Besides being a pro recording singer or artist, you can become an independent singers that is not signed to a record label. You can perform as a singer full-time at different places in your country or even the world and make a living doing it!
If you you really want be a singer and have a singing career as a full-time job, you need to first get experience. You can do this by performing at various jobs like local bars or even cafes. This will help you build up a following. This fan base will support you when and where you sing, and they can also spread the word on how good you are! Remember some full-time artists can eventually be a professional recording artist too!
I love music. I live for it. I love singing and dancing. I also love to dance. Music runs in my blood. I've loved it since I was a child. I'm young, only 19, but I want to do it full-time. I know that I can make a difference through music which is a big part of why I love it so much. I challenge myself and I can sing anything. I'm willing to learn whatever it is I need to so I can become better at my craft. I don't have to be famous, I just want to touch people's lives.
Hi, I would like information on auditioning for television (commercial jingles, sitcoms and various other productions. I have had experience singing in front of an audience and have had compliments from people saying I should sing professionally. Singing is my passion and I would love to find more opportunities. Thank you, Calleen
I've been singing since I was 3 and now I'm 13…. I I've recorded a couple songs and a lot of people believe that I'm really talented, is there anyway I could become more known?
Hi my name is Krystal and ever cince the 5th grade people say I can sing now im in the 8th grade and I want to show the world what I can do
Hi, my names leshawna. I just turned 18 in September and now I feel that it's my time to branch out and be whatever makes me happy which is becoming a singer. My mom is totally against be doing singing as a full time career. Instead she wants me to do a job in the medical field because the pay is so good. But I will love to become a singer it's a passion I feel an a feeling comes over me that I never want to get rid of. Singing is a part of my being. I wish some one will just give me the opportunity to show them how passionated I truly am about the beautiful gift that god has given me.
Hello, How are u doing? I am a Gospel singer. I am truly a praise & worshiper. I love to sing for the Lord. It is a passion & a big part of me to sing for the Lord. You can let the your song minister to the people. I would love to sing professionally. Thank-you for your time! Have A Blessed Day!
i just want to say if i dont find somebody help me make it big my singing career might just fall down the drain. singing is my personality.
Hi im Sean,as far as I can remember I started singing at the age of 7,my first song was "My heart will go on" I love to sing and I have a good recording voice all I want to do is sing.I want to sell millions of records and sign to an sell out o2 Arena in London. Is there anybody from Ireland on this prefely from Laois or Kilkenny or Carlow. I don't have the confidence so maybe a band to start off in.
I have been singing since I could talk. I would love to branch out as an independant singer and sing everywhere. Thank you for the idea and encouragement. It has always been my dream to record and promote my music.
Hello my name is Patricia May and I been singing since 12 years old. I am a well rounded singer with the strong Gospel voice. For the last five years I have been working in studios and singing in cover bands as lead singer. My husband and everybody tells me my voice is mixed between Aretha Franklin, Tina Turner, and several other artist. That's the job I did in the past was impersonating voices and I'm good at it. Oh yeah my gift comes from God.
hey everyone my name is Avonna… gay and love singing and writing songs….my role model is Mariah carey and beyonce knowles……hala at me on fb "sk avonna main bee" ~xo
My name is Brooke. I have started to realize in 2nd grade that I can sing and now I am in 6th grade. I have always said that I want to be inspiring to others and that I want to make others smile. Being that I have a great talent is a gift. I really would appreciate if I became a singer outside of my house. My dream is to have a world tour and if that happens I would thank everyone who supported me through the way. Thank you.
Hey there i am 15 and love to sing .I am a country singer but will sing others ass well.I also play guitar and drums I can be found on Reverbnation youtube,and Facebook and Talentlive studios sites
Singing is my passion & God has blessed me with such a unique talent to share with the world. I would be interested and honored to learn more about this opportunity and how I can increase what has been given to me to share with those who enjoy good music.
Hi, I'm 11 yrs. old and although I am very young, I'd love to audition. I try to sing everywhere and I am filipino. My parents think I am amazing at it and I sing mostly on key. I like Songs that are not too fast and not too slow. I try to do my best at singing and dancing. I am also a figure skater. I am willing to do anything to become a singer.
Hi I'm Hazirah and I'm really inrested in this oppurtunity as singing is my passion and I dance…my friends tells me that I'm good especially when I sing Adele's songs and I'll never give up my singing hopes and dreams,I cant do a YouTube video as my place is really squeezy and the camera isin't that great but you can hear me sing as my mic is good
Hi my name is Shannel and I'm 14 teen years old. I'm a filipino and I'm forward to get this because I love to sing and rap. I write my own songs, and when I'm done I play it at the ukelele to find out the tone, chords, and etc. I write songs that comes out from my mind. I want this because it's my passion to let people listen to the music I came up with and listen to my voice. My friends tell me whenever I sing it sound like a baby and sometimes it sounds like Justin Bieber and I don't gear that, but my friends do. I hope i get this.
Hello my name is Victoria Ratcliff I'm from Conroe tx Im 12 yrs old I sing in my school choir and talent shows a lot I love to sing its my passion.
I am a singer in bollywood i have upcoming concerts in around may 27 i can sing hollywood songs as well as i sing bollywood so plz……give me a chance
I love to sing,singing is a gift from God,I feel if I don't sing I feel like just dieing I must sing ,when I sing people get heal set free I sing everywhere ,I stared singing at the age of 5years old an I never gave uup.I do have a CD call Thank you Lord my husband plays for me he also a Teacher,teach's how to play by Ear
Hi my name is yahsuko savoy i am 16 years old i started my singing career since i was two years old i am a preformer and a entertainer i have a beautiful voice i participate in the talents shows in my school singin is my ppassion i write my own music too my voice is very strong if you give me a chance you will be amaze by my voice
Hi my name is coral and I want to be famous I turn 15 I December I'm from puerto Rico but talk straight English my friends and I are gonna do a band this summer and wanted a good musical production
Name: Kenya Gilchrist
Age: 17 1/2
Race: Black
Location: Atlanta Georgia
Experience: Singing for 9 years and ihave been writing songs for 6 years. I have written over 200 songs. O'm currently looking for a agent or producer to take me to the next level.
Age: 11 Name: Jasmine Diaz. Well, my whole life I have always wanted be some one and not just some regular everyday person. I have always lived for music, art, dancing and other stuff. I'm really lots of fun once you get to know me, so I'll be here waiting for JA!!! Sniff ya later!!!
I absolutly LOVEEEEE To sing i am very expirenced , p already have mixtapes coming out soon i would just love to get known/sign . pleaseee consider me .
hey hit me up i can sing like theres no tomorrow im avaliable thanks….
Name: Julja
age: 14
Height: 5'6
weight: 60 kg
eye color: green
hair color: blond
ethnicity: russian (estonian)
DOB: 09/10/97
languages: English, Russian, Estonian
Lives in Estonia
I would like play in movie, because I think that it is very funny and interesting. I know that it is difficult work, but I still want it. I love reading books and watch movies. I'm funny, interesting girl. I'm not afraid of the stage and the cameras. I love sing. And I always like play on D.C.
My name is Mary Gipson and I live in Daytona Beach Florida and I have been singing since I was 5 yrs. old I love Country Music and I love to sing I live and breathe music everyday. I went to Nashville and auditioned for Don Reed who wanted to put me in the studio but I couldn't come up with the money to pay for studio time but I know that I have the talent, if you want to hear something that I have done you can send me an email let me know Thank You Mary
Hey! My name is Emily and I am 14 years old. I have been singing since i could talk and its what i love to do. I am constantly talking about becoming a star for singing and acting and it's what i want to do with the rest of my life. Now, whether i get to do what i love for the rest of my life i don't know. But i have many inspirations and even though i live in a town of 3,500 people, i love what i do and i want to do it forever. I want this so bad…no one even knows how bad i want this. It would mean the world to me if i got this.
I'm Henry Tobelman (actor/singer/songwriter) from Connecticut. I'd be very interested in any part of this project. Singing and poetry are my life. I have a powerful voice that has the ability to be molded however you'd like. Most of my experience is on stage, but I do have experience in the studio. If you're looking for a fun, nice, hardworking singer who will take direction and run with it, look no further.
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190lb
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Curly Brown
Eyes: Brown
Location: Killingworth, Connecticut US
Language: Fluent in English, some French, some Italian
I have been singing since before my memory begins. I live to sing and I love to sing. I have an expressive face and voice. Thank you for your time. Please let me know.
Thank You
Hi,i lovs singing,but i am good at singing rap song.Since my child hood had been singing,i do sing rap song in the church, i have passion for rap song.only gospel song.i love to do an audition.
Full name: Daniyella Harmon
Age: 13
Date of Birth: 01/16/1999
Height: 5'3
Weight: 110
Hair: Black, shoulder length
Eyes: Dark brown
Ethnicity: African-American
Skin: brown
Acting experience: Acting workshops, played extra part in a movie
Hi.. my name is Rheta.
My name patricky m bora,
Singing is been my passion of mine since I can remember I have been performing on stage and out has an acrobats dancer drama singer and lil model,.
But music is been my number thing that I love most
Is my veins becouse I live it and breath it.if music was a food to me that could the only thing that I could eat..
But honestly I will love to be in this and make singing my carrer, peace love and unit
ongwriter, Songstress, Atarah has been singing from the time she were 8 years old growing up in the church and singing, she loves singing and sharing the talent that God had blest her with to the world. She is a future mainstream artist, she is the new music of today, her voice will make you fall in love with her music. Presenting new artist, Atarah she currently lives in the bay area, she is 20 years old, her strengths are in her music as the School of arts calls it, in 2009 she Graduted from Galileo High School.Her music is Christian/ R&B/ Neo Soul/ Rock/ Pop. She has a blend of contemporary and traditional on stage. Atarah have been on live radio, and live radio talk show's radio 1190 the Light, and has done live performances for universities, and colleges throughout the bay area. Atarah performed for President Barack Obama and senate officials President Obama quoted " that her performance were superb." She did the opening song of the national anthem for the Oakland A’s and the Oakland Raiders, and sung for private parties and events for hire, she also performing for the glee project musical, singing acting, and she is also, singing for BET Comic View comedians, at the comedy club. atarh will fit this gig because she can lighted up any scene and song and make it come to life. please pick atarah for this part. thanks
Hello my name is Julia im 18 years old and music is huge part of my life as a singer / rapper artist i just wanted to get a shot at this first time ever doing some like this im a mother as well my daughter is 2 years old i love written my own music its something i use to express my self like any other person would im a solo type and it would be a huuuuuge blessing if ya picked me im just like usual come from a small town called immokalee florida i hope ya check me out id appreicate it if not it was worth trying god bless 😉
I am 13! I am a soprano, do ballet, act, play the violin and piano, and LOVE to sing! I am somewhat small for my age, but i am very on key when i sing. I would love an opportunity to sing for a larger crowd of people, please consider me. I have hazel eyes and blond/ brown hair (it changes a lot)
I am 13! I am a soprano, do ballet, act, play the violin and piano, and LOVE to sing! I am somewhat small for my age, but i am very on key when i sing. I would love an opportunity to sing for a larger crowd of people, please consider me.
Hello to anyone reading. My name is Arianna. I live in a small town in Arkansas. I just turned 14. I hate it when I go to tell how much I love singing and it starts to sound corny. But I do. Singing IS my life, there's no life WITHOUT singing. I just about drive myself crazy when I'm sick and my voice sounds horrible. I've wanted to be in any sort of music career since I was about 8. I'm in choir at school. In 6th grade I made the first ever Honor Choir in Arkansas. I made 11th chair in All-Region choir last year in 7th grade. I quit choir this year because of some personal issues. But I've stayed with my passion for music and joined band. I can play the flute and piano. I can never really see anyone else having a big of passion for music as I do myself. As for the small stuff, I made 2nd in a school Talent Show singing Fireflies by Owl City. I was also in a group singing in the Talent Show, we sang My Boyfriends Back by The American Dream and won Third place also. I hope anyone who reads this realizes how much I love music. I will never be happy until I am doing something relating to music.
Hi my name is Ashle Plummer I am 19 soon to be 20 but I have always wanted to show people that I could sing, But a few years ago my cancer came back and pretty much ended what I had planned to do, So I want to do this before time comes around and I am not able to do it at all.
If I am to win this money I would do any and everything to find a cure for cancer, so that other kids can live there dream like I want to live mine. Thank you for your time.
Hope you pick me
Also im 14
Burgandy Red Hair Medium Length
I am in 8th Grade
I live in santa clarita CA
Born in monterey park Cali
Raised in LA
Sing all day everyday
Hi My Name is Kimberly. I Am 14 Years Old And i Love To Sing. please i want to prove to my family that i can make my dreams come true !!
Hello! 🙂 My name's Anca, I'm fifteen and actually I live in Spain. I'd like to be on the show. I'd like to be an actress in the cast. I LOVE to sing and dance, and I have real talent, I must say! Not only do I have talent, but it's the most fun thing to do in this world. I walk around the halls at school singing or humming to myself, around the house, doing homework, in the shower and just everywhere! I also like acting and have a rather huge sense of humor. In fact my dream is to become a singer. I've been singing practically all my life. I have taken dance lessons, and I did singing. I have perfored singing to audiances of up to 500 people, in the school. At age 4 I learned to play the piano, and now I'm learning to play guitar. I'm tall, thin, I have long blonde hair and brown eyes. I'm a little shy, but that isn't a problem. I am an outgoing, fun loving and very smily person. I talk spanish, english, romanian and a little french. I have wanted to be an actress since I was very young. I have acted in school plays and things like theatres. I'm very interested in the role. It's my dream! In addition to fulfilling my dream, would greatly help my family. Please give me this opportunity to change my life! Contact with me by e-mail or facebook (I let it here, just click on my name). Hope to hear from you soon!! Thank you so much! 😀
Hello my name is Irene. God has blessed me with a good voice I have been singing for a long time. i have been in most of church choirs and i have had a lot of lead singer opportunities. I believe it’s about time that the world should hear about my talent. I am available for Christian music, TV and any advertisements opportunities. i write my own music too but i have never recorded any of them. Thank you.