Do you have a little star at home? Is your baby bursting with beauty and energy and always ready for the camera? It’s time to share your child with the world in The Gerber Generation Healthy Baby Photo Contest! Auditions for this amazing star making opportunity are happening now. You can submit your little angels pictures today and be on your way to having your baby be the face of a national Gerber ad campaign and winning $50,000 dollars toward his or her college education.
Photo submissions are being accepted online now on their Facebook Page here: http://www.facebook.com/Gerber. The final winner of The Gerber Generation Healthy Baby Photo Contest will be determined by online voting so apply for your child today and then be sure to vote for him or her and have all of your friends and family do the same. A national ad push and a $50,000 dollar tuition grant could be right at your child’s wee fingertips so don’t delay. We will be sure to post every update for the contest as they become available so keep checking in and leave a comment below and tell us why you bundle of joy should be the winner of The Gerber Generation Healthy Baby Photo Contest.

Gerber has been the  name of all things baby since 1927, a company that parents trust and products that babies love. Since 1928 The Gerber Baby has been a staple of Gerber’s marketing and packaging strategy, an image trusted and recognized the world over. Now your special child has the chance to be that face – his or her beautiful smile known throughout the country as part of a huge advertising push. The Gerber Generation Healthy Baby Photo Contest is seeking the perfect child to be the new representative of their legendary brand and they are accepting submissions from happy, healthy babies that can light up the room with their smile and charisma. If you think that that perfectly describes your little one the Gerber Company would like to hear from you today.
Apply today and your child could wind up with $50,000 and be know worldwide as the face of Gerber by winning The Gerber Generation Healthy Baby Photo Contest!
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would really love for my son to join
My son William is 10 months and is the most well behaved and calm child. He is pleasantly plump and has the most beautiful red hair. His complexion is that of porcelain and his eyes are expressive and charming. Photos upon request.
June 7, 2016 at 3:54 pm
Israel is the perfect Gerber baby. He's constantly bursting with energy,ready to put on a show. My All-Star BabyBoy is flat out handsome.
If the chubby cheeks, chunky thighs, and enormous amount of strength he has, isn't enough. Then surely the drop dead smile will melt your heart away.
Israel should be part of the Gerber Generation Healthy Baby Photo Contest Audition for 2016 because he is the perfect happy and health baby boy.
I am so grateful for my him. Who wouldn't be lucky to have Israel apart of their lives. Thanks
Israel is the perfect Gerber baby. He's constantly bursting with energy,ready to put on a show. My All-Star BabyBoy is flat out handsome. If the chubby cheeks, chunky thighs, and enormous amount of strength he has, isn't enough. Then surely the drop dead smile will melt your heart away. I am so grateful for my healthy babyboy. Who wouldn't be lucky to have Israel apart of their lives. Thanks
Greetings and salutations!
My name is Lillian Ava, or Lilli for short. I'm 7 months young, and growing.
I saw your ad and couldn't help but respond. You see, from the moment I was born I've had a contagious smile. In fact, everyone around me, no matter what mood they are in, can't help but smile in my presence. My laughter fills the room with harmonic bliss, that can echo for miles around. Also, I was blessed with thick luscious locks that can be styled for any outfit or occasion. And I have been told if there was an impersonator for Elvis wigs I would be a shoe in.
I must mention that my mother is an avid photographer who loves to capture every single moment of my young existence, which is another reason why I would be a perfect fit for your ad. I'm very photogenic and I love playing dress-up.
It would be grand if I'm selected, which would give me an opportunity to model for Gerber.
My daughter Allie Davis!! She is 10 months and loves the camera. she runs around all day long and is supper cute! She has dirty blond hair and beautiful blue eyes! Her smile will melt your heart! She laughs at funny faces and waves to people when they say "bye, bye" she is healthy and beautiful!
My daughter is very energetic and is always camera ready. Her exotic appearance on GERBER products would only result in an increase in sales. My nourishing chubby baby would draw a lot of attention to the products. You would not be disappointed so please contact me. Thank you!
First of all my son Kaleb is gorgeous. He has blonde hair, big blue eyes, big lips and dimples. He is 21 months old and is very photogenic. He can most definitely poise in front of a camera without even trying. He is very bubbly, smiley, loving, and just hilarious. He is a perfectly healthy baby. He would be perfect for Gerber healthy baby.
My daughter is going on 6 months I know she would be great for Gerber healthy baby. She has big bright beautiful blue eyes she loves all her baby Gerber food she is very healthy. She is always happy and has an adorable smile that just makes everyone smile and if you saw her you would agree!
My son will be 4months he is extremely happy always camera ready healthy he is 19pounds 6-8 month bottoms 12 month shirts
My little boy (going to be one in May 2015) is healthy happy and has BIG blue eyes!!
my daughter is beautiful and healthy and a natural.
Sorry my email my son is izayha.
Hi my son izayha is almost 3 months old. Everywhere I go people say he should be in commercials. They say he's beautiful with alot of hair and big brown eyes. When he smiles he lights up the room. Every picture he takes is just right. He makes taking pictures look so easy. He should be your Gerber baby.
Blessed with a beautiful 5 month old baby girl. I'd love to tell you how precious & amazing she is, but I'd much rather show you!
I have two beautiful girls. They are 2 years old and 8 months. Both have blond hair and blue eyes and have amazing personalities and the look to be a baby gap model.
My son is 5 weeks old. He's my miracle baby as I was told I could never get pregnant. His name is Elijah, he is the most beautiful baby, I'm not just saying this because I'm his mother, he gets so many compliments everywhere he goes. He has got a beautiful complexion and a full head of hair. He is mixed black, white, Indian, Italian, Russian and Irish, great combination.
My daughter Jayliana is 6 months old with such a beautiful smile. She was just crowned ms.beauty at the PAcinderella pageant. Since the day she was born people have been telling me she is just perfect and get her into modeling
Hello!! My baby boy is 21 months old. He has light brown hair and beautiful big eyes. He is a very happy boy. He always smiles. He loves the photos and is very photogenic. He loves play with ball.
My grand baby is a Gerber baby she loves the food and is a healthy baby. She would be a great representative for Gerber.
My son is adorable! Everywhere we go, people are telling us how cute Cohen is. He's very photogenic and resembles the Gerber Baby in many ways.
Hi, we loyal customer for gerber and GAP product. My son and daughter love the great variety of food and stylish outfit. My little 9 months old baby girl (Asian- American) is beautiful healty baby and maybe to be considerate become a model on this product we use.
My daughter, Alayna, who is now 6 months would be the perfect Gerber baby. Please inform me more details about the audition. Thanks
We are average working parents, who really appreciate
The quality, variety, and affordable style that GAPKIDS has provided for our family for years! Our 9 month old is now carrying on the tradition 🙂
I have a gorgeous 8 month old son. He can truly light up a room with his beautiful smile. He has spectacular blue eyes and long eyelashes. he is very handsome and a sweet baby.
My sonny boy is 8 months and I think he would be a excellent Model baby for Gerber because once you see him you will fall in love. He is photogenic and will defiantly put a smile on your face as well.
My baby girl is 8 month with a bright personality big brown and beautiful long eye lashes. She will definitely impress you with her energetic personality.
I have been blessed with a beautiful baby boy. He lives to smile, especially in front of the camera. As someone told me, "he smiles with his whole face." He would serve the gerber family proud.
I have twin girls under a year and we are already being told how adorable they are.
My daughter Jocelyn is 1 year old and is so darn cute with her curly hair and her beautiful smile. She is the sweetest thing ever but rotten at the same time. You just can't help but to fall in love with her, she is so petite and loves to talk to anybody.
My son is my miracle baby! I was told at a very young age, id neever have any children. In 2008 I was pregnant with twins they both died in my womb. So November 2012, my doctor was helping me try to conceive, he said its up to & well try it. On march 17,2013 I did conceive a little boy as I later found out. He is the happiest baby I know, the most photogenic baby (he loves to take pictures) he was a very healthy baby weighing in at 7 pounds 3 ounces 18 3/4 inches long born on 12/4/13! He was breast fed untill my milk quit producing,& every since he has been on Gerber Soothe! We love the product!! I think my son should be the next Gerber Star & you will too
Hi I would like information for my daughter thank you.
Interested in this. please send me more info.
I NEED more information! My daughter will melt the hearts of many with her beauty!
Reagan is 1 year old and is my first child,I am not saying this just because he is my son but he is a very energetic happy baby 99% of this time and he is the most beautiful boy I have ever seen, Yes I said my boy is beautiful and every one that meets him says the same exact thing! Give him a chance and you will not be dissapointed with him in any way. He has beautiful greenish/brown eyes and eyelashes that every girl in this world wishes that they had long and thick and really make his eyes pop! Light brown hair and is very tall for his age and very quick at learning.
I have a 6 month old gorgeous baby name Londynn. She is always happy and never stops posing for the camera. She has great gray eyes and soft curly hair. I hope gerber choses my baby for the face of your brand
My almost 2 month old would be perfect 🙂 He is already smiling laughing and cooing 🙂