The creators of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition have changed the lives of countless families and television viewers for over a decade and now they are bringing their next inspiring project to the airwaves. This dream home production is set to put a twist on reality TV that has never been seen before – all they need are people looking to build the home of their imaginations. Are you ready to make your dreams come true?
Relativity Television, the production company behind such reality TV favorites as Catfish: The TV Show, The American Bible Challenge and The Great Food Truck Race have brought their magic back to the home building genre and it’s shaping up to be their most incredible project yet. This ultimate do it yourself program
will be giving people the chance to not only own their own dream home but make it happen from the ground up. The producers and casting directors for this exciting series are now on the lookout for people who have tried to save for a home but just haven’t been able to make it happen to be part of this outstanding project. The show will cast couples who do not own their own homes to live together and compete against each other as they race to design and build their very own dream homes with the winner being awarded the deed to their dream home. Contestants chosen must be able to commit to the series for nine weeks and be residents of the Atlanta, Georgia area or be willing to relocate. This is a nationwide casting call. Applications are being accepted today.
Open auditions for this life changing new reality TV series are set to be held soon. Individuals and families interested in being considered for this production can head here dreamhomecasting.com for more information on the project and upcoming casting calls and fill out an official application here dreamhomecasting.com/application.html. Stay tuned right here as we will be posting more updates and leave a comment below and tell us your story and why you would like to be involved in the auditions for Dream Home.
Hi my name is kylie i live in new castle pa 16101 i am currently unemployed with 3 small children getting ready to buy a house with my fiance this house we are buying needs completly redone its not livable at all needs walls floors windows etc.. tons of work that we cant afford the lady we are buying from never told us half of what was wrong shes a close friend of ours so now in a month we will be without a home til this other house is finished we would need a miracle to be able to get it done my son has been in and out of the hospital for months hes 9 with a bad bowel blockage so with thag goin on its costy to get back amd fourth ive always watched your show and dreamed that could happen to my family one day and now im really in need of help me n my family would greatly appreciate it if you could do this for us my grandfather also lives with me he has dementia really bad thank you guys so much for taking the time to read my story and ill pray everyday that ill hear from you soon
my name is imunique Brown I live in a unfinished 2 bedroom apartment ment with my boyfriend three other adults, and 3 kids. we all been trying to move into area were we can all have enough space .so basically we stay here cause it's all we can afford right now I'm doing on going job searching for 2 jobs and my boyfriend is trying to get in seceraty business but everything is just not going the way we plann it to be like.sooo please help us were trying out best to get better but from the looks of it life didn't want us to do better but I don't care cause I want give up trying
Please our home in NJ needs a makeover from head to toe the kitchen the basement the bedrooms the bathroom the dining room the living room the deck the doors the storm doors the ceiling fans the molding and the basement needs a lot of work from a flood please help my son fix the family home please …. we don't have the financial means to fix ….
My son who is an army reservists and an EMT and a tech in the ER is living in the hone in milltown NJ
It needs a lot of work
Please help ….
Hello thanks for your time first of all . My name is Doug and my fiancee name is Liz between us we have 6 daughters aging from 17 to 4 year old twins yea all girls haha well I bought my currant house in 1999 for 10000.00 dollars it around 850 square feet . 2 bedroom . We live in a beautiful small town in east Tennessee . Needless to say we out grew it very quickly . Well in 2009 the family business I'd work for over 15years went under in our terrible economy . Don't get me wrong we were blessed for May years with just had a job.since then web had to take jobs maker less than we ever had but it kept our family fed . God it would be such a blessing for me and Liz to be Abel just to have a chance to work for something we could never afford we both would give 1000 percent of ourself to better or great family . And not only that nothing eaven close to this has ever happens in or around the great town we live in I'm sure it wudnt show community support like no other ever has . Thank You For Taking The Time To Maybe Eaven Considere Our Family For This Opportunity We LOVE YOU ALL AND GOD BLESS THE ARNOTT FAMILY !!!!!!!?
Hello my name is Alisa and I'm applying for my Aunt Mavis and her two young kids. Our family lives in Navarre Florida where all the Hurricanes seem to hit from the gulf of Mexico. My aunt's single wide trailers roof got damaged in the aftermath but she didn't have home owners insurance to replace the roof, which FEMA helped but it was not permanent and got torn to pieces by the next hurricane. By this time it had grown a dangerous black mold in the ceiling and the roof could cave totally at any given time with only 2×4's holding the remaining ceiling up. She is a loving and caring single mother to her children. The oldest child has Austism and numerous other mental health issues. My aunt Mavis just found out she has Stage 2 triple negative ductal carcinoma a very aggressive breast cancer and is going thru radiation and chemo. She also has an upcoming surgery for a double mastectomy soon. She has no where else to live and owns the trailer with the falling, moldy roof and no money to fix it since she only has a fixed income, barely scraping by to keep the bills paid. If anyone deserves a blessing it's her. Thanks for your time, hope to hear from someone soon I pray. – Alisa
I want the interiors all compact .like if I want bed ,it should be pulled out from a wall . so when I enter my house it seems I have no furniture but while pulling,pushing falling it comes with a surprise.i asked too many people butt they all say no ,it is impossible .so all I have in my house would be air and space.can you help me
Hi my name is Robin I reside in Staten Island New York. I purchased my home in 2007 with my husband now my ex…he put the mortgage under my name. I was young and had no clue as to what i was signing.. Long story short he never lived here. He left right away to be with another woman. Here i am 10 yrs later with my 3 children and two grandaughters. My home has been in forclosure 5 times. Im currently in pre foreclosure. I owe about 20,000 for mortgage. Im the only one working here. Ive invested all my money into this house which is now our home. I started renovating 5 yrs ago. My income tax return all went into my home. Ive been busting my ass for 10 yrs to save my home. Ive had 2 modifications as well. Im heart broken and dont want to lose my home. Even if Idont make the cut for your show.. some legal advice would be greatly appreciated. I really am in desperate need to save my home for the sake of my children and grandkids. Please keep me in deep consideration as a potential candidate… Thank you in advance.
Hi, My name is Lila. I live in a little 1300 Sq ft house that was distressed property when we bought it. It was never fully renovated but we were making do. My husband and I are both disabled and live on a very small income. In April of 2014 our firstborn, our son suffered a spinal infarction. He was 29 years old and had literally gone to sleep and awoke paralyzed. He was engaged but the house where he lived could not accommodate a hospital bed and other equipment he needed, so he moved back home. Our son has suffered many setbacks since then including at one point being on a ventilator and having a tracheostomy. His engagement ended and he was given home nurses for 16 hours a day. At the time of the infarction my husband tried to do some renovations in the kitchen and bathroom but it was never completed. This house is barely functional and there is no money for us to buy another house. I don't know how much time my son has but I want him to be as comfortable as possible. I'm not usually asking for help, I am usually doing the helping but this wasn't something we could plan for. I have used all of my saving and have less than a thousand dollars left of my 401k. There is nothing left. We need a little help. Thank you for considering us.
Hi im 18 years old i recently received some bad news about my grandmothers health. She was diagnosed with stage 4 mestatic cancer about a week ago. I have put my life on hold to be with my grandmother full time. I take care of her i have no job or college going on right now. Her one wish is to get her house fixed before her health and diagnose gets any worse. We are currently living nextdoor with her brother because the house needs to be cleaned and fixed the roof is already new just inside work. I told my grandmother i would get her help to get her house fixed before anything. She keeps crying everyday because thats where she wants to be when she passes as well as my grandpa did. Please i pray to God if you Could do anything or give me any feedback on helping my grandmother get her house fixed and liveable for her to be in again. Please anything !!!!
Hi my name is Paulina. I'm 41 yrs old divorced and have 3 daughters living at home with me. I purchased my home 9 yrs ago as a first time buyer. I was extremely excited to finally have a home of my own. I had planned to remodel my home by my 10th year anniversary of living there but unfortunately the money I had been saving had to be use to finish my eduaction and my cost of living. Went I went back to school my job at the time conflicted with my school schedule so I had to give up my job to pursue a career. I am graduating from nursing program December 2016. I worked hard to accomplish all my dreams but I need help with only one, to make my home my DREAM HOME. Please help me come home to a beautiful home with beautiful children. Thank you for taking time to read my comment.
I recently just purchased a home for myself, girlfriend Randi (soon to be fiancé), and her son Bryson. Randi had a massive stroke and brain infection on Dec. 6th of 2015 and has had many physical and mental effects. She has one more surgery to replace her bone flap on her skull. I am in need of some upgrades to my new home so I can have it handicap accessible for Randi. On top of that, I enjoy wood working and also could use some upgrades to help clean up my space to do my work. The house is a cute little rambler on .25 acres with a detached 2 car garage. We have had many struggles in the past year and could really use some help to do some upgrades sooner than my salary will allow. We are reaching out to your show for a few specific reasons. First reason, Randi is a huge fan of home improvement shows, it is where she gets a lot of her awesome ideas. Secondly, as the woman I love so much, I couldn't imagine a better of bigger way of showing her just how much I love her. This stroke has left her confidence, self image, and hope at an extremely low level. I love her so much and still find her to be the most beautiful woman in the world. I know she knows how I feel but she has a hard time wondering why. I want to put her story and our story out there to help with her self doubt as well as raise stroke awareness and give others hope. The doctor's said she wouldn't walk again, and though it isn't fully functional, she is walking. She is amazing, strong, and deserves something like this show to help us with our new life. Thank you
I would like to build a house for my mom. For all of my life she hasnt been the greatest but she has stuggled with alot. She got pregnant at 15. She has been in a relationship with many abusive guys! She has always tried to make aure she has dome the best to provide for us and now i want to make her feel appreciated! The house she has now has a hole in the bathroom floor that everytime you walk in you fall through and it has mold in the roof and roaches everywhere. She has tried to do everything she could to get into a better living situation but she hasnt had the chance! I feel i would be a great canadite to be on the show so that i can build my mom a livable house, not just for her but for my 3 siblings as well!
Hello, I am writing secretly on behalf of the most loving hospitable kind person I know, Mrs. Sharon Taylor. Mrs. Sharon is tiny but has a very large heart for the people. she raised eight children, as well as a host of nieces nephews and friends she has and continues to open her home to whomever need a place to sleep and will make you feel as if you are part of her family. Mrs Sharon's house needs not only tlc but a major transplant. the foundation has shifted to where ceilings are apart to where the house sits on a slant and so that the neighborhood wildlife now has shelter so much to where they can go from the 3rd floor to the basement in the walls. I wont dare say anything to hurt or embarrass her as good as she is to everyone including me but she deserves better for safety. when you pick her all I ask is that you dazzle her in the kitchen area for that is where lots of love come from. did you know when her husband of many years died of cancer 2 years ago that she was cooking and feeding others and refused to stop for her own grieving? she is advid in church opening cleaning preparing for events. she cooks from her own resources which are not much because she is retired on a small pension to feed the homeless a hot breakfast. I just want to say but I don't know how else to let you know how deserving she is. even with the wildlife she allowed a terminally ill person and her child come and live with her this is in edition to caring for people at the nursing home taking whomever need a ride to work daily and watching young children of those who cant afford daycare. I ask you to please consider Mrs. Sharon when you meet her you will understand my loss for words and the love anyone that meets her has.
My name is Casey King. I have three beautiful kids, and a wonderful husband. We live with is mom, needs help on a daily basis. Her name is Cami King. She has is a quad paraplegic. She has one of her daughter's her on a daily basis. They take turns to her needs. If she falls my husband is near by. We live in the middle of no where so it takes a while for an ambulance to show. Who wants to stay in the floor for that long. We are really in a rough patch. If you send me an email address I could send pictures. We need some help.
Hello My Name Is Aniya and it's difficult for the family to move around the house. Its 5 people me, my little brother, my big sister, my mom and my grandma. Ever since my grandpa died in 2015 of October. The house we live in has been falling apart. My grandpa himself built the house , we're not use to spending so much money on continuously fixing the well when it blows for water. Or the weak air conditioning system. Its a Two bedroom, one bathroom , and a office which is now a room for 3 people. 5 people and one bathroom is very difficult. The house is very old it's just falling apart , like my grandma is always talking about how much she wishes that the house could get TRANSFORMED so she won't have to worry about nothing I just want everyone to be comfortable, and worry free. Can You Please HELP Us Out With A Home Makeover?! Thank You
Carlee says:
Hey my name is shay I have two kids I've been moving state to state with my kids with no place to go I just want a place where my kids can finally call home I just need some stability to finally get on my feet .
I would like to nominate my sister and boyfriend of 30+ years. My sister is a type 1 diabetic, and helps take care of her boyfriends family. They bought a tiny 2 bedroom home this year, but it is in need of major repairs. She helps take care of her boyfriends older deaf brother, and nephew with cerebral palsy. They have always struggled to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads, especially since the passing of his mother nearly 2 years ago. Neither of them would ask on their own, they are both stubborn and struggled with addictions in the past. I am just trying to help as a concerned older brother.
Hi My Name is Rhiannon and I am 35 and I have two kids 15 and 9 I just got married this March… I would love to have a home to call our own with a yard we have been in and out of shelters and living with family off and on it's been hard… It's hard with my husband being layed off work and my son is disabled it's hard to find a sitter do to his needs… I would be truly grateful for a blessing of this nature we could use a lift in our luck I would love to be a home owner that is our family goal thank you for your time
I am a 58 year old female who is disabled. I do not know where to begin because there have been so many ups & downs, above all it has been too much trauma over the years in my life and the ones closest to me.
I have to live with the loss of my youngest child(son) to brain cancer in 1996.
Loss of Grandparent to apparent suicide due to death of Grandchild & her own cancer that was 1997.
One celebration of grandson being born 1999 !!
Dealt with breast cancer in 2001 mastectomy was my cure.
Grandsons Dad Was Killed In 2002.
Life was a struggle with no where it seemed for me to turn.
I moved two and a half hours away from family & friends into my old home in 2005 it is over 55 years old and not much has changed inside .
I was unemployed due to lack of work in 2010 to 2013 in that time period of having a hernia 2012 then carpel tunnel on my hand in 2013 which has made hand disabled along with being diagnosed with severe rheumatoid arthritis and PTSD .I am no longer able to take care of maintenance around my home I have a very limited income due to disability and cannot afford much or have any extra cash.I rent 2 rooms in my home to people I have known for 30 yrs. to be able to afford to keep my home which has been a nightmare & huge cost from foreclosure Paying 6.25% since 2008 with no help in sight because of INCOME vs. DEBT Still having a loan balance for 89,000.00 . My daughter has degenerative disc disease where bones in lower spine have fused themselves together, 2 bone spurs that are pointing into the spinal cord and thyroid issues that need immediate attention before it becomes an emergency that does er-repairable damage. My biggest worry is yet to come when my daughter has to have 2 major surgeries leaving her completely more disabled, with 2 children at home ages 17 and 8 years of age they have been helping their mom since 2008 with her duties of chores because of the debilitating conditions at times.With a son to soon be 18 and moving away to college it will become more increasingly difficult for my daughter to achieve any of her own goals at home or dreams Her apartment is three floors which has increased her debilitating issues she has been there going on 9 years with 2 children and 2 dogs it is hard to find an apartment. I would love to be able to move back home have a place and space for all of us to live our dream of family and togetherness once again, It is too long a ride for myself to drive much longer to get to southern part of the state I have missed out on so much of their lives. My dream would be to have a tiny house out in the back with a tree house bedroom loft for myself and not worry about financial ruin because of health & other issues controlling our lives. A special common place for family & friends to gather & have very special times like we use to. To celebrate the lives of the ones we have lost instead of mourning the rest of ours ,a place to talk & be free about our last wishes and finding a way to grant those. Bucket lists accepted, I Wish. I can send a video of my house that is falling apart around me I am in need of roof repair badly the chimney mortar is gone from top to half way down brick are so loose, it is dangerous.Leaks from roof traveling down rafter to picture window frame damaging top and bottom frame trim. siding damage house & garage.The Cellar is a disaster I have open drains down inside of this with and old furnace & an unusable wood furnace that is piped into my furnace. ??? I can't do any of this ??? I had a flood in basement had to have a plumber come power jet drain out to front of house where I have a pipe that has broken off Only I am leaving the last for worst, my bathroom has the most damage & could cause health problems as well as my sill could be rotting away.I am not looking for a pity party just some help for this old 3 bedroom house & my old body to relax have 9.5 acre field that needs to be mowed or hayed with a wood lot out behind for a total of 41.97 acres trying to sell all or split property ??? do not know where else to turn. All is easier said than done
Thank You For Your Time.
Wishful Thinker From Maine
Hello Casting Crew for 'Dream Home'!!
In reading your discription of the show, I am incredibly intrigued. This sounds like a show I would watch, and given the opportunity we would love to be on the show!
To let you know a little bit about us, we are a family of characters, for sure. Through the years we have been through ups and downs but one thing is for sure, we ALWAYS find the silver lining and thus a reason to laugh. My name is Rachel and I am passionate about helping people in life, with great compassion for others that comes from a place of "I've been there, too". My husband's name is Herbie, and he is hillarious, generous, and genuine. Everyone who meets him loves him. Oh, and we have a 30 year age gap. The reason why I feel this show would be a perfect fit for our family is because combined we have six children. Our ultimate dream which we speak of often, and have always been working toward is a home for each of our children, and ourselves to live out our days positively impacting others with enough space for all of us. There are "dream home" concepts that we would love to work toward developing with your team, and given the chance we would have many laughs along the way. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to connecting with you further………as we build our "Dream House"!! Please call me for audition at (813) 379-1231.
Hello my name is James Wright and I'm 35 years and married to my beautiful wife of two years.I just told her about this and she said that she would love to do it but she is bound to a wheelchair. I am up for the challenge. We have been trying for many years to own a home but things just havent been able to work out with her being a diabetic and on dialysis. Last may she was in the ICU with congested heart failure and then in October my younger sister passed away and Jan15th my mother passed away right now we stay with my sister-in-law but we would like to be able to own our own home. Thank you for your time
I married a veteran who has seizures sometimes not al the time but we bought a house needs alittle work done to it and would love to be some help we have twins on the way and would like to have it done soon 🙂
I would love to be a part of this show.My past away and and i had to live with my grandma who is now very sick.Ever since she been sick the hose is really starting to crash with all the improvements needed in this house and bills needed to be laid i dont really get to buy that much stuff for myself only like a few outfits every so often.This house just means so much to us.it would mean so much if we get picked.
I am a single mother of two and a half kids. Yes, I am expecting. I'm due July 27, 2016. I currently live with my mom in her 2 bedroom with the rest of my family. Me and my former fiance and father of my last two kids, were living in a two family home in January… Unbenonced, to us, the other family of two of adults were occupying a meth lab that took a toll on my family. I was sick for a couple of months and just thought it was just from the pregnancy. So we got raided as a whole household because of the toxins fumes being exposed. We lost everything. We had to get donations. I lost my job due to stress and anxiety. So I was giving up hope! And just when I thought well, at least I have the love of my life and my kids, he was cheating on me. And now that I just started working as an IBO of AmeriplanUSA, funds are low. But I don't want him to feel I need him anymore. This will be a stepping stone in that direction, to just break away from my set backs. This is a major opportunity. I don't and won't ask for much. I just need a place to call home, that is mine. For me and my kids
By the way I wouldn't care about relocating at all I love New beginnings
Hi my name is Yolanda I have 2 kids I've been homeless since my daughter FATHER passed away in 2010 I haven't seem to get myself back on my feet we would love to have a Beautiful home to stay in because living from house to house is not good for two children that I think deserve so much better
Hi, I'm not sure where to start? My husband & I had $ problems so I moved back into my parents house with him& my two kids this was about 10yrs ago. Since then my husband left & my daughter is now living with my brother in Kentucky,& in college my son is now 12yrs old & he is still living at my parents house but my mother & I haven't talked in 5yrs because she didn't approve of the man I married ( even though we are separated) I need to get my son back with me but can't afford to on my own please help me get my son back with me & my daughter also, I would be forever grateful to have my family back together under one roof. Thank you
My name is Rita. I am writing in hopes that a family in our community will get picked for an extreme home makeover. The family is Rusty and Stacy Alexander. They have 2 children in which their daughter Paisley who is 3 years old was born with an extremely rare myotonic muscle condition called Shwartz Jampel Syndrome. Her muscles are extremely tight, her hips are externally rotated, making the simplest movements very difficult and painful at times. She has a walker to help her get around and eventually will need a wheelchair. She has already undergone many procedures and surgeries and will need more in the future. Her bedroom is currently upstairs due to how the house is built. This makes it extremely difficult for her. The family was in the process of trying to raise money to convert their garage into a bedroom and therapy room for Paisley. Three days after "Pass it on" was aired on WREG to help raise awareness and money to help this family, the father, Rusty was killed in an auto accident. They were barely making ends meet as it was due to Stacy having to give up her career to be a stay at home mom and to meet the many demands of Paisley's condition,having to see specialists throughout the United States, and with her therapy. Rusty was the sole provider for this family and now he is gone. They need help with absolutely everything and anything would help. The money that was donated for the remodel of the garage is now having to go to funeral expenses as well as other immediate living expenses. Please help this family.
Hello. We have been recently blessed with an opportunity to live in one of the oldest family members house. Lillian Deines was 2 wks shy of her 100th birthday when she passed this April. Her dream was to pass down her property family and live long and prosperous as she did. Lillian her late husband start their journey with this property in the mid to late 50's, in a shack. They continued to upgrade adding on around the original structure. As the add ons continued, more code violations, electrical concerns, and pipping issues have dramatically surfaced. Basically, the home has the homely touch of hard workers of the 50's, but we have a built-on shack! I would to honor Lillian's wish, but the home is no longer up to proper living standards. Please extreme makeover, help us to live on a dream inherited by one very special lady, who represents family in its very notion.
Please help my terminal cancer sister-in-law. She is a wonderful, strong, woman of faith. She has been a wife of a Marine for 20 years and her husband is a Correctional Officer of the Pima County Facility. She has terminal cancer and has recently been diagnosed with more new tumors throughout her body. My husband went to her home early this week and was in disbelief in the condition of her back yard. Mark does the best that he can when she has had her various Chemos'. My husband Jesus and I believe that she deserves a place where she can just relax and reflect so that she may do her best to battle her ultimate fight. Please come as soon as possible to give her a place that she deserves. She has always been a good person and has helped others any chance that is possible. Now she needs help <3
hello I am requesting that my sister-in-law would please receive an outstanding gift that she does deserves. Her husband has retired from the Air Force for @0 years and has worked in the Correctional Facility in Tucson for 10+ years. My sister in law has been an active Christian in the community and has also been a Family Child Care Provider for many years where she has been an asset in the community as well as in her Church. She has been battling with Cancer for 7 years now and has unfortunately has reached terminal cancer. Her cancer doctors are at a standstill and can no longer do much for her. I am just asking for an area so that she can retreat and have an area where she can have some peace. Her husband Mark, has been at her side for the last two weeks and hasn't been able to do much renovations in their home or their yard. The yard is full of weeds and in much need of care. Please take it in your consideration to help this upstanding family in need. Mark has missed the last two weeks of work to care for her. I honestly think that this case will pull on the heartstrings of this great community. Thank you for your future help. Message me asap 🙂
My name is Katrina living in Savannah Georgia.Me and my husband and two children been living in a hotel for 4 months.i need a home to stay in im doing my best to try to make it my husband is working. Im looking for a job. Can you help me please.
Hello Ty my name is Akilah Pettiford I am 19 years old and I am a full time college student majoring in Early Childhood Education. I stay in Greenville North Carolina. But I am originally from a small town call Plymouth also in North Carolina. I have 8 other siblings I'm the 3rd oldest. Growing up me and my oldest brother lived with my dad & would stay with my mom on weekends. My other siblings were living with my mother at the time my mom and dad ended up having another baby and he came to live with my dad as well. Growing up my mom always moved a lot. We have moved at least 3 or 4 times. My mom is very hardworking she is currently a CNA and working at a Nursing Home in a whole other town. Which is also very hard because she has no transportation. But she is very determined to make ends meet. She is also going to school to be a CNA2. My mom is my everything she beautiful & very smart. She will give us her last just to make sure that we're okay. But these last couple of months have been very hard for my mother and my siblings as of right now my mother and 4 of my siblings are homeless. They were living with my cousin in an apartment but the landlord ended up finding out. So right now my mother and siblings are bouncing from house to house. Me and my 2 older brothers were trying to think of anything that we could do to help them out & you were the first person that came in my head. I hate to have too see my mother go thru this because she is so loving and caring person. She doesn't know that I'm doing this for her so pleaseeeee pleaseeee pleaseee help me help her. I would do anything for you too help my family. Right now my oldest brother (Dashaun) is married and lives with his wife and children the 2nd oldest (Quadree) lives with my uncle and his girlfriend. I stay in a student apartment. The 4th oldest (Deandre)lives with his father he's the basketball star. The 5th oldest (Eunique) she lives with my mother and is in the 6th grade and works hard in school she stays on the honor roll. The 6th oldest (Samiyah) she is in the 4th grade she is aslo very smart and hardworking she stays on the honor roll as well. Th 7th oldest is (Brian) he is in the 1st grade he loves math and he loves The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The 8th Oldest is (Taj) he starts school this year coming up. And Last but not lease is (Tristian) he is the youngest but acts the oldest he 's very happy & always smiling. I just want my family to be Happy and not have to worry about where they're going to sleep at tonight. I want them too have something that they can call their own. I just want all of us to be together again. SOOOO PLEASE TY CAN YOU COME AND HELP MY FAMILY?
My husband is from Egypt. I am from St. Louis Mo. We now live in Florida.My husband has that Egyptian eye. We would love to be a pat of something big like this. We would be a unique twist for the viewer. 🙂 That for considering us.
My roots run deep in this small town. My home is anything but run down. Im very lucky to have what I do. Very humbled, with a heart that's true. My kitchen/dining/living room, needs some attention, and should be soon. As, last year a leak surprised us all. Under the sink, was a waterfall. Insurance laughed in my ear. What my policy DOES cover, is still unclear. So here I am, commenting away, hoping to intrigue the right person today.
I live in a house that belongs to my husbands grandmother and is about 40 years old now smells like a sewer and the bathrooms have mold we live here with our 3 kids and his grandmother we moved in to help her pay the mortgage since it was upside now but now the house is so unfit to live in but we cannot leave since my husbands grandmother says she worked so hard for it and honestly thats the truth plus we have no money to move we live pay check to pay check we just want to be able to live in a house that is safe for our family please help
I have a house that was left to me and my sisters. None of them want it and have said I can have it. the only problem with that is that its not livable. I would love the chance to live where I grew up, with my fiancé and son.
Hello, my name is Jackie and I live in Sedalia, Missouri. We are a very small town of about 20,000 in central Missouri. We have lived in our house for 20 years. We moved there right before the birth of our youngest child. We have a 25 year old daughter who just got married in September and a son who is 20 and lives with us and is attending college. Our world turned upside down four years ago when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had a mastectomy, 10 rounds of chemotherapy and 34 rounds of radiation treatments. My husband, children, and family were my rocks during this period in my life. Also my neighbors rallied around me bringing us meals, restaurant gift cards, gas cards which came in handy because for my radiation treatments I had to drive 1 1/2 hours each way to go to my treatments. It was a difficult period but we got through it with much help from others. I don't want to move because I like my neighbors and I don't want to leave them because they are part of our family. I like our house but going through cancer I have become aware of environmental and health hazards and I believe our house might be a health hazard. Some parts of our ceiling has mold, we have a damp crawl space, etc., etc.. We have no room to have our family over for any type of gathering. I think if we could redo our house we could make it family friendly so we could have family gatherings. A happy and healthy home is all I want. My husband works 10 hours plus each day at a bullet factory plus mows lawns in the summer. I work as a cook at Parkview elementary school. My son goes to college full-time and works nearly full-time as an archery bow-tech. We are not slackers by any means but there is no way we could make over our home with our incomes. It would give me such a piece of mind to know that we live in a healthy green living house with nothing that will harm our health. After going through cancer treatment and realize your own mortality you realize that God, family, and health are the really important things in life! I really don't think our home promotes health or family. I pray that you guys can help me out and makeover our home. I love watching your show and always thought how awesome you are to be able to change people's lives. I would love this for my family! Thank you for considering our application. God bless you!
For my location I am in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Thank you for this opportunity.
Hello, I am writing this on behalf of my aunt and uncle. They just recently bought a house in our city and its been about a year since they've moved in and they have been trying so hard to make the best house that they can. Both my aunt and uncle put their time in trying to make sure the house comes out in their dream. I've always told them if I had all the money in the world, I would hire someone to help them out because it would mean the world to me for them to have the house of their dreams. Nowadays they don't have much time for family, friends, or other activities because they're always trying to do housework. I used to always sleep over their house and now that doesn't happen as much because of how they busy they are with housework. I am writing this because I really wish I could have a team to help them out or even expand their ideas to be beyond their dreams. As this being their first house I believe they deserve it because they came so far and they are so hardworking and dedicated. I truly hope this is a possible opportunity. Thank you.
My name is Richard 30. I live with my girlfriend Kateria 28, son Levi 9, and daughter Mariah 4. We live in a 35 year old trailer. Our son Levi was born with a very rare disease called Menkes disease. It leaves him unable to do anything for himself. He doesnt talk although I can make him laugh and he can vocalize. He does have ocassional seizures. He dont take foods through the mouth because he tends to aspirate so he his only tube fed. Despite his life and the way it is, he is the most happiest guy ever all the time. If i could switch places with him i would. He is our hero. As he is getting older it is more difficult to care for him in a small trailer that has alot of problems. I wish i could afford to give my son everything he needs, especially a house designed around him. Thank you. We love you guys and everything you do. Levi would definetly appreciate all your help.
In 2010 my whole life fell apart.my mom past,my dad was admited for 8weeks in hospital he was in a car crash,my husband lost his job and our house burned down with everthing in it.since then we have been living in peoples living rooms back yards in shacks.its almost 6 years ago and my mom in law gave us a house but it needs a lot of work.i dont have the money to do it myself.i am a resturant manager my salary is R8000.00 a month we have three kids 16, 10 and 2 years.my husband suffer from bipoler,adhd and he is suffering from depression.i help my dad that is a pentioner.i would really want you guys to help me cos two weeks ago my house was broken into and everthing that i tryed to buld for my family was ransacked and stolen.,we dont even have a stove or hot water cos the geser was also stolen.my hart is broken cos im in so much dept that i wil neva be able to get thing back.give my kids the house they were surpose to have.i pray that the lord will show u my aplication.i know i live in South Africa Cape Town.its very far from u but i hope u can help me.i cant even invite people over for dinner cos we have nothing again.please help.
My husband and I just got married and had our first baby and bought our first home with no experience obviously it is way more than we can afford to fix and no matter how many double shifts we pull we probably won't be able to afford to insulate properly and even get rid of most of the mold which is no good for baby or us. I was also diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis which is very painful so I am unable to help with even small home renovations and husband missing a lot of work to help with baby since I can't lift him well this would mean the world to my family mostly for baby safety and something good coming from something devastating would be a wonderful dream come true
My name is Tammy, it's hard just writing this as tears flow. Our life all came to a stop 8 years,ago. I was diagnosed with multiple Schelorsis just saying it brings back the horrible day I was told with my husband in Atlanta. We went from two income to 1 income. Our 4 beautiful children who now we have two in college one about to graduate and attend med school to help take care of me and hopefully find a cure, our other daughter in Nursing to help when my husband and I grow older, our 3 a junior in high school and our son who is 13. We have had tough tough challenges as the day Fer Christmas our home caught on fire besides heavy smoke damage , our walls, duck system in our home we tried putting our life back together. Then a leak started with mold growing in our bedroom where I am most of the time because my health just installed improving. And haging two in college and my treatments we can't seem to catch a break. Then we had a break in which damage our windows and we saved to replace. My husband went back to college while I was pregnant with our third to help better provide for our family. But we didn't know what our future was and God bless this man he works hard, but my treatments are so high that it takes all we have to live. Our den is totally demolished while everything is packed in the living room. We have no heat so we use space heaters to keep warm. We have no complaints we warm each other we the love we have as a family. I know you hear so mm any stories but before this disease truly has me as I just got home after another long stay in bhm hospital with yet another infection. Then came bck with pneumonia. Our faith is strong and if its,God's wI'll you will see this if not then I congratulate the winners. My husband has never and would never ask for help but he tries so hard as it took us a year to buy flooring after we purchased the flooring I got sick and then on a vent in ICU and the medical bills came in heavily. My dream in life is to have a home I can rest in when I'm home from treatments. Thank you as it was so hard just telling a glimpse of our story. We live your show but we the heart is what makes it special. Tammy klimek Prattville Alabama
I purchased a home two years ago from my son father only to find out that he wasn't the rightful owner. I was sued and me and my two children lost everything. My dream was crushed and now I have to start over. I've lost hope after all the attorney fees that has occurred. Now I'm paying rent and was recently laid off and currently looking for light at the end of the tunnel.
Hi!!! I'm writing on behalf of my family. I live with my father, step mother, older brother and little brother(half brother). We live in Parkville , Maryland. Not the most interesting place in the world by far I know. We've been living in our residence for about 4 years now and it's been falling apart ever since we moved in. Both my parents work , however my father is the soul provider and has been all my life. He works so hard. He would finay get a full night of sleep if you helped us fix this place so that we could finally call it our home again and this time for good.
Hi I am Dorian I am writing on behalf of my mom. We live in ohio in a small 2 bedroom apt. Things have been hard for my mom but she never gives up. She works 2 jobs at times just to make sure me and my 3 brothers have what we need. There are nights I hear her crying and praying but she always show us her hard side.she is in school trying to better herself but I want to see my mom finally happy. I graduate school next year and honestly I'm scared because I don't want to leave my mom and my brothers struggling. She pushes me to be a good man and stay in school. But I would love for u all to show her that God does answers prayers. Please help our family. Dorian Scott Cincinnati Ohio.
my name is Rhonda Barr and I would like to submit an application to get some help for my mother who has recently adopted my children ages 3 and 15 and my brothers youngest daughter was currently resides at pinnacle point hospital in little rock ark. my brother passed away in 2013 June 20th of stage 4 rectall colon cancer and two months later I was diagnosed with stage invasive carsinoma breast cancer and couldn't receive my last 5 treatment because of heart damage. she took out a 2nd morgatdge two add two rooms to have enough room room for all of the children and these rooms are covered with mold and appliances are getting old enough to be replaced but her credit cards are maxed out and these children are active in school activities and the house is literally falling in because of water damage from water leaks in our bathroom and have no way to fix them. we are so desperate for help to make this a safer and better place to raise these children and we live in the country and have only one vehicle to keep these children in the band activities and make my doctors appointments that its getting next to impossible,if you could consider us for a home make over it would be an answer to our families prayers before our house completely falls in I couldn't thank you enough. my moms phone number is 879-919-0219 please help us. she along with the rest of this family have no where else to turn to. thank you for allowing me to make a quick comment about our desperate problems and send us an application. thank you
Life is very rough for many families these days including mine ,wish all could be helped. My 63 old husband john resently lost his leg ,we are trying to redo parts our home. It is pretty hard for john but he's still going…takes longer to do any project. To be honest with you I'm burnt out from life in the last 2 years and could sure use a little help
Want an amazing project? Imagine a stunning Victorian built in 1890 in a small railroad town in New Hampshire. A lovely wood mill churning out bathtubs and wash buckets. The owner of the home giving out pieces of his land to any worker who wanted to build his home upon it…This would be the Lovering Home in Sandown NH. After the mill went up in flames the home sat dormant for 60 years until finally it sold again. The family that purchased it did some updates (electricity, plumbing) and then sold it again to no other than the family who later adopted the boy who divorced his father! The house has amazing history. I bought the home in 2012 but the home was gutted after a foreclosure and shortly after buying this home – my dream home – my husband lost his job. I have an auto-immune disease and can only do so much at a time, but still I've been putting in insulation and doing the best that I can in the short periods of time that I have both money and strength. My husband now works nights at McDonald's in order to help pay the bills and sleeps during the day. This house still has original tin ceiling and walls in the downstairs – but my kitchen is an ikea kit that I put together myself, the upstairs bathroom tub can't be used because it leaks into the parlor downstairs…The house could be the most stunning house in town again – if I could just get some help. This house has a carriage shed with an oil pit built in for the first car in town, the Model A Ford…You just have to see this house to know how amazing it could be!
My name is Dan Cormany and I am a draftsman, carpenter, and musician. I would like to submit the Barton family. I have known this family for a long time and I truly believe that they.Charlie and Dawn Barton have 10 children and live in a small 2 bedroom house that does not suit them in the least. I am submitting this family because of the sacrifices they have made in the past. For four years, the family opened their home to troubled teenagers who had been disowned or rejected by their families. Over 1500 teenagers lived in their household over a period of four years.
Last summer, the family experienced the loss of two children (didn't survive birth) and have helped two of their children beat addictions.
The members of this family have always put the needs of others before their own and have both suffered and prospered. I understand that there are thousands of families that are in troubling situations and no situation is worse than another. I pray that all the people would have their dream come true. would really appreciate if Dream Home would consider this family. Thank you and God bless.
I would like to submit my sister, Lorraine Maddux , for consideration. She is a single mother of four struggling to make ends meet and finish her nursing degree. Her youngest, Isabella, has Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which makes her very vulnerable to a plethora of other ailments. The home they are renting has a basement that floods when it rains causing mildew and mold issues which is detrimental to Isabella's respitory system. Lorraine struggles every month to make ends meet by working while she continues to finish her schooling to provide a better life for her childern. Medical bills are a huge issue due to Isabella's lifelong illness. My sister is a phenomenal inspiration but I fear she may never see the light at the end of the tunnel. Please consider my sister and her family for their dream home as it is very hard for her to find a suitable and affordable home. Thank you.
Hi my name is Hailey. I nominate my mom. She pays way to much attention to others and their feelings than hers. Our house is falling apart and I hope you see this sincere. My mom has scoliosis and other disabilities so her doctors wont let her work. When I said she spends way to much time focusing on others I meant it she cry's every day because people rip her off and she is still a generous nice person I love my mom so much. I hope you pick my mom because she needs and deserves this. Thanks
My dad just got engaged him and his girlfriend
Are living in my grandma's basement
My works in my grandfather's removal company
Since my grandfather passed away.
They would do
Rubbish & debris removal
Interior demotion /dismantling
Before my dad got engaged me and him
made a floor plan for my dream house
It is a colonial Georgian red brick and is a
Replica of the Famous Home Alone Home
In Winnetka IL.
I would like to see my dad his new girlfriend
Have their own place before they get married
Next February
Hi my name is Samp carter , I'm writing this letter for my grandmother she lives in baton rouge la. My grandmother is the sweetest person you would want to know! She is 75 yrs old and thinks of everyone but herself she brought her home when I was 8 but since then her husband who was helping her died! Her home needs a extreme make over! She is taking care of her son that is sick now now and is not ble to help her! His lady my grandmother will be a good example for your show when it comes to helping a person That is definite worthy and is in need of your help. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to post this message!
gofundme.com/ttq4mj4 I would really apreciate all the help we can get, this isnt just for me its for my mom also. We live is a reallllly tore up house in Daleville Indiana the ceilings caved in and the floors are close to the same. We dont even have a shower. We have one sink that works and our toilet is broken. The neighbors keep calling sanitary because our house is falling apart and stuff blows over to their yard. My mom bought the house with her whole tax check as a last resort and I am tired of seeing my family struggle. Please please help! It has been like this since my moms husband passed away with cancer the day before his birthday is 2013. She also just found out that she has COPD and Bronchitis and she is gaining weight fast because she cant breath when she excersices. I have been looking for a job every where and no one will hire me with no education. I am going to get my GED this summer and i dropped out of highschool because I was bullied A LOT, even by teachers and parents. Please contact me if possible. I am 18 years old.
My name is Mattie. And my mother and father passed away. The house belong to family now. My brother and his family live in the house now. They have a daughter that is handicap. It is a two bedroom house and 5 of the live there and. I raise my grandson as well. The house is a very small my daughter is in a while wheelchair and it is hard to get around. The was house was bulited in 1928 roof need help. Thanks for your hep.
Hi I'm asking for help for my friend she is a mother of 2and pregnant with a third her son is 10 years old and has muscular dystrophy he is going to be in a wheelchair very soon and they live in a small apartment that is not big enough for her son to move around she is always helping everyone around her and is doing her very best but everything just keeps getting harder and harder and she's starting to loose hope all I want is for her and her family to be able to enjoy life in way they haven't been able to do in a long time somewhere that her son can move around in his wheelchair and be home please help my friend give her son a place where he can be free to move around thank you
Please go to loveforlonandraleigh.com and read their story. This is a perfect Extreme Makeover Story. You won't want to miss this. Please Please read it.
I really want to be a part of this show! I have watched many shows like this and now that we own our home it would be a dream come true if we could have a dream home. We live in Northern Maine and my husband is 34 and I am 32 and we have 2 beautiful little girls ages 6 and 2. We own a very small 700 square foot home that is only one bedroom one bathroom. We turned what used to be a garage into a bed room and there is no heat in this room and there is 3 different levels of flooring which makes it somewhat dangerous and it is only painted ply-wood. When it is -30 below in the winter it is 20 degrees in that room. My 2 year old is now in this room with us and we have to use space heaters to keep it warm which has been causing us to be in great debt because our electric bill is over 300 dollars a month. We have a roof that leaks in our kitchen and the other bedroom has no more insulation left due to the home being built in 1932 and it was insulated with sawdust. Every window in our home is not properly sealed and the floors are getting old as well. Our basement is partially finished and there is an opening in the wall were you can see dirt and there is always water pouring out of it which caused us to loose a lot of items that were of sentimental value due to mold. Long story short our home is basically falling apart around us and is so small for the 4 of us to live in. I have been praying and hoping for 4 years now that we could get some kind of assistance to fix our home up since we own it (it was left to us in my husband's grandmothers will when she passed away)and we cant afford to do any type of work to it. I am a full time college student who will have a BA of Science in Psychology in 3 months and my husband works for a small local restaurant and we make just enough money to barley make ends meet. I want my children to grow up in a home that they can be proud to call home. It breaks my heart when I hear my 6 year old daughter asking us if we can get a bigger home with a nice yard to play in and its just not something that we can afford. This would absolutely be a miracle if we could get a dream home. My husband and I have been together 9 years and have moved 6 times in 9 years and now we are stuck living in this very small home. I keep telling my children to be happy that we have a home to live in and I keep telling myself that we can make this tiny place work just like people did in the olden days but it just keeps getting harder and harder as our girls are growing up. There is also no closets or storage anywhere in this home which makes our home and yard look dirty and cluttered. God bless people like you who can help make dreams like this come true!
hi my name is suzanne i live in minn with my mom Dolly and Brother Tim and Tori and Toni my angels tori and toni are twins and they have RETT Syndrome they don't walk talk and are legally blind my mom has custody of the girls who are going to 29 in aug my brother tim has been fighting cancer he has showed up DOA at hospital 3 times docter are amazed t0 see him walk in to there office none of them thought that he would pull threw he has a pain pump now and now his pain is still there but he can tolerate the cancer ate his spine away he is 3 inches shorter, my mom well she is my saint she is 75 she is a diabetic her feet are so swollen and she can barely walk and for me i was in a coma in oct of 2013 i still don't feel like i did before my memory is not what it once was so we all live together on 40 acres split entry we really need a one level home theres no room for all the girls equipment they have a apartment downstairs one bedroom kitchenette mom has a bed where she sleep in living room it wood be so nice if mom could have her own bedroom and the girls dint have to share one and my brother dint have to break his back going up and down the stairs and as for me i would be satisfied with that i pray that are story touches your harts thank you and god bless
Dear Ty. I am a 5o year old teacher and had been teaching for 28 years. Both my husband snd I are teaching and at the same high school. We have twins, which we had very late in our marriage because I struggled to fall pregnant. I attended an infertility clinic for years and had two miscarriages, before they finally arrived. A God send. They are turning 14 at the end of May, a boy and girl, but they are still sharing a bedroom. We do extra work,selling fresh fruit, but it never seems enough. I however have a roof over my head and I know that u are auditioning for makeover for homes, but at the school where my husband and I are teaching, are in dire need of a proper room, cafeteria where they can have their meals and proper area where they can relax during break. Another thing that I neglected to mentioned, is that I am from South Africa, Cape Town, which I think would count against me. Our leaners come from a disatvantage community. Their schoolfees comes to R300 per annum, which most of them can't afford. We have a government feeding scheme going, but is also depending on sponsors from donors. We would appreciate it tremendously if you and ABC could find it in your hearts to come here, see for yourself, to improve our condition we find ourselves in. We watch your programme regularly. It will also be your first South African one. Please consider my application favourably. Thank you in advance. Love the good work you are doing. June Stone.
Hi I'm a mother of four girls,we moved into my grandmother house which she worked to get but she passed away so I'm trying to keep a piece of my family history to past down to my girls but so much work is needed and it's really to much to bare with mold lead in the home so please help
hi my name is Shannon writing on behalf of my grandpa Wilbert. He is an Native American Navajo Tribe, he has been and survived the world war. He has been an officer of the law, My grandpa his living situation is unlivable. he lives in an old house that he built himself a long time ago him and my grandma built there home together. My grandma Grace ended up passing away, to leave him with this house that is unlivable and cant get the strength because of a bad back and legs feel are giving out. the house he lives in as you walk in the ceiling is leaking with buckets getting filled now of course that will happen when it rains or snows. The door frames are corroded where plastic bags have to be placed to keep the cold air out. The floor is wood and feel like that's the next thing to corroded. It needs to stay strong so Grandpa can get around still in his house he loves… The Kitchen as you walk in , he has one of those old stoves that you have to put wood in to warm up the house there is no heater where we are so lucky to just switch on. his stove he has is getting older and older but its the only thing that warms his house up. he uses to warm up water as well. Now there is running water finally. He had to use an outhouse, now the toilet u have to put the tissue in the garbage next to the toilet due to the toilet not being able to flush. there is a sign in the bathroom says put tissue in trash.. its sad but that is what he has to do. Now on the outside of the house around the base of the house is also being corroded the concrete having holes so trash bags and mud feels in those holes so the water and cold air don't get to the base of the house. The windows on grandpas house some are boarded no new windows to be replaced so boards are up to keep cold air out. My grandpas helped us through fighting in the war. He deserves his house to be fixed up, His wife is no longer with us but I know she would want him to live longer and stay stronger!!!! I feel if we can give him a safe house ,and he is able to use the restroom and have it flush … as well as a nice meal in a nice warm house. My grandpa will be able to live and stay Stronger EVERYDAY!!! 🙂 I feel like my grandpa is the old man in the movie "UP" loves his wife and would Travel all over the world for her… He deserves A House Please HELP ME make this DREAM come TRUE!!!
Thanks Shannon….
We need help our house is home is really bad so please help we live in Texas
My name is Joanna. I am a very hard worker. I am a school teacher and a single mom. I have another part time job plus I do other extra things but still cannot seem to make it. I bought a house and a few years back the roof started to give me trouble. I have tried to get it fixed but just don't have the funds to fix it correctly. The people who claimed they can fix it have not fixed it. The rainy season is coming and I found another leak plus I found numerous patches of water stain. Please help me get a new roof.
My aunt was diagnosed with thymoma which is a very rare cancer. She was in the 1% to have it. She almost lost her life. We've done all we can to help out, provided them with new furniture, & starting fundraisers. Praise the lord, after her surgeries, the doctors had gotten it all out. Just a few months ago, she found out she has breast cancer, & just tonight, she was told the thymoma is back. So now she is fighting 2 cancers at once. The doctors are worried, & so am I, she was supposed to start chemo in a few weeks, but now can't. We put it in Gods hands, but with the hospital bills, & the medicines she has to take to keep her up, they don't have much money. I would more than love for them to experience something like this. It would bring so much joy to her heart. Thank you.
My daughter and her husbands house is ahomehe started and cant finish he lost his arm in a motercycle accident and its not finished thereis no insalation in most of it she has scoliosas bad and trying to work it takes all he makes to pay powerbills on it all pluming is leaking its a badsituationthere strugling hard and they still find time to valontier at church please they need help so bad and there verry deserving please please help them
I am a wife and a mother of 2 boys 8 and 10 years old. I am a breast cancer survivor of 4 years. I was diagnosed with cancer in 2010. I had chemo and double mastectomy in Feb 2011.. We currently have a hefty mortgage due to refinancing and bill consolidating and are up to our eyeballs in credit card debt. We have zero equity in our home. I am a bartender and have worked on and off in between surgeries. I have had 9 surgeries over last 4 years with the last one being January 2015. Finally after hopefully my last surgery I started to bounce back a little bit and then on March 10th I lost my best friend, my father. My dad passed away unexpectedly. My dad has given me and my family his home on a lake. A beautiful mortgage free home. Now your wondering why I'm even writing to you right? The home has a crack in the foundation which has caused allot of water damage and severe mold growth. I was made aware that my father had filed a claim for water damage in his basement back in 2006. Claim was denied. He closed the door to the basement and let it go for all these years. Its horrible. Every rug we pulled up and bathtub we lifted there was more rot and mold. Everything is damaged including walls, floors, kitchen, bathrooms and there is still the leak in foundation. My dad worked so hard to pay off his home so that he had something to leave his grandsons and their mommy. I've lost my dad, I don't want to loose his home he wanted for us. HELP :-/
Hello, my name is Anaya. I am 16 years old, turning 17 In July. I have been acting since I was 4 years old.I've been in the musicals,attented several acting schools and acting programs. I’m experienced,Hard working and humble.This Casting Call seems very Interesting.I am a very motivated person.Im also willing to take a chance for a big experiece like this.
Hair:Jet Black
Eye color:Dark Brown
Ethnicity:Biracial,Puerto Rican,Guyanese
My fiancé and I Just had a baby girl named Remi. She was born with a broken clavicle and erbs palsy. with all of her medical bills and physical therapy. we just don't have the means to ever buy our own home. We would like to own an home someday and give are baby girl the life we never had as children.
Hi my home is a contract for deed. I'm currently fixing my credit so I can refinance it and fully call it my own.
My husband and I have moved 16 times since we been married . We have been together for 35 yrs and married almost 29 yrs. we finally decided to think wisely after going through some rough terrain. We would like to own a home someday.