies will be filming from June 15th through June 24th. In order to work on the show, babies must have a valid child performer’s work permit and trust account set up prior to working. If you have a baby that would be perfect for Shades of Blue, please email Parents should include recent images of the baby as well as the child’s height, weight, birth date, name and parent contact information. The casting team asks you only use this email for this submission. Don’t miss out on your chance to have your child featured on the hit NBC television show!
I would really like to play on Disney I practice on my acting skill at home, also I'm home schooled so I would have a lot of time To be on Set and study my lines thank you guys… wish me luck