BET is planing on shooting a new big Hit Sitcom called “Let’s Stay Together”. Seeking extras for the show that are available for 12 hour days. Shooting Begins this year.
About “Let’s Stay Together”
From The Writer Of The Hit Sitcom “Martin”, Jacque Edmonds Cofer, And Bet Networks Comes The New Romantic Comedy Series “Let’s Stay Together”.
“Let’s Stay Together” Focuses On Two Successful Adults Who Take The Step Of Trying To Blend Their Independent Twenty-First Century Lives Into A Traditional Twentieth Century Marriage. This Sophisticated, Romantic Comedy Keeps Its Sense Of Humor As It Tackles The Matters Of Family, Intimacy And Communication.
Shooting Begins In Atlanta Starting June 2010. If You Are Interested In Being A Paid Extra And You Are Available For 12hr Shoot Days, Please Send An Email Including Your Name, Telephone Number, And A Recent Photo.
I'm 23 years old and is trying to follow a dream of acting.I am a graduate of Cheyney University. I'm a New York girl with a lot of attitude. I am a dancer and a cheerleading coach. I believe the world is m stage and I always put on a show.
Hi! My name is Dilyla and I'm from Malaysia.
Gender: Female
Height: 5'1
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour : Dark Brown
Language: (fluent) English and Malay
(Intermediate) Spanish and Mandarin
Skills: Piano, guitar, violin and I can pass being different ethnicity such as Malay, Indonesian, Latina, Indian.
I would like to given the chance to audition and act and start a career with Disney… Thank you
hi my name is Tiny and I have a dream on becoming a superstar and also being an inspiration in young people so am willing to rich my goal
I love disney channel so much and i could pull up so move Thank so much
Let me start off by introducing myself.My name is Carly Deanna Hendricks.I am 12 years old about to be 13.Ive been Into acting since i was 5 years old,me watching people on Tv just making me think "You are so lucky that you are on tv"But acting is something that ive been practicing for 7 years.Not that i only act i do other things like sing,rap,and dance.The entertainment that i really want to do is Model.I went to this interview for modeling turns out it was a scam.I remember walking down the stairs just crying and remembering how sad i was.But then i stoped crying and realized that i have a whole life ahead of me and that its not too late.
My name is jessica im 27 years old and i have 7 kids. We live in a small 3 bedroom moble home thats falling down on us.the back end caught on fire a few months a ago and we still have not Gotten it completly finshed. I hate that my babies live this way. i dont no what to do we have no money.please help us..
please pick me. am talented but poor and have a wild imagination
My brother and his wife have three kids and they really need help they house is such a mess I try to help but they need someone to help his wife was never taught to do much as a kids she was in and out of foster home and had her life turn upside down they need you help if you could I try to help as much as I could. Her parent are threading to call social service if they don't clean please help
Hey just an old dude that just retired, and fell apart, haha but still having blast . My mouth gets me in trouble fairly easy and my little wife since 68 is still giggling so things are going reeeeeal good. Love games especially head ones so pick me. Thanks Jammer ?
i will not stop chasing my dream on becoming a successful actor . i love laughing and putng smiles on people faces. I live for this.
My name is Marcus Nelson I'm applying for a guy I used to work with for 3 years who I really looked up to he's a hard working guy has a step son (16) and daughter (14) and they help and house handicap kids and adults while him and his wife hold full time jobs. Well this morning on my way to work I got a phone call that there house burned down and him and his wife severely burned and unfortunately his daughter didn't make it out of the fire. He's such a good guy I love the whole family and I feel completely useless I don't know how to help. So this is my way of trying to help a friend family and community
I'm a 51 year old man that's went through a lot of it all ,god turned my life around and gave me a second him I owe ,I have a song I love to sing I give myself Away…………. I'd really love to sing
Hi im seth. Im almost 14. I have 2 little sisters. Lexi is 9 and khloe is 4.
My nana adopted us 4 years ago. Well first she took my great grandpa out of a nursing home because he had sores.
She quit her job. Then 2 weeks later the state took me and my sisters to go live with her and my great grandpa. He couldnt feed himself or walk, but me and my nana took care of him for 2 years then he died at home like he wanted to.
He left us his house. The same house my nana grew up in.
On Valentines day night our house caught on fire, i tried really hard to put out the fire but couldnt. We all got out safe. Except for our pug dog buster brown. He was like our brother. He was 8. I buried him in the back yard that same night. I didnt want my sisters and nana to see him. We miss him so much. He was the best dog. After my sisters and nana got out and went next door i tried to get buster brown out of the house. I knew he would be under my sisters bed so i lifted up the matress and called for him but the smoke forced me to drop the matress and when i got to the front door i heard him cry. My nana said it comforted him to hear my voice. But i cant forget him.
Well when my nana quit her job to take care of everybody she couldnt pay her bills and it ruined her credit. After my great grandpa died she couldnt get home insurance because of her credit. So when the house caught on fire we didnt have a home. But redcross helped us with some money to get a hotel room for 17 days. Then my nana found us an apartment. My nana works all the time. I know she doesnt want us to see her cry but sometimes i hear her. I know she is worried about our home.
Shes afraid she will get in trouble for not fixing it up because she dont have enough money and she dont know how to build things. I help her and we go clean it out. We tore down the walls inside. The basement keeps flooding, because theres no electric for the sump pump to work. The windows blew out in the fire and we need to board them up. People have been going inside to steal stuff. My nana dont have any friends to help her and thats why im writing you. My nana made our lives better so i want to make my nanas life better and i need your help because im 14 and cant get a job. But i will help you build it. I told my nana i was going to ask you and she laughed and said bus driver move that bus. She said miracles happen everyday just look at us. My nana always helps everyone. She might have just a little bit of food but will share it with someone who is hungry. She says we are lucky and some people dont have nothing.
I just want us to go back home. I want to give my nana light in her darkness like she did for me and my sisters. I love her more than anything in the world and i know you will love her to if you meet her. She always makes you happy and laugh. She can cook real good food also. She will probably make you a pineapple upside down cake if you want her to. She can make good chicken and rice to. So when you come to our house you dont have to worry about what your going to eat because you wont be hungry. Well let me know when you will come so i will be there so i can see my nana suprised. Thanks a lot.
Your bro
Hi, I'm Spencer butler. I have always have a passion for acting . I don't have very much experience but I can ensure you that I can act very bell I've teach my self how to do it .ig I just got the opportunity to prove my self I promise I won't disappoint you ,I'm a very hard working person if I'm picked for a role I would put my all into that it doesn't matter how big or small it is I can still do it.please this is something I've always seen my self doing and dreaming about .i would love the chance to be a character in the Grimm .thank you
Hello. My name is Dana wilson. My boyfriend of almost two years has a cousin named Morgan strickland. He had a child with his girlfriend Anna Diaz. There child is now 7months old. Anna is disabled. She is paralyzed from the waists down. Morgan helps her bayhe, cooks, cleans and helps take care of there child. Anna is 25 and Morgan is 20. When Anna was 14 she was standing out side of a movie theater and was shot in a drive by, leaving her dosabled, from waist down. They are a couple that I look up too, they stay positive and don't let anything get them down, but they need help. They need a home, one that's wheel chair accessible. In not sure how to go about getting them help but I hope this works, or leads to something that will.
Hi there.
My daughter is single mum of four. They live in a tin house extremely cold and wet and extremely hot in summer. She's got no income no car no medical aid.the eldest son lost part of his leg in freak accident. Me and my wife help with the bus fees and food and sometimes with the house rent. I myself rent a two bedroom asbestos house will never own a housè and my daughter well I'll never be able tobyahouse or car for them.
I'm must go off on on pension in less than three years.
I can just tell you beautiful people that we struggle every month and some night cry usself in to sleep. Knowing we cannot always help her and maybe the children went to bed with just a piece of bread
Please please see if you can find your way open to help her.
God Bless your good work.
Regards love jannie and penny van zylin South Africa
My mother in law was just diagnosed with aggressive lung cancer and is now in chemotherapy for it on top of her other medical issues and my father in law has severe medical issues also and the aunt who lives there has congestive heart failure and their house is in disrepair and very unhealthy and we would love for them to live out their last days instead of worrying about making repairs and we would love to be able to give them piece of mind and a healthy environment for their last days. They've always been there for anybody who has needed them to all people like family and neighbors.
I have dreamed of being an actress all my life and now, nearing my 15th birthday, I have finally decided to make my dream come true. I sing and as long as there is choreography I can dance. I have always loved the Disney Channel and to be a part of the Disney Family would be a dream come true.
im darian im 14 and me my sisters and brother and my single mom have been living in a 1 room cabin for 10 years and we moved here to Oregon for California in 2007 and we hade to leave are whole family down in cali and when we moved to Oregon and movied in to the cabin we were really low on money and we did all that we could just to survive and are property was a dump and for the first 1 we lived in a trailer and then onece we could afford to get windows floor and other stuff we needed we fixed up the cabin frame and made it livable and so then in 2010 we got water put in after years of have to haul water from someone we met,and so in 2013 we got power put in by some people we met and they were old and unexperienced and they did a bad job so there is wires all over and parts of the house don't even have power, there is so much more worng and I wish I could fix it but I cant.and that's why after years of dealing with this we need help were asking for your help please.are mom is vary upset all the time that she cant really do that much about all this and I hate seening her sad after all the stuff we been through :< please help us,you would change are lives forever
Heey my name is Luna and I'm turning 14 this year .
I would love to be in the show because I've been watching Pll for so long and I can't even wait to see the next season. If I would be in this show it would mean the world to me . I hope so much that there is a chance for me .
Thank you !
Heey my name is Luna and I'm turning 14 this Year .
I would like to be in the show because I love watching Pll and I love acting . If I would be in the show it would meen more than the world to me !
Thank you !
I'm 9 and I've always wanted to be a star on Disney Chanel for Jessie I was born in New York and we moved to Pennsylvania if I could be in Jessie I would be the happiest kid in the world.also I was an actor at a acting theater everyone said i was the best actor there
Hi! My name is Zama and I'm the last born by my parents currently in university. The reason I wake up every morning is because I promised my self one day that I will help my family get to a better place. I have 3 other siblings, 4 cousins, 2 neices and a nephew living in a 3 bedroom house with my parents. Things got a lot harder when the house lights were cut in 2013…since then the house has been depleting and space was an issue even before.
My parents are the type of people who love to help others, my dad is an ordained reverend and the worse the situations get at home, he, and my mom, always remain positive.
They can hardly do much about the living conditions cause they're so worried about putting food on the table and getting all of us educated. I just feel that after so many years of giving us a life, they deserve a normal home where they can come home from work to.
I am applying to any house reno casting call.
Dear friends of mine do have their own land, but their house is in huge disrepair. People have actually fallen through their floors. My friend Suzanne is a super wonderful lady with huge heart with two children still at home, and is married and they foster children as well. They have offered to do our respite for my son whom was born with down syndrome who happens to be the same age as their son, 14 years old.
We met last summer 2015 in our town of Campbell River, BC. We feed the homeless and those who are less fortunate, Monday to Friday. We are in a group called 'Grassroots Kind Hearts.'
We all just want to give back to the community the way we know how, and that is by feeding our most vulnerable and the people who have homes, but do not have food to eat.
We are very proud of our small accomplishments.
No one in our group is well off, but we feed our homeless out of our own pockets.
Their home is in major work of a makeover.
Between the rats in the walls, mold in the walls/windows, that alone would be hard to live in. Half the home hasn't any drywall and has exposed pink insulation. Please help me help this loving family. I would so very appreciate it.
Thanking God that one day is but a thousand years, and a thousand years is but one day to him. Thank you Father that time means nothing to you and To the a Producer and cast of Sunday's Best, I'n grateful for the creativity that the mind of God has given each of you. Blessings In Christ, Nora R. Zollar?
My family was split 5 years ago I lost my job shortly after. Two years ago I was in a four wheeler accident and almost did not make it. It's been hard to get back to how I used to be my memory isn't the same. I support my two daughters. It's hard to get ahead I have a roof leak and my bathroom the girls use just recently had tiles fall off in the tub and I cannot afford the improvements. Amongst other things in the house.
Age 12
Height 5'4
Hair colour black
Eye colour black
State Harare
I love acting put men in. Any show and l will be a boss.
I want to do something for my mother and father that have struggled for years. My father was a police officer for about 30 years. He bought the family farm after his father passed away and took on the debt that was associated with the farm so that his mom would not have to worry about it. It was to the point where he would work two jobs plus farming just to make the mortgage payment and not be able to pay any other bill. He never let it get him down. He kept going and trying to make things work.
The home they are in is falling down around them and they cannot afford to fix it. The reason why they cannot afford to fix anything is because of me. I lost my job due to medical conditions and they have been trying so hard to help me save my own home from foreclosure and help pay my bills to keep water, lights, heat for my family. They have sacrificed everything for me and my children. I thought this would be something to show how much I care for them and what they have done for me.
Hello,sir my self mr.rahul tiwari .i am 22 year old .sir i pray to you please give me a chance film industry. Thank.
Even if I'm not picked I would be blessed and greatful just to have a dry yard and cement in my basement for I been married over18 years and my wife much older than me I wish I could give her a yard that family could come over and visit and spend time with we would never leave this house that was given to us by my mother our dream we would enjoy a yard 1 day thank you for bless
I want to learn how to execute a good and challenging dish without burning down a kitchen, causing a fire, and of course have my dish taste real good!
I know I have what it takes, I would deff be in the final. I have a very outgoing personality and live by the quote " if it don't kill you, it makes you stronger" every fear I have ever had I have over come. I want this chance so bad so I can prove to my self that I can do anything I put my heart to. It has taken me alot to get where I an at. This opportunity would be one I could never pass up. Thank you for taking your time and reading this. Goodluck to all..hope to see some of you soon.
Hello my name is Hannah Gavin! I am a member of the Kappa Delta Sigma Iota chapter at the University of Washington. I am submitting this application on behalf of my sorority and its members. We currently have a beautiful house where over 100 members live. However, because of the recent increases in recruitment numbers, the amount of girls that live in the house has dramatically increased. Unfortunately due to this increase, members have been forced to find alternative housing, which negatively impacts their college experience. Our house has the potential for a more functional living experience if we had the support of an organization like this.
Our chapter is dedicated to philanthropic events that raise awareness and money for the organizations we support. Currently, our chapter holds the record for raising the most money in a single day!! Last year at our annual Reach for the Sky Auction that supports Prevent Child Abuse America, we raised over $112,000. This is something we are very proud of!!
We would love to opportunity to promote our philanthropies as well as improving our college experience through a remodeled house!
Kieran Salgado
age: 22- Hispanic/White
University of Texas improv team
Upright Citizens Brigade
Stand up comedian
Good Afternoon anybody body reading this. I'm a college student with a passion to work hard to get to where I want to go. Iv'e been doing stand up comedy since i was 16 years old and I never get tired of making people laugh. I have ADHD and i'm constantly hyper with a great chance I will annoy you. I'm not sure if this comment is meant to be professional or not, but either way this is how I write.
I'm not applying because of the fame, but because i want to prove to my family i can do it. A no has never stopped and that's probably because i annoyed them to give me a chance lol. Anyways if i dont hear anything back then i just want to wish everybody luck and don't stop doing what you love.
I am very excited to have a new experience happen and to show my talent.
Hi my name is Lindumusa Xaba. I'm 16 years old, and currently living in South Africa.I have a passion to be in the cast of this show as I love making and seeing people happy. I for one is always consantly looking for a better way of changing someone's life and by being in the cast would really mean the world for me as helping building a house would mean the world to someone else.
Hi my name is Melissa Olson I am 24year old I live in California and I am trying to help my family out but I dont enough money to fix up my childhood place and me and everyone else is trying to take care of my grandma she is dying slowly and the house is really torn up the flooring is breaking and there is no carpets and the feel on top of the house and the back yard is torn up I just want everyone to know that I care about them it just hard to know that my grandma is dying so please help me and my family god bless sincerely Melissa Ashley Olson email me xoxoxoxo
I am on here for my family I am 16 we are going threw tough times my brothe just passed away about a year ago and we are financially ruined it's me my sister my dad and mom my dad can barley work but he does every day just so we can have food on the table and alot of times we don't he hurt every day coming and going to work we don't have any funds to get a house this is our last hope we are falling apart my mom suffers from depression and u hardly ever see here Inna good mood any more please help us
Age: 22
Color: Brown
Nationality: Zambian
Weight: 68kg
Height: 1.4 meters
I have a pretty big beard, I love acting and I have always wanted to be in a movie.
I've always loved acting ever since I was young. Acting for scandal will be the best opportunity for my acting career
Hi, I'm Elizabeth and my mother and little brother are really in need of a home makeover. Her house is molding from the inside out . It's so bad in my little brothers room that he can't even be in there anymore and has to sleep on the living room couch. The kitchen roof is very close to collapsing because of how moldy it is. Her insurance company will only pay to fix the roof and not any of the wall or ceiling damage. Every time I go to visit you can instantly smell the musty smell. She just bought this house 3 years ago, so she is still paying off her 30 year loan so there is no way for her to get the money to fix the place up and make it livable.
I am someone that is a hard worker with great work ethics and great with following directions. I like to make people laugh but when it is time to get serious I work hard. If y'all are looking for someone that can be funny but serious then I am your guy.
I am a resident of Horn Lakee, MS which is on the border of Memphis,TN. I am a Security Coordinator for s major Fortune 500 company and I am a television fanatic. I not only watch the main characters but I look for the casting director, director, producer and all. I am a major fan of the show and as a retired police dipatcher have some major ideas for shows not that you need them. I would love to get a chance to star in any show but this one in particular as some of the shows ideas seems like I have worked through the same in law enforcement.
Its about my daddy he is a minister in anglican church, he is 79 yrs so selfless, helping people spiritually and in any otherway iff theres a need. What hurts me now, his house was destroyed by a storm, and he lost my mom in 1987 due to diabetis and he is also diabetic,i tried to rebuild his house but its not up to standard i was not earning much and now not even working. This house when it is raining its leaking and is so embarrasing cos the church people must visit him in that kind of a house. We put stones on top of the roof during windy days so that the wind dont throw it away. My heart get hurts when it rains i dont know what to do anymore. I wish i can have an opportunity of extreme makeover.
Hello beautiful people
My name is Shirley I'm a 45 year old married lady my husband's name is Daryl we have been married for 22 years we have 5 children our first born who is a 25 yr old boy Conray who is married with 2 children and 1 on the way then my second born son Chad who is 22yrs old then my gorgues baby girl Cordelia who is 17 and wish so much for her own privacy then my twin boys Craig and Cameron who ia 10 yrs old.We also have my sister Cathy who is 36yrs old single living with us and my 40 yr old single brother who was diagnosed with epilepsy which is getting worse also living with us.One of my twins is disabled he was born like that and sometimes struggling getting around.My sister,brother,daughter and the twins sleeping in one room my 22yr old son has his own room my eldest son lives in a wendy house at the back of the yard which is one room with his family.So i pray that God will give us the opportunity to be a part of the show but if there is anyone out there who needs it more then we do please give them the chance first we will wait patiently on OUR FATHER HIS time is always perfect.
Hi i am an military veteran from South Africa and i am battling every day just to make a living i have currenly studying IT and have to walk to the college and back every day i also suffer from a lung desease and i also stop smoking in August of 2015 due to a sick bed and was hospitalized if you can help me i will be appreciative i salute you.
I'm Emily , I'm 20 years old from lafayette La , I'm a mother to 2 beautiful children and it has always been on my bucket list to be on the Real World . If you guys choose me I'm a great girl who also likes to have a really good time . I'm always the life of the party !!! I work but if I get chosen I am ready to pack up and go through all the steps to be on the show . Id love to be apart of the crew this season !
Hi, my name is Stephanie Oneal. I am a highly anointed woman of god that love to sing. And I,sing according to god holy spirit. It has been prophesied many years ago that i would have many businesses. And it is not not about me its about god, using his holy spirit upon people to touch people life. To make a different and gods people.
Hy I'm given and it would be a pleasure to me if I get a reply
I will be 65 shortly. I love to sing. I would like to audition for something. I don't expect to be the next winner in any competition. It would be nice to have some recognition somewhere. Arthur
Hi. First of all, thanks to you for giving me the audition opportunity. My name is Hyemin Yu. I'm a junior majoring in the IT-business at Korea polytechnic University. I have joined a walking dead's member, because I have watched The walking dead for a long time. As its fan, I really hope to join.
My biggest asset is that I'm very responsible. When I do something, I always have a strong will to complete that thing. Furthermore I'm outgoing and witted. I enjoy talking with people. Theses things make a cheerful atmosphere.
For the moment, I'm joining a global study program that is supported by my university in China. Because I'm in China until June So you can contact me by chinese number.
My life motto is "Do it now and here!!". I want to live a challenging life and share a powerful atmosphere with the people around me. So that's why i applied in this and should join your member.
hello home make over cast! my name is kelly ann payne i am 16 years old and a teen mom of two my mother has 7 kids we have lived in alot of different places and have never had a nice place to call a home my mom has ben threw alot in life along with the rest of my family my moms name is amanda dzindolet she is 34 and she loves the beach my dads name is jason dzindolet he is 32 and he loves the beach my oldest brothers name is andrew he is 17 and loves music and studio stuff my little sisters name is elizabeth shes 14 and loves black lights and neon colors one of my little brothers is jacob he is12 and loves anime jason is 11 and loves anime to gabrial is 9 and loves lizzards and frogs aidyn is 8 and loves minecraft they are all very smart creative kids theyve ben threw a rough life and want a nice house weve lived in places realy bad where we stay now ive never seen a house as bad as what we live in on your show my mom loves me and when i got pregnant it broke her heart and then i got pregnant again ive ben dissrespectful twards my family and i want to make it up to them i love my family with all my heart and my mom deserves a nice house after all shes ben threw in life she deservs alot shes a wonderful mother shell give her kids the clothes off her back and food out her mouth she loves her kids and will do anything to try and keep them happy and i know it upsets her because they want a nice place to live and it breaks her heart when they wake up freezing because of no air nore heat! it just breaks my heart because my family deservs alot better i realy hope i get to hear from you guys ill pray every night and keep my fingures crossed that i might be luck enough to make my family happy weve lived in missouri,rolla mo, bell mo, bland mo, egersprings mo, washington iowa, arkensaws,galsberg illinois, and now tallahasse fl my mom wants to move to find a nicer house but cant because she dont want to take me and my kids away from their daddy and i feel bad because i feel like its my fault their stuck in a terriable house and it would mean the world to me if maby i could give my mom the house of her dreams thats shes ben trying to get for the past 17 years i realy hope to hear from yall thank you for takeing the time to read my comment 🙂
My grandma always wanted her dream house and I believe you can make it come true and I have Asia i think it will be great
My son, Cody Sean is 7 1/2 months old and full of personality! He is my miracle baby , and just amazing. When I was 25 I had a stroke, doctors telling me it would be hard to conceive since I had a blood clot in my brain, but thank god everything turned out ok! Clot was gone and I was able to get pregnant. Of course it wasn't easy, took shots every day, and he was developing through a 2 vessel cord, but Cody came out just fine!! Love for this opportunity, and share with the world just how amazing he is! He is a very happy social baby!! Thank you!!
Hi, my name is Jodi. Recently, there was a family who currently resides in Elmore County located in Alabama, whose house burnt down. There are 3 kids in this family and they literally lost everything. The only clothing that this family had was the things on their back. This family did not have insurance so they are currently living with a family friend. I truly believe that this family deserves a new home that will be safe. It honestly breaks my heart that this family has had to go through this situation and believe that they would be the perfect choice for Extreme Homemakeover
I am ice cube #1 admirer. I bought 3 meet and greets and lost my I'd and couldn't get in concert in Vegas to see him…
Hey iam a lady of 29 years please pick me up
Hi My Name Is Laconjala But You Can Call Me Nunu If You Can't Prounouce My Name But Any Way I'm A Mother Of 8 I Live In Liveable Home But My Children And I Are Not Really Happy With The Way It Look Don't Get Me Wrong I'm Happy That I Got A Roof Over My Family's Head,But I Just Want To Live In A Suitable Nice Place Because Me And My Children Never Really Got To Live Like Others We Always Had To Find A Place That Was Liveable And That I Can Afford But We Were Never Really Comfortable With It.I Sometimes Get In My Feelings Because I See My Friends Living In A Nice Place With Their Kids But Here I Go With My Kids And I Just Living In A House We Could Afford.So I Just Hope I Can Get Chose For A House Makeover Or Something I Just Wanna Live Nice And Comfortable With My Family.
Hi my name is Sheldon Evans I'M 6'1 age 48 so i can play a role as a farther, a decent guy or a bad guy, i just retired from the corrections dept. So I'm available at anytime or in any state
I'm 6'1 I'm 48 therefore i can play a role as a father i can also play the role of a police officer,a business man or a thug, i just retired from being a corrections officer so im available any time of day or night and willing to travel anywhere
I'm a white and have blue eyes and I have black hair with blonde roots and I'm fat and around 5'0-5'1 in height
Hi i am applying for myself well really for my children i am a single mother of 2 girls ages 4 and 2 there father is never been a part of there life and i currently work in a manufactoring job the cost of daycare as kept me from having a stable place for my children i receive no help or benefits of any kind.. We currently live with my father in a 2 bedroom trailor that is not in a good condition at all there is mold in the bathroom and it is only a 2 bedroom so the girls sleep with me.. Im worried about there health do to the mold we try to get rid of it but it comes back i really wish i could provide them with a better home but i live paycheck to paycheck trying to make sure they have there basic needs met and with daycare so high it really is a struggle for me every day..
I am writing to u to surprise my friends family she has a heart of gold and she worked all her life and her husband worked all his life and both of them have gone through 3 back surgeries each and within the next 6 months my friend is going to end losing the use of her legs because the doc that did the surgery cut her spinal cord if u could please call me.thank you.
I don't been blessed with a voice and at times a minor comedy like mind. I am ready to be a blessing for the people of the world because if I can sing or get a laugh out of a person I know that their spirit has been uplifted and that is my goal
I love the show and my son has been trying to get me to attend an audition for a long time. Performing is something that I have wanted to do for the majority of my life and I have a natural voice that God has given to me and I want to be able to bless as many people as I can because that is what He has anointed me to so it is time for me to be obedient.