What’s the perfect recipe for making the most exciting reality game show on television? TNT may just have figured it out. They took the producers of the one of the longest running and most watched game shows in history The Amazing Race, added the supreme talents of director/producer extraordinaire Ron Howard (A Beautiful Mind, Apollo 13) and let them cook up the years most anticipated program, The Great Escape. Submissions for upcoming casting calls are being accepted now for the game show that will be talked about for years to come.
The Great Escape will pit three two person teams against each other each week in an epic series of challenges that culminate with the winning team walking away with $50,000! Each team will have to successfully conquer other pursuers of the prize through epic obstacle courses all leading to a Great Escape from such elaborate venues as sinking ships and castles with the first escapees winning the grand prize. This fantastic new show will be hosted by the uber talented Rich Eisen of The NFL Network and ESPN fame and will surly be a reality challenge the likes of which we have never seen. If you would like to be a part of this unbelievable new game show you can send the following information: The names of you and your partner, your relationship to your partner, your ages, phone numbers and email addresses, recent photos of you and your partner (together or separate), reasons why you two would be great for the show and why you two need the $$$ to greatescapecasting@gmail.com. submissions are being accepted now so don’t delay and be sure to check back for all of our great The Great Escape updates.
If you have always watched shows like Wipeout, The Amazing Race and Fear Factor at home and known that you could do all of the things that you saw – and do them better, now is your chance. Be a part of America’s next reality game show challenge senstation. Sumbmit yourself today for TNT’s The Great Escape.
Hello, I would like to submit Myself and my younger brother Kyle as contestants on The Great Escape. I am 30 years old, I have 4 year old son and I am a veteran of OIF 2003. I currently work in sales/ management. My brother Kyle is 26 years old with no children and works for his towns public works department. I can say with the utmost confidence that not only do we have what it takes to win but we have the dynamics to be a fan favorite. We are very close siblings that share a level of unspoken communication. We are fit and active as well and witty and educated. We both have strong personalities with plenty of humor to spare. If we were selected to compete we would us the money toward our sisters double lung transplant surgery as she is terminally ill with Cystic Fibrosis. Either way we would love to test ourselves, bond through the challenge and give America a great show. Thank you.
To be completly honest why i want to be on the TV show The Great Escape… i just finished watching the TV show right now it it was very interesting and this was actually my first time watching it. Myself such as my Girlfriend have been looking to challenge ourselves in many ways 🙂 and just to have fun… this will be our first time being on a TV show and will be looking foward to participating and make it fun for TNT viewers…we wont let you down.. thank you
Hi, my name is Ryne im a 20 year old male living in Las Vegas Nevada, me and my friend nick would dominate the great escape.We have been friends for about 5 years now.We were stars on our high school football team.Were both extremely competetive,athletic,and smart.We would almost certainly win the prize.I was recently laid off from work due to the company being forced to close.My girlfriend recently got pregnant and we need the money extremely bad.I'd love to be on the show with my buddy nick pleaseeeeee choose us.
I think me and my girlfriend should be in this show because we make a great team.
I Will use the money for my two brothers education
Me and my older brother feel we are more than capable of winning the Great Escape. We are very competitive and i know i am going to be the youngest Great Escape winner yet. I am 17 and my brother is 22. We feel very confident that we can win in any condition. I hope you'll give us this opportunity to dominate the show!
Aye!!! Me and my best bud justyn are dead set on going to college. We WILL win if we get on this show like….not even an option. Anything physical? Might ass well say we did it already. An obstacle you would have to think about? DONE!!! BRING IT!! LETS SEE WHAT THIS SHOW IS REALLY MADE OF!!
Hi my name is Peter D. Jackson, a twenty year old male from PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA. For most of my life my younger brother Jermaine and I would go to bed each night with the unabated fear that in the morning we would be, yet again, moved to another place. I have grown up living with the harsh reality of both biological parents being incarcerated. I also have coped with the vast majority of my first 15 years of life persevering in countless foster homes and youth facilities. I could not grasp even the notion of attending college, and graduating from high school seemed more unlikely with each passing day. I knew essentially one truth and convey it when i write, “Some children do not get to experience life as it should be. For most of my life I thought I was going to be one of those children.” It is a story common to so many uncommon children who find themselves in similar circumstances. With only a splinter of hope for a promising life, they begin each day with the lasting dream of becoming part of a family. A dream that for many, rarely becomes a reality. I believe in a future for all young kids who have, or are living in the conditions that i grew up in. My ultimate goal is to show these kids that they DO have a future and they should not give up the hope that I lost. Giving Jermaine the opportunity to be contestants on your show will not only inspire kids, but reveal to them that they are not in it alone. Thank you for taking the time to consider us as guests. I pray you give us the chance to reach out too all, that there is someone who cares and knows what it was like to live in a world of uncertainty and lost dreams.
Hi my name is Peter D. Jackson, a twenty year old male from PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA. For most of my life my younger brother Jermaine and I would go to bed each night with the unabated fear that in the morning we would be, yet again, moved to another foster home. I have grown up living with the harsh reality of both biological parents being incarcerated. I also have coped with the vast majority of my first 15 years of life persevering in countless foster homes and youth facilities. I could not grasp even the notion of attending college, and graduating from high school seemed more unlikely with each passing day. I knew essentially one truth and convey it when i write, “Some children do not get to experience life as it should be. For most of my life I thought I was going to be one of those children.” It is a story common to so many uncommon children who find themselves in similar circumstances. With only a splinter of hope for a promising life, they begin each day with the lasting dream of becoming part of a family. A dream that for many, rarely becomes a reality. I believe in a future for all young kids who have, or are living in the conditions that i grew up in. My ultimate goal is to show these kids that they DO have a future and they should not give up the hope that I lost. Giving Jermaine and i the opportunity to be contestants on your show will not only inspire kids, but reveal to them that they are not in it alone. Thank you for taking the time to consider us as guests. I pray you give us the chance to reach out too all, that there is someone who cares and knows what it was like to live in a world of uncertainty and lost dreams.
I am looking for adventure and a chance to try out the skills I have acquired since childhood, being in the woods and plalying manhunt I know I have what it takes to win. A drive to succeed and a determination like no one else. I'll get out of anything you put me in like a modern day Houdini. I'll take your challenges and make the mm look like a simple task! Don't believe me just try me.
I've watched the shows and noticed that everyone on the show don't act like there escaping. They act like their on a reality show, but they are actually doing both. If me and my girlfriend are able to get a chance to get on this show I can almost guarantee that we will win. We are in college and still in our teens, very athletic and smart. We look at every little detail and notice everything around us, we are very quick on our feet both mentally and psysically. That is why we want to be on this show and will take it home.
My cousin and I want to be on this show. We are both single dads and desperately need the money.
My mother and i watch the Great Escape all the time! we are by far the most competitive people out their! and we know if we were given the chance to participate in the Great Escape Challenge, we would take the game & the money easily!
Me and my Dad love the show. We have always wanted to be on a reality TV show. We both play 3+ sports and we love a challenge. We would love to have a chance at completing the Great Escape. Please give us a chance.
Thanks for reading!!
Me and my wife love to join the great escape we are very competive where both athletic and strong willing. I want to win this for my wife so I can give her the wedding she desperate wanting ever since we got married in a court house were a young family with two kids. And it kind of hard to give my wife the wedding of her dreams with the economy and take care of two kids. that why i believe i we should be on the show.
My husband and I would love to be a part of the Great Escape. He works hard in the US Navy and he and i could think of nothing better to do with some leave time than to be on this show. Everyone could use some extra money, and if we are contestants we could use it to help my mom buy her house and bring down her anxiety. It's just her since my dad passed and times get tough. This opportunity would be well appreciated. We make a great team and love a challenge. Let's do this!
Me and my dad are very athletic. We are capable of doing many types of physical activities. I am a great climber for climbing activities, and I also play sports so I can move fast. We are determined to win what ever competion we're in and will never give up.
I believe my boyfriend and I should be considered because we are very competetive and we workhard torward things that we want. We have great determination and I know we will win. We have our children to motivate us and would like to show them that if you put your mind to it you can acheive anything.
Also, the money would go toward college and be very helpful.
My friend and I are 2 strapping young 18 year old males and want to be apart of this show that we both think is awesome. We are both very athletic, clever, handsome, and witty.
My sister and I want to audition for the show the great escape.
Zachary Esslinger, age16
Ashley Esslinger, age 20
Our relationship is were siblings.
We are very active, we know each others skills and strengths from working together as children, we give challanges all we have, never give up, and are highly competitive. We work through snow, rain and heat so we can take all of the elements of nature. We would be a force to recon with and could win if we are givein the chance to compete.
Why we need the money : (Zachary) I need the money so I can pay my tuition for college in the future
(Ashley) I need the money so I can pay for my wedding coming up
I am a army military police veteran and my dad is physically fit markgivr and we will be the most competitive people on the show
Me and my dad want to audition for the show the great escape.
My husband and I are super competitive, active and up for the Great Escape challenge!! We're new parents and city workers so needless to say we could really use the money.
we are very compettif love to work out love to complet a challeng we dont lose we win an we keep it that way so put it in front of us an we will complet it first me and my girlfriend our motif. is be stong for our kids.
i am a compettif person me an my girl we keep in shap to an love to win so we ask u give us that one chance an u will see…..
we are doing this for our kids we want to make them proud.
I im cokey at what ever i do an i fill theres nothing i cant do put it in front of me ill will get the job done so the great escape show i can do what ever u put in front of me. me an my girl. try us.
Contact me please.
My husband and I would be an awesome team. I am athletic, have great endurance, and love to compete. He is smart, level headed, and rather handy. We are up for anything and would give any team a run for the money! We just had our 1st child and could totally use the extra cash.
I am a 40 year old man who lives in Muncie, IN. I would love to try your challenge. Thank you
I should be on the Great Escape with my soon to be wife, Maddi Fegely, because we have 2 beautiful childern. The prize money that we "WILL" win will go a long way in to providing for their futures. I am a typical 30 year old man with a regular job. My fiance is a 25 year old stay at home mom. We are a one income household living paycheck to paycheck. Please get us on this show and we will not disappoint.
I think me and my younger brother jeremy lee bennett should be on your next season of the great escape because we are an amazing team and would like to challenge ourselfs and put our skills to the test.. We would be very interesting to watch….
I am keunta sutton and i am 15 years old i would love to try out for this show because i can really use the money to help my mom get a house and help my self,with school
How old do i have to be im 15
I like the tv show alot and would love to be on the show
I'm not a actor but I want to be on the show the great escape on TNT
The great escape is a great show I like u have to solve the clues to get free and win me and my husband thinks it will b fun to b on the show
Ive alway wanted to be part of a show like this and on TNT my fav channel. It's the only channel I watch. Please just give me a chance. Thank you
I would like to be on the great escape because it is fun and a entertaining show
I should be on the great escape because I am a competitor,optimism and a great warrior.i need the money to support my wife and baby is coming in the way
my wife and i would love to be on the great escape because were better than all the losers that have been on the show thus far.
i would love to.get on.the tv show the great escape. I very xompetive and athletic. I'll do it mainly to get the money for my kids, get permenate housing for.me and my family. As well as put money up for.my kids education… Please pick me
Hello, I just watched the first airing of "the great escape" and its great. I am wondering where I would have to apply or audition to be in the show as a contestant with either my girlfriend or a friend. I'm 22 years old, recent college grad, athletic, and enjoy competition. Please let me know what I have to do. I live in Ft. Myers Florida but am willing to travel for the experience and challenge. Thank You
I am 14 and i can act and sing and dance and i am good at improv and acting any part givin at hand.
I feel like me and my dad could be great contestants on the great escape because we are very competitive and could use our wits to successfully escape.
I'd like to apply for being on The Great Escape. Any info on registering for the show. I'm a great competitor.
Me and my friend are in college and have alot of loans to pay. Winning 50,000 would be wonderful and also playing this game would be a great rush! PLEASE LET ME DO THIS
I would an Audition for The Great Escape please let me know something soon.
Well I wanna be on the great escape because it looks very fun and challenging and I know I would be great for a show like that and I've working all my life and I haven't advanced no where in my life because for the past five years I've been helping my sister in raising her kids and I love my nephews so every thing I do is for them and between me and my sister could really use a reward like that for her kids and to better our life
I have always watched fear factor and shows such as the amazing race, and when I see the people on these shows, it makes me feel like I could do it! It makes me feel like its a hard task to complete for a great reward and I truly think I could do whatever it takes to accomplish that. I want to be tested and I know I could win!
I think my husband and I would be great on The Great Escape because we are a perfect team. We have been together for 14 years and we watch every episode. Combining brains with ability will surely get us a win. Plus, we have three kids and we need that money!!!!
I'm very interested in being a contestant on the great escape.
I would love to be on The Great Escape because I love competition and excitement. I am a Firefighter in my city of Sedalia, Mo. I would like to be on a team with my best friend who is also a Firefighter on my department. I think we would make a great team. Also, we would both love to make our kids even prouder of us. There isn't much that's exciting here in central Missouri other than work. The money would help out tremendously to make ends meet and to provide a better life for our families.
Joe McClendon(28)
I belive me and my brother have a really good chance winning the great escape we were both raised on the streets and know our away around pretty much any thing were fast smart and rearly get caught!
My daughter and I watch this show every week, and we always say "I bet we could do this!" The money that we could win would definitely help pay for her college. Plus, it'd be nice to see if she can handle a little challenge. 😉
The reason you should choose me is because i would like to be the first Hispanic American to win. With the money I will Like to open a small bussines. And help my family.
Because we are very competitive, adventurous, and weve been called the jack of all trades. We think it will be a great challenge for us as a team and as a couple. We've been watching it since day one and we think we can win it.
My cousin and I are very interested in being a participant on The Greatest Escape. There really are no words one can use to describe our relationship. From eating shawarma, to midnight movie premiers and fishing on Saturday mornings, we do everything together. Although our wives would love to go on this show with us, we'd rather go with each other. We are a great team when facing different challenges and believe this would be a great expierence for the both of us.
My brother Tim and will make great contestants on your show because we are each other's only sibling and very close. We make a great team and are both active duty Navy. Our dad is having to sell his house due to the downfall in the economy and we would like to help him keep it. He has worked so hard his life to provide for us and we would like to return the favor. Please consider us for your show to help us help him keep our childhood home. I have pictures of the two of us if you need them. I am 33 and he is 29.Thank you and god bless.
Looking for auditions for the great escape
Here it goes,
Im 25 year old A.A. med. complexion female 5'5 , brown hair and eyes, a average build , can pass for (18-25), I have as many people probably have, gone through more than my share of struggles. At a young age I sought out acting as a way to temp. escape my reality of life. Since then I have found solidarity in acting. Being able to be myself, while mysteriously being someone else. I love the possibility of eluding life, while still being able to be myself, helping others and doing something that I love to do all in one. I recently became more able in life than ever before to focus on my life goal of not just succeeding in college but also the opportunity of pursuing my goal in this career field. I am dedicated and willing to put in the work it takes to accomplish my goals. I believe I have what it takes. I follow direction while not being a follower, and I take direction and criticism and apply it
I am a college psych student, and desperate looking for some form of assistance, when I saw the preview I thought y not try this out. I like a good challenge
Hello, my friend Cormac and I would like to be in the cast of the great escape. We believe that we should because we have great athletic ability, stamina, and are very stealthy. Another factor of why we should be in the show is because we are only 11, and 12. Now please take us seriously with this, because this would be a surprise to all of the viewers! Sounds like a good idea, right? Not only that but it could make the shows ratings go up, having all ages compete for the one big prize.
Thank you-
Sincerely, Joey Pagano (12 yrs. old) and Cormac McKee (11 yrs. old)
how do you audition?
My girlfriend and I have been trying to get on a show like this for a long time. We are both young fit people with allot of energy and smart enough to do problem solving to get us out of a situation. We work very well with each other and are pretty confident that we can win it all.
Hi my name is Dorian Mays. My fiance and I are big fans of the Great Escape. We wanted to try out for the show but we didn't know how and where we could sign up. So I think this is the best way we could get a voice out there. As far as the actual purpose of the competition, we're two college students with a baby boy and the money and the experience would help us grow together as a family and the money would do well for paying off school and our wedding! Thanks
Myself and Andy are all about haunted houses and spirits..we love watching haunted shows and have been to haunted houses where we could walk through a haunted house to observe any hauntings…it's really a love of ours, and we would really be honored to be on a show ( being on camera to show what we see in the haunted) to show those people who don't believe in ghost and the paranormal,so that they can see that this is actually true….
It seems really fun and a good experience. My friend and I feel like we would have a good chance of winning.
My boyfriend and I should be a part of the great escape casting call because we are both big fans of the show and want a chance at the prize money to help pay off college fees. It would rely help us out and there is no chance of us losing.
hello there me and my girlfriend laura would make a great team on the great escape show the way we fight would bring you great ratings and we both believe we could add to the show and win the show please give us a chance thx allen
I hate shows like this, I love the show itself, but I would like to be on one of them, but I'm too young. why cant they make a show like this for teens. That would be a great hit, because I know a lot of teens that want to do these shows but cant because they are too young. Including me. B.T.W. I'm 16
I would absolutely love to be on this show! i am extremely competitive and also very versatile in the way my mind works! i also have the perfect parter, my big sister! i also can really use the money and i would give everything i have to win! i know this would be a phenomenal experience no matter the outcome and i would become a better person for the opportunity to compete on this show!
I am a force of competitive nature. I love winning…it's the American way. My wife, Jensen, and I work as a great team as well. Go big or go home.
I should be on your show because I would be great for it.
I can find my way out of anything and have a good chance at winning.
Email me back.
Aimee Bell , age 49
Joe Bell, age 49
Our relationship is married. We are very active, work out regularly, and are highly competitive (Joe owns and operates a small concrete business and does most of the work himself; he can hang tough in hot weather rubbing rocks as he calls it. Many men younger cannot hang with him which is why he is often alone working or working with our son). Joe races motorbikes and I work part time for Jazzercise in addition to a full time job as a manager in I.T.
We need the money to pay off our mortgage. We have two grown children and adopted a baby when she was three (3) days old; she is now eight (8) years old which has brought about many new expenses. Having our mortgage paid would enable us to better meet the financial needs of raising another child.
How do we attached pictures?
I am not an actress but i want to be one and the only show thats on TNT that i like is Rizzoli and Isles
Charlene Corbin
thank you