“Hangover” star Ed Helms is teaming up with comedian Tracy Morgan for a new movie. “Tag” is now filming and an extras casting call is looking for actors. Casting directors are hiring models and actors to portray shoppers. Young people ages 18 through 30 are now being cast for a two day shoot. The mall scene is looking for upscale males and females. The team is looking for J Crew and Banana Republic types. Filming will be on Wednesday, March 7th and Thursday, March 8th. Anyone who applies must be available for both days. It will be taking place in Atlanta, Georgia.
According to Deadline, “The idea for the film came from a Wall Street Journal feature in 2013 about the “Tag Brothers”. They were 10 classmates at Gonzaga Preparatory School in Spokane, WA. After attending school together 23 years earlier, the gang spread across the country in various fields but retained a bond with a version of the kid game. Only they weren’t limited to the schoolyard. Each February, they chased each other across the country, breaking into each other’s homes, hiding in the bushes until a target appeared, whatever necessary to get the job done. Some scheduled their vacations to avoid at all costs being “it,” and having to bear that loser title a whole year.
The director will be choosing the talent for these scenes. Those selected will be paid $75.00 for 8 hours. Review the movie casting call information below and apply!
2018 Movie Casting Call
Tag (feature film) seeking young people (ages 18-30) to play 2-day mall shoppers!
Seeking upscale males and females, ages 18 to 30’s, to portray shoppers (and employees/customer service) at an upscale, boutique shopping mall (think Phipps Plaza). You should look extremely wealthy, preppy, high society, “J. Crew” “Banana Republic” “Buckhead Betty” types. This is a 2-Day shoot – you must be available for both dates.
These are photo selected roles by the director, so please submit professional pictures – both headshot length and full-body length of yourself.
Date(s): Wednesday March 7, and Thursday March 8
Rate: $75/8
Location: Atlanta, GA
To submit, please email 3 pictures, your name, age, height, weight, ALL OF YOUR SIZES, and cell phone number to Submissions@CatrettCasting.com
Use the Subject Line: Mastercard