WGN’s original series “The Outsiders” is a show about a struggle for power and control. The series stars Joe Anderson, David Morse, Ryan Hurst, Gillian Alexy, Kyle Gallner, Thomas M. Wright and Christina Jackson. It is set in the rugged and mysterious hills of modern-day Appalachia. Outsiders follows the Farrells. The series tells the story of their family clan who have been in rural Kentucky since before anyone can remember. Living off of the grid and above the law on their mountaintop homestead, they will protect their world and defend their way of life using any means necessary. [WGN]
Casting directors for the series are looking for men to play prisoner types, guards men and correction officers. These roles will shoot for multiple days in mid-June so candidates must be available to film several days next month and should have a relatively open schedule. They are looking for men who are in a reasonable distance from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas since that is where the WGN TV show is filming.
If you would like to be an extra for the recurring role and have open availability, you can email outsidertvextras@gmail.com with either Corrections Officers or Prisoner in the subject line of the email depending on which role you are interested in playing. Your submission should include your name, age, height, weight, your contact information and a current photo. You should always double check your submission before sending to make sure you have included all of the requested information. This is a really great opportunity. Filming on a major television show, especially for more than one day, is a good chance to not only gain experience and make some extra cash, but to get your face out there and have the chance to network with the crew and other actors. If you want your shot to play a prisoner or corrections officer submit today!