There is a new opportunity for you to be in the new Avengers movie! Starring some of Hollywood’s biggest names, “The Avengers: Infinity War” is shooting in Atlanta, GA. Casting directors are looking for men and women to play pedestrians. The movie extras casting call is the perfect way to start off 2018! Men and women who are over the age of 18 are needed to play pedestrians. People of all ethncities are being hired for these roles. A wardrobe fitting will take place on Friday, January 12th. Filming will be on Wednesday, January 17th and Sunday, January 21st. Anyone who applies must be fully available for all three days, there are no exceptions. They only want new faces who have not yet worked on this movie.
Movie Extras Casting Call
Feature Film- Mary Lou
Work: TWO DAYS- Wednesday 1/17 + SUNDAY 1/21
Location: Fayetteville AND Atlanta, GA
Rate: $68/8
Pedestrians: Looking for men and women over the age of 18 of all ethnicities
Will portray Pedestrians in this exciting scene! Light jogging may be required, so you should be in good physical shape.
Must be available for ALL THREE of the following:
1. Wardrobe Fitting this Friday 1/12 in Fayetteville
2. Filming on Wednesday 1/17 in Fayetteville (must have all day availability)
3. Filming on Sunday 1/21 in Atlanta (must have all day availability)
This is for NEW FACES ONLY- do not submit if you have worked on this previously. Must be able to attend the fitting and both filming dates- no exceptions! **This may be your last chance to work on this exciting project!
To submit, send an email to and include: your name, phone number, height, weight, sizes, & current photos- 1 Head Shot, 1 Full Length. Please put “January Pedestrian” in the subject line.