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LA Ink - TLC
LA’s hot favorite girl is now back on her turf! Kat Von D wants to find and ink unique and entertaining people that want some new AMAZING ART all over their bodies!

TLC is currently casting for LA INK and want you to audition. If you are looking for a kick-ass tattoo that is created by the best in the business let us know!A bit of Background of TLC’s LA INK Reality TV Show:

After Kat Von D left the hit program Miami Ink due to a dispute with her cast members, she moved back to sunny LA to open her own new tattoo shop and was offered a spin off show. Initially, she hired her close friend Pixie Acia to be the shop manager, and her good friend Corey Miller as the tattoo artist. After considering many more artists for the job, Von D hired Hannah Aitchison and Kim Saigh to work for her as well. The cameras follow her as she opens the shop, while capturing everything that unfolds in between.

93 thoughts on “LA INK – TLC

  1. I had my ex husbands name put on my wrist while I was on vacation for one week. I wanTed to come home and surprise him a day earlier, to only find another woman in my bed .. After my dicorce I had a Meth addict tell me he could cover up the name on my wrist and I promise it is the worst tattoo cover up .. I am a nurse and consistently showing my wrist, I need someone to please help me!

  2. I love kat, I love the show I'm a single mom rasing a beautiful 7 year old boy since one I'm complaining I'm bragging because I held down fort since day 1 and it's not easy being a strong women trying to raise a gentian while working full time.. my idea of a tattoo is a anchor(I'm obsessed) because anchors hold boats etc down which are big and strong and anchors Anne big and strong and that's what I am am well not big but a anchor with my son's name incorporated into it somewhere saying refuse to sink because I have had cancer and I was diagnosed at age of eleven with pseudo tumor cerebri that I've been battling my whole life and I'll never sink!

  3. I love kat, I love the show I'm a single mom rasing a beautiful 7 year old boy since one I'm complaining I'm bragging because I held down fort since day 1 and it's not easy being a strong women trying to raise a gentian while working full time.. my idea of a tattoo is a anchor(I'm obsessed) because anchors hold boats etc down which are big and strong and anchors Anne big and strong and that's what I am am well not big but a anchor with my son's name incorporated into it somewhere saying refuse to sink because I have had cancer and I was diagnosed at age of eleven with psedoyu.or cerebri that I've been battling my whole life and I'll never sink!

  4. I am a mother of 3 and I have a tattoo with my 2 daughters names. It starts in front on the left side of my chest and wraps over my shoulder to the upper part of my back. It was done in color and for some reason my skin rejected the color ink. The tattoo looks incomplete. This piece is very special to me because its a symbol of my kids

  5. hey my name is takiera beans im 20 years old . I live in Memphis , TN . born and raised .i deserve this opportunity because tattoos are how i express myself. growing up and still now i have and had bad anger problems but every since i been getting tattoos, that has been a way for me to cope with what i go through. sounds crazy i know , but tattoos help me express my self. when you look at my tattoos they are going to tell a story about me and my struggles and overcoming in life.plus i've been watching cat since i can remember . very bad ass one of the best yet.

  6. hey my name is takiera beans im 20 years old . I live in Memphis , TN . born and raised .i deserve this opportunity because tattoos are how i express myself. growing up and still now i have and had bad anger problems but every since i been getting tattoos, that has been a way for me to cope with what i go through. sounds crazy i know , but tattoos help me express my self. when you look at my tattoos they are going to tell a story about me and my struggles and overcoming in life.

  7. Hi Kat ! I am 44 years old. I have almost 2 sleeves done by a awsome women. I have watched you since u started on TV. I gave my son up for adopt when I was 16. Then when I get older life goes downhill. My Mom came to NC for. My wedding an she told me " she came to die here with me " An she did 5 days after. I had to pull the plug. So a few years later my Grandson died of brain cancer. The nest month my Grandfather past away, an the following month my Daughters 4 week old baby girl we had to let her go. Dealing with all this within 3 months of each other puts you in a major dipression. So then a few years later my husband leaves me. So adds more dipression. I am taking Meds. Down to the point I have always wanted to get a " TATS " from you. Glad you're back on TV. Can't wait to watch again.

  8. I am a 24 year old gay bpy from Iowa I have tattoos and love Kat have since the Miami in daze! I would the pridvlede of pain with her I want to get the peacock on my arm filled in and maybe even a sleve finished for my mom he's still alive and doing well I just love her to pieces and I just know Kat wouldgo above and beyond my expectations

  9. I have been a fan of Kats when she first appeared on Miami Ink. As an artist myself her portrait tattoos are out of this world. I would love the opportunity to receive a make over tattoo on my lower back. My mom (deceased since 2006) was married to my dad 38 years and it was an abusive marriage i used to think it was always her fault and was angry at her because my dad stayed away later they divorced and he remarried. MoM came to live with me and I took care of her in her illness and passing in 2006. I now realize in my own marriage what my mom went through married for 25 years and being abused and mistreated my mom is truly missed and I think of as my angel butterfly flying over me giving me the courage to stand up for her,myself, and other women that we are all Gods children to be loved and cherished not abused and mistreated. I have two butterflys facing each other with four roses symbolizing my husband and I and our four children.I desire a portrait of my mother with butterfly angel wings in honor of my mother and to symbolize strength for all woman to STAND and know their self worth even if that means walking away from a bad relationship for a new life.

  10. Im 24,im black, I have tattoos already im from Memphis Tn.I have experience on a show already from when I was young called Mr.Chuck. I was 10 .My scene was like a minute long I read to other kids.lol but I think I would make a great deal to the show as an extra… Truly Truly a fan of the greatest Kat Von D…hope I could Udition atleast…Contact Me:Cordell Watson

  11. Hello 🙂 My name is Lisa, I'm 29 and from Texas!
    I lost my father in 2009 in a way I could not think possible. He left 4 daughters behind without a goodbye. And was a shock to all of us…as the years have passed it still hasn't gotten any easier. Many questions left unanswered. I would love to get a tattoo in memory of my dad. My dad loved to sing and had such an amazing voice. He could literally pick up any instrument and teach himself to play it. It was something incredible to sit and listen to him sing and play. Especially acoustic guitar. So my tattoo idea would by my father sitting behind his pickup truck singing and holding his guitar…and of course sipping on his all time favorite Presidente bottle. 🙂

  12. A little over a year ago my(then) 4 year old was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. It was the most gut wrenching news any single mother could hear. I don't sleep at night for fear that he may not wake up in the morning. It's a terrible disease that is not yet cure able.
    I've been wanting to get a "hope" or "cure type 1" tattoo. I'm not willing to trust just anyone to do this meaningful tattoo on me.
    – Amber

  13. I love Kat!! I have 5 kids that are perfect . I lost my beautiful perfect cousin in a fire 2 years ago and had a tattoo for Jason and it just doesn't do him any justice . I would love to be part if your show. Xoxoxo

  14. Hello, my name is Rahsaan and im commenting for my fiance who does so much for own kids who aren't hers, family and friends, and at work. She works as an assistant manager at a six bed home for elderly people who are able to take care of themselves, she works over 60 hrs a week and still comes home and deals me my two boys and our 4 pit bulls. She never asks for anything from anyone and it would mean the world to her to get a tattoo in remembering her mother who past two years ago. Thank you for giving me a chance to give her a gift that I can't afford at this point

  15. I have 4 tattoos, all of which I love, and I have plans for soooo many more. The one I would particularly love to have Kat do is a memorial tattoo for my dad. I have it planned out, I know exactly what it needs to be, I just need an amazing artist to make it happen. This tattoo would incorporate several medieval heraldry styles, but all brought together in a very bad-ass modern way.

    and here's the other thing: I have an older brother who wants to get the same tattoo, and we've decided to get it at the same time. our dad's death was very hard on both of us, but it actually brought us closer in a lot of ways, so we decided that we needed to share this experience. and…he's terrified of needles. he knows what goes into a tattoo, and is willing to do it for this one, but it will probably be the only tattoo he ever gets because it is a true phobia for him. I know Kat can have a soothing manner when she needs to, and I think this would be a perfect setting for us.

  16. I would be perfect for this. I actually have 3 unproffesional tattoos that need covered. I have a mushroom with a really messed up frog on my left leg, a flower on my back with my name, which runs together, and a horrible butterfly on my foot. I'm nervous for anyone to fix because it hurt so bad, besides Kat, she's an exception. I told my husband whenever we saved up enough money that I wanted Kat Von D to give me and half sleeve from my right shoulder down to my elbow. I love her work. I watched her previous show and fell in love with what she does. I'm 23, I'm a full time mom of 2. I live in Springdale, Arkansas. I've had time to think about what i would want in my sleeve, which would represent everything i have gone through so far in life. its about damn time to do something personal for myself. Plus who wants another crappy tattoo!!!! I'm badass, I want more ink and I would be perfect!

  17. Kat is a bad a, it would be cool to be inked by her I'm 20 right now but ever since Miami ink started I was some how convinced she'd do my whole body… I have almost a full sleeve a half sleeve and some other places soo that obviously didn't happen I'm from Canada trying to make something out of my rap music in LA, Kat hit me up! Let me get some of your amazing work to show off.

  18. My husband is in the Navy and currently deployed on the USS Nimitz. We have a 20 month old baby girl who he has been separated from her whole life due to their deployments. He is finally due to return home in a couple months after having his deployment extended twice with the whole Syria situation and as a homecoming gift I would love to surprise him with getting tattooed by Kat. I want him to know how much I appreciate the sacrifices he makes for our family and to finally get the tattoo he has been wanting to represent our daughter.

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